Illinois’s Cook County Brings Critical Race Theory Into Criminal Justice System

This is being embedded in everything and it’s happening faster than people even realize.

FOX News reports:

Illinois county injects ‘racial equity’ into criminal justice system with org steeped in CRT: ‘Unprecedented’The most populous county in Illinois is currently bringing “racial… equity” into its criminal justice system using a consulting agency which promulgates critical race theory, calling the move “unprecedented.”Cook County’s Justice Advisory Council announced on Jan. 24 that it would be working with Chicago Regional Organizing for AntiRacism (Chicago ROAR) which seeks to redress U.S. power structures, “dismantle systemic racism” and end “white supremacy culture.”The council implements Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle’s criminal and juvenile justice reform efforts and community safety policy development.Fox News Digital found that Chicago ROAR’s philosophy is deeply embedded with the tenets of critical race theory. Critical race theory is a lens that views individuals within an oppressor-versus-oppressed narrative and on the basis of privilege. It holds that America and its institutions are systemically and structurally racist.Some of the services Chicago ROAR offered puts its clients through a 9-12 month audit process to determine an “intersectional analysis of systemic oppression” within the institution.”Our theory of change begins with understanding the root of the problem is white supremacy, enshrined in and reproduced by our systems and institutions. White supremacy produces a culture of domination that conditions systems, institutions, and people to uphold and legitimize whiteness and its ways as normal, standard, moral, and universal,” the organization said.It also seeks to destroy so-called “whiteness” in the institutions. “White supremacy produces a culture of domination that conditions systems, institutions, and people to uphold and legitimize whiteness and its ways as normal, standard, moral, and universal,” Chicago ROAR said.

Tags: Crime, Critical Race Theory, Illinois