Disney Cartoon Pushes Claim America is Racist, Repeats ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Lie
“listed plantation owners, northern bankers, New England ship-owners, the Founding Fathers, and current senators among those who had profited on the backs of slaves”

Disney has gone fully woke, and it’s not pretty. A new cartoon aimed at children is full of every left-wing trope about race and racism imaginable. The student characters repeatedly say America was built by slavery, that Lincoln didn’t free the slaves, and push the false ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ lie about the death of Michael Brown.
Nate Hochman writes at National Review:
Disney+ to America’s Children: Lincoln Didn’t Free the Slaves
“Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,” a recent Disney+ reboot of the original “Proud Family” children’s cartoon (2001–05), was always going to be a social-justice routine. The franchise’s addition of new characters such as “Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, a 14-year-old activist who isn’t afraid to use her voice for good” (per Seventeen) and singer-activist Lizzo — playing, for some reason, herself — had all the trappings of the ongoing effort to politicize even the most innocuous and innocent cultural products. As the Disney Channels Worldwide president said during an interview in early 2020, the company wanted the reboot to renew the original show’s “brilliant social commentary on our life and times,” delivered “under the guise of a family comedy.” Parents may be surprised to hear that “family comedy” needs to be a “guise” for anything at all, but such is the state of American culture.
More from the Daily Wire:
In the cartoon, that last line was punctuated by four black students glaring while the only white student on the stage with them held a sign that read “still has not atoned for.”
“Slaves built this country,” they shouted again, claiming, “We made your families rich,” as they listed plantation owners, northern bankers, New England ship-owners, the Founding Fathers, and current senators among those who had profited on the backs of slaves.
The cartoon even included the debunked “Hands up, don’t shoot” claim that originated after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.
The next time someone on the left claims that Ron DeSantis is provoking a culture war with Disney, you might want to share this video with them:
Imagine paying money to Disney to teach your kids to hate themselves and hate their country pic.twitter.com/cZBBCwVd7l
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 5, 2023
This is Disney in the 21st century? It’s a sickening display.
Featured image via Twitter.

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Disney lost my money and patronage nearly 15 years ago, although my dislike started a few years before that. I feel like a prophet crying in the wilderness suddenly vindicated as my friends and family are starting to see why.
And this from a company that has cartoons, trashing our country telling black kids they can’t get ahead because we’re all racist and white supremacists.
The animated “Hercules” (1997) was the last I have had to do with Disney. That opening scene with the Greek chorus repeatedly exclaiming “That’s the Gospel truth” was a direct “up yours” to Christianity. They could have just as easily used “That’s the honest truth..” But they didn’t.
wonder what walt would say on seeing/hearing his dreams/ideas turned to shyte?–to corrupt the innocence of children and childhood with blatant racism and deceit is beyond the pale–the idea that this country was “built on the backs of slaves” is utter bullshyte and delusional as is clearly evident to any sentient being in this country whether they’ll admit it or not
I don’t wonder at all what Walt would say. He’s say, “Show me the P & Ls.” Walt Dsney was, if nothing else, a marketing genius. He would recognize that the American people have – by and large – become a vulgar, crass, mean-spirited society. He would recognize that the people with drive, spirit, and hope are no longer in the majority. In short, The Love Bug and Fantasia would be marketing duds today.
Disagree with the majority. These people are just bullies and too few have the courage or the sense to shut them down.
Critical drinker had some good info on earnings hit to Disney as the result of the wokeness.
BTW- house in JC closes on the 2/27. kiddo starts school after spring break. not sure if it will be JC schools or Danial Boone. We’re a half mile from DB elementary
Keep me posted.
These clowns need to lose their “property” privileges in Florida and the sooner that happens the better.
What “property privileges”? They’ve lost their special tax district, and that’s good. But owning property is a right, not a privilege, and they cannot be deprived of it. Doing so would make us communists, and it would justify every single thing they say.
Mailmain wrote ‘ “property” privileges’ not ‘property privileges’.
And? That just makes it worse. The only thing it could mean is that he’s a communist who doesn’t believe property is real, and thinks it’s only a privilege granted by the state or society, which can take it away on a whim.
That’s sure how they act.
owning property is a right, not a privilege,
You Americans are so naive.
Why the scare quotes?
There was noise about DeSantis giving Disney back their private taxing district and their private government. That noise should stop as of this minute.
Not this however we can quit extending the length of copyright to (today – Steamboat Willie’s creation date) + 1. years.
