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Pacific University Oregon Accused of Banning ‘Whites From Campus Events’

Pacific University Oregon Accused of Banning ‘Whites From Campus Events’

“The university’s multiple cases of illegal race-based discrimination suggests that they are either unacceptably unaware that this type of racial discrimination is illegal”

The left keeps proving that they are the racists they constantly accuse others of being.

The College Fix reports:

Oregon university faces civil rights complaint for excluding whites from campus events

A federal civil rights complaint has been filed against Pacific University Oregon over several events that appear to segregate participants by race and exclude white people.

The complaint was filed Jan. 25 and cites six separate examples of the alleged discriminatory practices, primarily events held exclusively for students and faculty of color.

“The university’s multiple cases of illegal race-based discrimination suggests that they are either unacceptably unaware that this type of racial discrimination is illegal or they are instead inexcusably unconcerned about unlawfully violating the civil rights of certain groups of students (whites/non-BIPOCs),” Mark Perry, who filed the complaint, said in an email to The College Fix.

Perry is a University of Michigan Flint emeritus economics professor who has filed dozens of similar complaints over the last several years against many universities.

Perry told The Fix his latest complaint against PUO cites “six different BIPOC-only, no whites allowed programs, social events, forums and graduation ceremonies for faculty, staff and students.”

The complaint against Pacific University Oregon alleges the campus events violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity that receives federal funds or other federal financial assistance,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Perry’s complaint cites various events, including an informal “get-to-know-you” event, a staff open house, a weekly club meeting, an alumni forum, an exclusive graduation ceremony, and an informal cocktail outing.

He cites a September 2022 “BIPOC Staff & Faculty Hoopla,” stating in his complaint “that as the name indicates and the event website confirms was a BIPOC-only event.”

The complaint also lists an October 2022 BIPOC Mentorship Program open house “that as the name indicates and the event website confirms was a BIPOC-only event.”

Perry also flagged an event hosted every Wednesday during the fall 2022 semester called “BIPOC Let’s Talk: A Confidential Space for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to Talk, Find Support and Establish Community.”


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George_Kaplan | February 9, 2023 at 7:35 pm

Doesn’t PoC include Whites? If it doesn’t then they’re applying an exclusivist and discriminatory definition to huesshadestones that wouldn’t be recognised anywhere else.

Of course, these events are sponsored by the same people who accuse white conservatives of being racist without any actual evidence. The hypocrisy is blinding.

MontanaMilitant | February 10, 2023 at 1:19 pm

Why aren’t they honest and call it what it is? Anti-European.