Forewoman in Trump Grand Jury is so Strange Some Liberals Think She is a Plant

A special grand jury in Georgia is looking at Trump’s alleged election interference there, or something to that effect. Honestly, who can keep up with all of the liberal investigations of Trump?

The newsworthy aspect of this story is the grand jury forewoman, Emily Kohrs, who has been on a media tour where she comes off as so odd that some people are starting to wonder if she is working for Trump’s team.

Here are a few clips from the interviews that Kohrs has done recently:

She is apparently into witchcraft.

Tucker Carlson reacted on his show:

Even CNN’s Anderson Cooper didn’t understand why she is on TV:

Over at MSNBC, historian Michael Beschloss wonders if she is part of a pro-Trump conspiracy.

FOX News reported:

MSNBC historian suggests Georgia grand juror’s media tour was conspiracy to help TrumpNBC News and MSNBC historian Michael Beschloss promoted the idea that the bizarre media interviews with Georgia special grand jury forewoman Emily Kohrs might be a conspiracy to undermine the case looking into potential illicit 2020 election meddling on the part of former President Donald Trump.The talking head floated out his idea Thursday that Kohrs’ media tour was either a bit of over-the-top, excitement about the ongoing case, or a “deliberate effort” to damage a case potentially incriminating of Trump’s alleged efforts to interfere in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election vote counting.Beschloss asked on Twitter, “Was the sudden media tour by Georgia foreperson inspired by (a) innocent exuberance or (b) someone’s deliberate effort to damage a potential case against the ex-President?”By promoting this conspiracy theory, the presidential historian seemed to admit he disapproved of Kohrs’ media tour, which dominated the news cycle earlier this week, for how bizarre and uncanny it was.As Fox News Digital reported, Kohrs “baffled onlookers with her gleeful behavior and coyness during a recent media blitz.”

See his tweet below:

Even MSNBC, which put her on the air, is complaining.

Sometimes, Trump’s enemies are his greatest asset.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Donald Trump, Georgia, Media, Trump Derangement Syndrome