Straw man. There is no proposal to extend copyrights. There has not been any such proposal at any time since the last extension. Steamboat Willie is going to enter the public domain on schedule next year, 95 years after its first publication, and Disney is not even trying to prevent it.
Let’s hope Disney reaps their reward, a total abandonment by decent hardworking patriotic Americans.
Disney must go.
Disney is currently in the middle of a proxy war. The war does not appear to have any political rationale, just a financial one — their 10-year share on return underperformed S&P by -116%. (Of course, there could also be a political rationale between the lines, but I can barely read the fine print that’s actually there. If so, so much the better.)
Nevertheless, Disney seems panicked by this attempt, and is already pleading with their shareholders not to cooperate with the boat-rockers.
I have a (heavily underwater) stake in Disney only because I neglected to put them on my broker’s shortlist of woke companies to avoid. (When the big dip occurred after the first major furor over Disney’s twisted culture, they saw it as a “buy” opportunity. Sigh.)
I intend to turn in the blue card just to bitch slap the Mouse.
There were plenty of white folk who never owned slaves and worked mighty damned hard themselves to make there own way in America before, during, and after slavery. To claim that this country was built primarily on slave labor is to dismiss as inconsequential the labor of millions who never participated in the practice at all. And to make people feel guilty for things they had no part in, especially as we are several generations removed from when slavery ended, deserves nothing but a middle finger raised high in return.
Wait…I thought Islam was the center pint of U.S. Success.
Disney will not care about a “middle finger”. Not going to theme parks and not spending thousands will hit them where it hurts. IMO their Board and CEO should be replaced. No public facing business should ever give its middle finger to half its customers.
People who never owned slaves benefited in many ways from slavery. And that includes black people, and even slaves themselves. For slaves the costs of slavery far outweighed the benefits, but there still were benefits.
Vast majority did not own slaves even in slave states, furthermore I would argue that the costs outweighed the benefits even for those who did not own slaves. Non-slave state economies thrived while they diversified, while slave state economies stagnated. The South rejected our founding principles based on the teachings of Calhoun, and basically wished to create a new aristocracy based in slavery. Very few benefit from that.
Last I checked, it’s not like the dutch or whomever went to Africa and personally rounded up slaves from the populace. They were collected and sold by other conquering African groups, who, if not for the profitability of selling slaves, probably would have put all the men and boys to the knife instead, as they had before foreign slavery became a popular thing.
No, of course it isn’t. When I read that this American or that one “enslaved” people I see red, because almost nobody in America ever enslaved another person. The people they owned were already slaves when they bought or inherited them.
This is part of the leftist assault on language: They refuse to recognize that there is such a thing as a slave; they insist on using “enslaved person”. And the the idea is that a person is never a slave, so every moment he is held in slavery he is being enslaved, over and over. Essentialy they seek to remove the noun “slave” rom the dictionary, and replace it with the verb “enslave”.
But that is just not true. Enslavement is something that happens to a person only once. A free person is enslaved, and is thereafter a slave. The person buying him is not enslaving him.
And until the 18th century the idea that there was something wrong with slavery had not yet been invented. It was simply a fact of life that everyone in every culture took for granted — including the slaves. Slaves did not object to slavery, they only wished that they were not slaves. None of them wished to abolish slavery, but only to gain their freedom and become rich and own slaves of their own.
But that’s not what this is about. This is simply about the economic benefits of slave labor, and the plain fact is that not only did slave owners benefit from their slaves (otherwise they wouldn’t have bought them in the first place), but some of that benefit flowed on to everyone else in the economy — including the slaves themselves. They paid all the costs, but they got some small measure back in benefits.
In some cases, yes. But in many other cases they would never have conducted the war, and would never have captured those people in the first place, had they not had ready customers who would buy them. They conducted raids and waged wars for the purpose of obtaining slaves, because they were a valued commodity.
So much so that even today, when fuzzy-brained do-gooders like this primary school teacher in Colorado organizes her students to buy slaves so they can set them free, slave raids in the target countries increase to meet the demand. Not only do the kids learn bad civics, but when their liberal teachers handwave away the unexpected consequences with bullshit excuses, they don’t even learn good economics.
Actually, I think you can look at costs/benefits in three categories – africans who never left africa, africans who were enslaved by other africans and survived slavery in America, and africans who were enslaved by other africans and died without children under slavery in America.
Obviously, the worst off were those whose families were ended by the institution of slavery. But those who survived, and have families still born in the US to this day, are actually much better off than those who never went through the harrowing experience of the african slave trade.
