UN Inspectors Find Weapons-Grade Uranium at Iran Nuke Site

As President Joe Biden admits his failure to restore the 2015 Iran deal, the Shia-Islamic regime is on the cusp of building a nuclear bomb. According to the UN watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Tehran is enriching near-weapons-grade uranium needed for a nuclear bomb.

The UN nuclear inspectors “found traces of uranium enriched to near-weapons grade at a site connected to Iran’s nuclear programme,” the Times of London disclosed Monday.

While the Biden State Department conducted lengthy negotiations in hopes of cutting a nuclear deal with Tehran, the regime has been raising its uranium stockpile. “Uranium enriched to 60% levels of purity swelled during nuclear talks,” Bloomberg reported while breaking the story.

Bloomberg added:

International atomic monitors in Iran have detected uranium enriched to levels just below nuclear weapons-grade, risking an escalation over Tehran’s expanding program.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is trying to clarify how Iran accumulated uranium enriched to 84% purity — the highest level found by inspectors in the country to date, and a concentration just 6% below what’s needed for a weapon

The development was reported by Bloomberg on Sunday, citing two senior diplomats. Iran had previously told the IAEA that its centrifuges were configured to enrich uranium to a 60% level of purity. (…)

Inspectors need to determine whether Iran intentionally produced the material, or whether the concentration was an unintended accumulation within the network of pipes connecting the hundreds of fast-spinning centrifuges used to separate the isotopes. It’s the second time this month that monitors have detected suspicious enrichment-related activities.

Uranium enriched to 60% levels of purity swelled during nuclear talks.

In an interview on Jan. 23 the US’s envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, said Tehran was “only a handful of weeks away from having enough weapons grade uranium” but taking the further step of developing an actual weapon is “a different matter” and so far the US had no evidence of it.

Western diplomatic sources backed the revelations made by the UN nuclear watchdog. “Iran has taken a major step towards acquiring a nuclear weapon, it emerged on Sunday, as diplomats revealed that it has enriched uranium to levels just short of the threshold for a bomb,” the British newspaper Telegraph reported Tuesday.

Biden Admin Admits Obama-Era Deal Dead

With fresh evidence of Iranian nuclear treachery, Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken came close to admitting that the Obama-era deal was dead. “Blinken accused Tehran of failing to engage and said the JCPOA was not on the table now,” Reuters reported Tuesday.

Reuters covered Secretary Blinken’s comments:

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Tuesday it was up to Iran to engage to resolve a deadlock over its nuclear programme, and accused it of enabling Russian aggression in Ukraine.Blinken, who was visiting Athens, said the United States was committed, together with Israel, to ensuring that Tehran “never acquire a nuclear weapon”.”That’s not exactly news. The president (Joe Biden) has been very clear that every option is on the table to do that,” Blinken told a news conference alongside his Greek counterpart, Nikos Dendias.Blinken accused Tehran of failing to engage and said the JCPOA was not on the table now.”We continue to believe that, with regard to the nuclear programme, the most effective, sustainable way to deal with the challenge it poses is through diplomacy. But in this moment, those efforts are on the backburner because Iran is simply not engaged in a meaningful way,” Blinken said.”A lot depends on what Iran says and does and whether or not it engages.”

Israel Ramping Up Strike Capabilities Against Iran’s Nuke Program

With President Biden bumbling into another foreign policy failure, Israel is working on a military option to destroy Iran’s secret (largely fortified and underground) nuclear infrastructure.

Israeli news reports said that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is getting close to signing a deal with Boeing to procure F-15IA jets and KC-46 refueling tankers. Acquiring U.S.-made refueling aircraft will enhance Israel’s ability to carry out long-range bombing raids.

The Times of Israel reported Monday:

The chief of the Boeing aircraft manufacturer’s defense wing was in Israel on Sunday and Monday to advance the supply of new, long-awaited refueling planes and fighter jets for the Israeli Air Force looking to boost its capabilities to strike Iran.Speaking to reporters at the Boeing Israel offices in Tel Aviv, Ted Colbert, the Boeing Defense, Space and Security President and CEO said the company would be supplying Israel with 25 F-15IA fighter jets — the Israeli variant of the advanced F-15EX — with options for 25 more.The military is looking to both add to and upgrade its existing fleet of F-15s, which can carry the kind of heavy weapons Israel would need to penetrate Iran’s nuclear sites, most of which are buried deep underground.

Tags: Antony Blinken, Biden Foreign Policy, Biden Iran, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Israel, State Department, United Nations