Bernie Sanders Gets Hero’s Welcome at University of Virginia
“addressed a packed auditorium at the University of Virginia’s Old Cabell Hall that was left with standing room only”

This is where we are now. Republicans of any stripe get protested on college campuses. Aging socialists who have never had a job in the real world get applause.
The Roanoke Times reports:
UVa audience gives rock star treatment to Sen. Bernie Sanders
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders passionately addressed a packed auditorium at the University of Virginia’s Old Cabell Hall that was left with standing room only on Thursday evening.
The visit was part of a tour promoting Sanders’ new book “It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.”
“The book breaks through a lot of the irrelevant discussion that takes place regarding politics in America,” the senator, who identifies as a socialist but caucuses with Democrats, told his audience. “I wanted to tell the American people that politics is more than polls, it’s more than dumb things politicians say. … It is asking you, what you might think is an easy question, but it’s not. What’s going on in American life today? Who’s winning?”
“The rich,” the audience responded in unison.
“The rich,” Sanders agreed.
The senator’s book, released on Feb. 21, reiterates Sanders’ positions in favor of income equality, inflation control, eliminating student loan debt, increasing taxes on billionaires and major corporations, limiting artificial intelligence and job automation and supporting local news to prevent news deserts.
Larry Sabato, director at UVa’s Center for Politics, introduced the free ticketed event by calling Sanders a “very consistent” politician who has been focused on serving the shrinking middle class and addressing the growing income and wealth gap that exists in the United States.
Sabato also said tickets for the event sold out within 30 minutes of being posted on the Center for Politics website.
“What other elected official could do that?” he asked the audience.
UVa students were lined up outside of Old Cabell Hall as early as 4 p.m. to get the best seats in the house and the best views of Sanders. Several younger attendees seated in the first few rows of the lecture hall were wearing shirts that said “Bernie Sanders” in rainbow lettering and “I Love Bernie.”

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“What other elected official could do that?” he asked the audience.”
I was going to say Harold Hill, but he was never actually elected to anything.
“Harold Hill is a suburban area in the London Borough of Havering, East London. 16.6 miles (26.7 km) northeast of Charing Cross. ”
“Professor” Harold Hill.
Thank you, sir.
“Aging socialists who have never had a job in the real world get applause.”
Of course. Remove the first word, and you have also described his applauders.
“It is asking you, what you might think is an easy question, but it’s not. What’s going on in American life today? Who’s winning?’
‘The rich,’ the audience responded in unison.
‘I am,’ Sanders agreed.”