“For slaves the costs of slavery far outweighed the benefits, but there still were benefits.”
Yeah, during the slave era. But today, the compounded ROI has vastly outpaced the performance of their African peers.
People who never owned slaves benefited in many ways from slavery
Name three.
The most obvious benefit was to companies that had a stake in slavery, either by directly using them, erecting buildings through contractors who used them, selling them, insuring them, buying their products at a cheaper price than they would have fetched had they been produced by free people, etc. Also people with pensions invested in those companies, employees of those companies, and even customers of those companies. Also consumers of such products themselves. Then there are even more indirect benefits.
Slaves themselves benefited from being income-producers for their owners, and thus being treated as valuable properties that needed to be looked after. Of course this benefit was much less than the cost to them, but it was still a benefit.
The point is that, in a certain sense, the USA’s development benefited from slavery. When states reached the industrial level where slavery was no longer a net economic benefit the majority of businesses stopped using slaves, and those no longer using slaves soon gained moral qualms about it and turned into abolitionists, just as so many people who quit smoking or drinking become militant anti-smokers or anti-drinkers, and sought to impose their views on those who were still using slaves because it was still profitable for them, and that’s how we got creeping abolition and then the Civil War.
For some insight on the economics of slavery, see The Wealth of Nations, but that’s only a partial picture, from the point of view of someone watching from afar in Scotland, and before the cotton gin was invented.
My family did not benefit a scintilla from slavery, as we did not arrive in the United States until well into the 20th century, from the late 20’s until the late 40s, fleeing from the multiple regime changes in Argentina and Uruguay. Parts of our family were enslaved under the old Spanish “casta” system, so we know what enslavement is.
Nobody claims your family, or mine, benefited from it. But the USA did, as did everyone who lived here at the time, to some degree or other.
This is not a matter of guilt or shame, it’s just an economic fact. And black Americans are just as much heirs of that era as other Americans are. To the minuscule extent that those benefits are still relevant, they’re equally relevant to all Americans.
An awfully lot of property and value built by slave owning went up in smoke in the war that was fought to free the slaves. Vast bulk of it simply canceled. Please do take that into account.
And the net effect of slavery in the US overall has been dismally negative just in terms of division and acrimony. Big profit in stirring up hatred ensures no end in sight
Not to mention that for a great many of us our ancestors were undergoing extreme hardship and discrimination in pick your country elsewhere in the world.
Around the time the great debate about slavery was heating up here in America my ancestors were fighting for survival during a famine that, in a mere 5 years, saw 1/8 of the population of Ireland perish and another 1/8 flee the country in search of a better life in England, Canada, Australia or America. This was after decades, centuries really, of oppression of the Catholic majority in Ireland by the protestant aristocracy with the support of the crown.
My ancestors managed to survive and remained in Ireland for another 2 generations before heading to America to start at the bottom of society and work their way up.
Slavery was horrendous but I am done hearing about every freakinig day. For 99.9% of the world, our ancestors suffered through extreme hardship that is almost unimaginable in today’s world yet here we are. Be thankful and look forward instead of this morbid obsession with the past.
Rome invaded my ancestors.
Anglo-Saxons invaded my ancestors.
Vikings invaded my ancestors.
Normans invaded my ancestors.
Danes invaded my ancestors.
I want my reparations!
Slavery was historically a fact of life in Ireland too, just as it was everywhere. Remember how St Patrick was first brought to Ireland. And why the English were forced to invade Ireland in the first place.
Of course there was no true “Ireland” for centuries… there was Connacht, Ulster, Meath, Leinster, Desmond, Thommand and many many more kingdoms on the island. They invaded one another for centuries and many of the kings would rather side with the Normans than with one of their rivals.
History is brutal, everywhere and for almost everyone who ever lived.
Current SJWs seem to believe that every white person in America lived in some sort of Downton Abbey setting before coming here where they moved to Beacon Hill or Bay Bay and were endowed with a waterfront estate on Cape Cod.
Indeed. Not only was “Ireland” not one country, but the various kings had no real power, especially not the power to stop their subjects from raiding England for slaves and other booty. That is why the English were eventually forced to invade Ireland. It was the only way to stop the raids.
Liberals are always so sure they remember what happened and not jus tin this case. They tend to be wrong every time.
The key fallacy is the equation given at the beginning of the chant: “This country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country”. The premise is only partially correct, but even if it were completely correct the conclusion just doesn’t follow from it. It’s like saying that “This house was built with tools, therefore tools built the house”. The rest is commentary; go and study it.
