In Era of Man-Made Global Warming Doom-Casting, Who Knew Frost Quakes Would Be a Thing?

It hasn’t even been three weeks since the World Economic Forum in Davos wrapped up.

Legal Insurrection readers will recall it ended with former secretary of state John Kerry inadvertently admitting that the issue of climate change is all about money while the elites pushed insect-based diets on the rest of the global population in the name of protecting the climate from man-made global warning.

A polar vortex is recently peaked across the North East.

The bitter cold will be caused by a southward plunge of a piece, or lobe, of the polar vortex – a persistent area of low pressure located in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the FOX Forecast Center said. The polar vortex is surrounded by a band of strong jet stream winds that circulates around the North Pole, which typically keeps the arctic air contained near the polar regions.The worst of the cold across the Northeast is ongoing as temperatures sit below zero across all of New England and Upstate New York.Record low temperatures for February 4 may fall in cities like Boston, Worcester, Providence, and Bridgeport, Connecticut. Single digits are being felt across New York City, Long Island, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

The temperatures are so cold, it will give the term “Blue State” new meanings.

In fact, temperatures on Mars were warmer than on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.

The utterly frigid weather atop Mount Washington will be too dangerous for hikers to brave this weekend — unless they happen to have a space suit.Though Boston is set to see wind chills of -30 or lower, Mount Washington’s summit will seem like another planet altogether. Forecasters are expecting wind chills at the summit to drop as low as -110 degrees on Friday night, far lower than the icy -81 degree average on Mars. The Mount Washington Observatory said record-breaking cold of less than -47 degrees is within reach.Jeff Fongemie, Director of the Mount Washington Avalanche Center, told WBZ NewsRadio that weather this extreme is life-threatening for rescuers too — and could make rescues impossible.”If somebody’s lost above tree line, and they don’t know where you are, they’re just a needle in a haystack,” he said.

In the era of all this global warming, who could have guessed “frost quakes” would be a thing? But they are.

This is a pretty interesting phenomenon that happens below our feet in the soils of the earth. As temperatures rapidly fall this allows for underground water to freeze.That ice needs to expand and as it does so it adds pressure to the soil and rocks around it.As the pressure continues to build, it eventually cracks the soil which can lead to loud bangs and even shaking in the most severe cases.These so-called frost quakes may be possible in Maine and New Hampshire through Saturday as the arctic front clears the area.

At least in California, we can enjoy a little sunshine and warmth with our quakes!

Tags: global warming, Maine, New Hampshire