North Korea Defector Compares ‘Woke’ Education in America to Regime She Escaped
“At Columbia University they were literally saying that all the problems that we have is because of capitalism, because of white men, and the solution for all these problems is a communist revolution in the name of equity.”

Yeonmi Park escaped from North Korea to live in freedom in the United States. She says that the leftist ‘woke’ ideology that has infected American education is frighteningly similar to what she fled.
We have written about Ms. Park before and you should hear her amazing story.
If anyone knows what real oppression looks like, it’s someone who has lived in North Korea. Just remember, Park is not complaining. She is offering a warning.
FOX News reports:
North Korean defector shocked at what she learned at ‘woke’ Ivy League school: ‘Brainwashing’
A North Korean defector issued a stark warning Monday on “woke” ideology in American classrooms, believing the U.S. could “absolutely” be headed down the path of her home rogue regime if it doesn’t reverse course.
Author Yeonmi Park joined “Fox & Friends First” to discuss the parallels between far-left indoctrination within her Ivy League education at Columbia University and “brainwashing” in North Korea.
“The things that I was learning at Columbia University really shocked me because it was the exact same thing that my North Korean teachers were brainwashing me in the classroom,” Park told Todd Piro. “At Columbia University they were literally saying that all the problems that we have is because of capitalism, because of white men, and the solution for all these problems is a communist revolution in the name of equity.”
“They were saying that we need to destroy this country, and we need to rebuild the country in the name of equality of outcomes, and that same ideology drove my home country into what it is that state North Korea,” she continued.
Watch the video below:
North Korean defector shocked at what she learned at 'woke' Ivy League school: 'Brainwashing'
Yeonmi Park said Columbia teachings were 'exact same' ideas she learned in North Korea. Colleges don't educate in America they Brainwash.— LMAO @ Liberals and Democrats. (@Buffalo97269241) February 13, 2023
Here’s more from the New York Post:
“They were in Manhattan, living in the freest country you can imagine, and they’re saying they’re oppressed? It doesn’t even compute,” Yeonmi Park told The Post of students at her alma mater, Columbia University. “I was sold for $200 as a sex slave in the 21st century under the same sky. And they say they’re oppressed because people can’t follow their pronouns they invent every day?”
The 29-year-old defected from North Korea as a young teen, only to be human-trafficked in China. In 2014, she became one of just 200 North Koreans to live in the United States — and, as of last year, is an American citizen.
Now, three years after she graduated from Columbia with a degree in human rights, Park is raising alarm bells about America’s cancel culture and woke ideology…
In an interview this week with The Post, Park recalled what it was like to be a North Korean defector who escaped tyranny and oppression only to meet college students intent on claiming victim status and earning oppression points. She dubbed her alma mater a “pure indoctrination camp” and said many of her classmates at New York City’s most elite school were “brainwashed like North Korean students are.
“I never understood that not having a problem can be a problem,” Park said. “They need to make injustice out of thin air or a problem out of nowhere, because they haven’t experienced anything like what other people are facing in the world.”
The left has planted a mental virus in the minds of millions of young people who think they’re oppressed in the most free country on the planet.
Featured image via YouTube.

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“The left has planted a mental virus in the minds of millions of young people who think they’re oppressed in the most free country on the planet.”
Why would they think they’re oppressed? They look around and see people who have more than they do and say, “Hey I want that.”
How are you going to get it? “We need to destroy this country, and we need to rebuild the country in the name of equality of outcomes.”
….. and having a “1619” quality history education, they have no clue how an “equality of outcomes” government would end up for them. Note all the Russians their age conscripted to fight in Ukraine, or falling from tall buildings, or the millions killed under Stalin.
I’m amazed this lady gets airtime. She attacks the popular narrative by spouting simple truths that anyone with life experience already knows, and she can substantiate every one of them from personal and objective history.
As one that shares her human rights perspective of the silliness of first world practitioners that dominate the field, excellent post.
It falls on deaf ears. Past slavery is more important than present slavery for the people without real problems, many of whom act from greed. It’s shameful and they deserve to be called out for the hypocrisy and misery they contribute to.
Sorry for the rant.
It’s like I arrived in America and stepped into a time warp: forward to the past.
From my source for reliable, up to the minute news: Romans 1
What happens when the gov’ts of men (Romans 13) become the very thing Romans 1 condemns? Or when the gov’ts of men refuse to protect their charge (by God (Romans 13)) from the wickedness described by Romans 1?
I’m hopeful for a day of reckoning and vengeance, Gibbie. You?
It is tragic but not surprising that a defector from North Korea and China, two of the worst regimes on the planet, found that American education was as engaged in indoctrination as North Korea
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that lefty brats at the college tell her that she doesn’t know anything about communism.
Find her other produced content. Such lucid engagement.
Her book is still on my backlog, but her long-form interview with Jordan Peterson(*) is the same kind of illuminating, terrifying, horrifying, and chilling as the little here.
(*) Independent of anything else, Kermit Hitler is a remarkable long-form interviewer. This may be his most effective format, way, way beyond his “talks.” (Tho I find his recorded university lectures tremendous. The best.)
She’d do better with a detailed anecdote or three, than simply repeating the same introductory paragraphs the interviewer uses. We’ve known them since the Soviet Union came on line. Of course we know them better now that our HR departments force the same catechism on would-be executives and college professors – Seattle has a doozy of a course for hopeful job-seekers.
It’s curious that we old white males who’ve supported the civil rights movement since the 1950s, and got the Civil Rights act passed, did it as a battle against racial discrimination. Now the bigots of wokery are doing their best to force racial discrimination on all employers, private and government. I don’t like it a bit better the second time around.