You seem to forget the Chinese who came here to work on the railroads, but they were paid wages but treated horribly. They built most of the precursor transportation infrastructure that allowed the expansion of the west. You forget the Irish, Polish, Hungarians, and other Eastern Europeans who emigrated to work in the coal mines, steel mills and machine shops to manufacture the construction materials and tools needed. Let’s also not forget the Germans, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegians who built up the agricultural capacity on the northern plains.
I rather think our nation was built from all over the world. You could be from any other country, but come to the United States—and you could be American.
That’s why I said the premise is only partially correct. But my point is that it doesn’t matter, because the conclusion does not follow from the premise. America was not built by slaves, and nor was it built by Chinese laborers, Irish ones, or laborers of any origin. They did the physical construction, but America was built primarily by entrepreneurs; laborers were merely the tools they used.
There are two types people who bark the loudest for reparations; the people who will never, ever have to pay into it and those who like free money.
The BLM groups+ are employing the same publicity mechanism that the Viet Cong used back in the ’60s and ’70s to “prove” to the American public that our military was losing the war.
These false headlines (and paid TV writers) proved very effective in mobilizing the anti-war protestors and appeasing politicians then; it’s becoming almost as effective today.
The useful idiots in front of the cameras and their speech writers aren’t important: the immense amount of money paying them and where it’s coming from is though.
The notion that ‘slaves built this country’ is absurd, like most woke ideas. Slave labor was almost exclusively used in the southern states, whose economies were agrarian and tiny compared to the northern states. And those economies were virtually destroyed in the war to end slavery in the US (along with 600,000 white lives).
Further, if we want to ‘punish the sons for the sins of their fathers’ then why are we not laying any blame at the feet of the people who originally enslaved them? Virtually every single African slave who was brought to the western hemisphere was originally enslaved by another African tribe.
And further, why do we never talk about the many millions of whites who were historically enslaved by black Africans? Where is the talk about their ‘reparations?’
And further still, if everyone is so butthurt about slavery, why don’t we focus on eliminating it’s vile presence from the face of the earth? People are still be enslaved today in Africa and other places around the world.
Slave labor was used in the northern states and colonies too, until each one abolished it. Especially in the construction industry. So it’s literally true that a lot of our older buildings were physically constructed by slaves. But the true builders were the owners, architects, and contractors who were responsible for the construction projects, not the slaves who did the grunt work.
Especially in DC, many of the older significant buildings were constructed using slave labor.
And the nation, i.e. the USA as a corporate entity, still exists and is therefore capable of having debts that are over a century old. If the USA owed anyone reparations then, then it still owes that amount plus interest to the creditor’s estate. So the problem becomes proving that a particular individual was owed money in 1865, and that the plaintiff represents all of that person’s traceable heirs.
The USA didn’t own slaves. Individuals in the USA did. 20 years after the Constitution was written, import of slaves was outlawed. Then the USA fought a war and officially ended slavery in the US. The US (and England) had abolitionist movements, unlike most countries in the world and unlike Africa. The British Royal Navy did more to end slavery in the world than all the blacks who have existed. The USA and Great Britain are owed a huge “Thank you!” from all free descendants of slaves.
The USA did own slaves. More importantly, it used slaves owned by others. What labor was used to build the Capitol and the White House?
This is a fact. Its relevance today, if any, is very small.
Disney is on the same track to its own destruction as most big US cities. Strangely, most of them are run by black mayors. New Orleans, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, Atlanta, San Francisco, Birmingham, Memphis, Denver, Houston, DC, and Newark, to name a few. All major crime cities with no prospect for recovery but hey, they have the “Race” card and they never leave home without it.
Something I have noticed about animation the past two or so decades. The characters are often ugly, both in appearance and in facial expressions and body language.
There is also an un-natural “flowing” motion to them. I imagine this is an artifact of computerization trying to make movement “more natural”.
In any event, I find most of it unwatchable based on appearance. The subject matter is even worse.
It’s all been downhill since “Speed Racer” hit the airwaves.
A lot of animation artists are unattractive, and have a tenuous grasp on how the real world works, So they create ugly characters because that makes them feel better, rather than making attractive characters that an audience might want to watch.
The unnatural flowing is a combination of computer keyframing and much higher frame rates than the animation you’re used to seeing from your childhood.
Bottom line: still ugly and of-putting.
The animation in Who Framed Roger Rabbit was, however, brilliant.
Cancel your subscriptions to Disney-Plus, NetFlix, Amazon Prime, Paramount Plus and every other streaming video platform. The only movie service I subscribe to is the Criterion Channel.
