CBS Confronts Anti-Capitalist Bernie Sanders Over Ticketmaster Charging $95 a Ticket for His Book Tour

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wrote a book bashing capitalism: It’s OK to be Angry About Capitalism.

Sanders will venture out on tour to promote the book.

Do you think the events are free? One would think so from a man who hates capitalism and claims to be for the people.

Nope. The tickets cost up to $95:

BRENNAN: “But I have to ask you, you’re going on tour to promote this book ‘It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.’ And you’re here talking about it. I understand we’re not the bad guys you’re describing in the book when it comes to media. But tickets for your tour apparently are selling for $95 on Ticketmaster, which is accused of anti-competitive behavior. You know that. Some of your Democrats are criticizing them. Aren’t you benefiting yourself from this system that you’re trying to dismantle?”SANDERS: “No, I’m not. I — first of all — first of all, those decisions are made totally by the publisher and the bookseller. I think there’s one case where, in one place here in Washington, Politics and Prose, an independent bookstore, charging some tickets. Most of them, I think, are $40, $50. And you get a book as well. So, if you want to come, you’re going to have to pay 40 bucks. I will throw in the book for free. And we’re doing a number of free events. But I don’t make a nickel out of these things at all.”

Sanders will stop at The Anthem in DC on March 1st.

The cheapest ticket available is $55 in the way back.

Spencer Brown at Townhall gave me an idea. Two tickets at $95 cost $190.00. Ticketmaster service fees are $16.45, so times two, it’s $32.90.

So that is $222.90.

The anti-Capitalists will tell you they have no choice but to partake in capitalism. They are forced to use it!

As far as I can tell, no one is forcing Bernie to do a book tour or sell tickets for that amount.

It’s the publisher’s fault Why not make the book a blog so people can read it for free? Why not self-publish the book?

Socialists crack me up.

It’s even funnier that the tickets are through Ticketmaster. The Senate dragged Joe Berchtold, the Live Nation executive, in front of the Judiciary Committee because of the fiasco caused by everyone buying Taylor Swift tickets. Live Nation owns Ticketmaster.

Even the Republicans on the committee went ballistic on the Ticketmaster big shots:

The most remarkable aspect of the hearing may have been the display of consensus by a panel often split along partisan lines. Mr. Blumenthal summed that up with a mocking salute to Mr. Berchtold.“I want to congratulate and thank you for an absolutely stunning achievement,” he said. “You have brought together Republicans and Democrats in an absolutely unified cause.”

Tags: Bernie Sanders, Capitalism, CBS