These companies only care about their bottom line, so, hitting them in the pocket book and letting them know that their obnoxious and tiresome “woke” sermonizing is costing them customers and revenue, is the only way to change this behavior at the management level where these decisions are being made.
I cancelled Criterion Channel back when George Floyd . . . .
I don’t like anyone being kneed in the throat. I don’t like anything being shoved down anyone’s throat, either.
Criterion Channel was doing a lot of shoving.
Between 1996 and 2020, I had visited Walt Disneyworld 30+ times staying at their resorts all but one. COVID came along and killed the streak and then mask wearing continue to kill the streak.
Now, it’s Disney itself that’ll kill the streak.
Let’s hope Iger brings that house back in order. I don’t be back until those three idiots on the Zoom call are fired and Bob brings in normal red blooded Americans.
I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Iger to fix the rot in Disney, seeing as how he is the one responsible for so much of it.
Funny how these BLM/1619 Project types say nary a word on the enslavement of white Europeans by Islamists.
Or black Africans by Muslims.
My sons are in their mid to late 30s. Me and my wife took them to Disneyland when they were young as we are from California. Later my business moved us to the east coast and my sons were teens and we went to Disney World for a week. The change in Disney had not happen. My oldest has a family but he will not take his family to Disney World. My family has had enough of Disney and their other companies like ABC.
Ok, I have had enough of this woke bullshit.
First, they are barking up the wrong tree. Take your “reparations” demands to the King of England, and start there. Then take those same demands to the African countries/tribes that rounded up your ancestors and sold them. See how far that gets you.
Then take a look at history and educate yourselves. The colonies consumed a mere 5% of the North Atlantic slave trade, that’s it. The first “slaves” that were brought to the colonies by two English businessmen were WHITE POLES. The first legally recognized slave owner in the colonies was a BLACK MAN, and used the court system to enslave a former black indentured servant that was free working for a competing farm.
The US congress passed the Slave Trade Act of 1794 to stop the importation of slaves. The 13th Amendment made slave ownership illegal in 1865.
I am of the opinion that African slaves were introduced into the colonies as a destabilizing force that could be used to continually undermine this country and the evidence is strong to support that observation.
I know my family history in this country, they came over on the Mayflower Charter and never owned slaves.
You want to bitch about slavery, then start with the Democratic party but I will never pay a red cent for something I never did to someone who was never a slave. I’m tired of 13% of the population of this country running roughshod over me and my rights. If you don’t like the USA, go the fuck back to Africa.
In the 1940’s, as requested by the U.S. Government, Disney created a number of anti-German and anti-Japanese propaganda films for the servicemen and the U.S. public. They wanted to portray these countries and their leaders as manipulative without morals to boost American support for the war.
This is American Marxism and false history 101 based on the garbage known as the 1619 Project -No other country fought a civil war, and emancipated slaves within 100 years of its independence and then through constitutional amendments,litigation and civil rights laws abolished de jure and de factor segregation and then elected the descendants of former slaves to the highest offices in the county
If slavery purportedly built the US ,we would still have slavery
Head fake my bad. I was ready to read: “If slavery purportedly built the US, perhaps we should bring back slavery.” We sure could use some more building back.
No, that doesn’t follow. Slavery was productive in certain industries. It was very unproductive in other industries, that ended up being more important to the economy. People who were in those industries sold off all their slaves because they were no longer worth keeping, and then became abolitionist. Had the Civil War been avoided, and the South allowed to secede peacefully, it’s likely that the South would eventually have abolished slavery too, as it progressed economically.
Read The Wealth of Nations for an early perspective on the economics of slavery, and the costs it carries.
Disney is all in on CRT, they need to get burned for pushing Marxism
And this from a company that has cartoons, trashing our country telling black kids they can’t get ahead because we’re all racist and white supremacists.
Disney’s come a long way from “How to Read Donald Duck.” Or maybe not . . . .
“How to Read Donald Duck (Spanish: Para leer al Pato Donald) is a 1971 book-length essay by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart that critiques Disney comics from a Marxist point of view as capitalist propaganda for American corporate and cultural imperialism.” (from Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_Read_Donald_Duck)
I canceled my Disney subscription. Blacks slaves don’t have a monopoly of building early America. Poor Chinese were the main labor building the first transcontinental railway. Poor Irish came to early America as indentured servants. Today, Asians and Whites are discriminated in favor of Blacks. A wise man said “…the way to end discrimination, is to stop discriminating.”
I wish Disney all the worst.