Buttigieg: ‘I was Mayor of my Hometown for Eight Years. We Dealt With a Lot of Disasters, Natural and Human’
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Buttigieg: ‘I was Mayor of my Hometown for Eight Years. We Dealt With a Lot of Disasters, Natural and Human’

Buttigieg: ‘I was Mayor of my Hometown for Eight Years. We Dealt With a Lot of Disasters, Natural and Human’

Buttigieg still has no date or plans to visit East Palestine, OH, and the train disaster site.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg thinks being mayor of South Bend, IN, makes him a competent federal official to handle the Ohio chemical disaster:

BUTTIGIEG: “Well, I am planning to go, and our folks were on the ground from the first hours. I do want to stress that the NTSB [National Transportation Safety Board] to be able to do its work independently. But when I go, the focus is going to be on action. Look, I was mayor of my hometown for eight years. We dealt with a lot of disasters, natural and human. And one of the things I noticed very quickly is that there’s two kinds of people who show up when you have that kind of disaster experience: people who are there because they have a specific job to do and are there to get something done, and people who are there to look good and have their picture taken. When I go, it will be about action on rail safety, like the actions that we are calling on Congress to help us with, that we’re calling on industry to take, and that we are undertaking ourselves as a department to help make sure that these kind of things don’t happen in the future.”

Whaaaaaat. None of that made sense at all. It sounds like he’s trying to blame someone else. But what else is new?

The train derailed in East Palestine, OH, on February 3, releasing four dangerous and toxic chemicals.

Where is Buttigieg? Nowhere:

“I am very interested in getting to know the residents of East Palestine, hearing from them about how they’ve been impacted and communicating with them about the steps that we’re taking,” Buttigieg said on a Monday call, adding that he had referred to past common practices of transportation secretaries by deferring first to the National Safety Transportation Board after a major disaster like the derailment. “But yes, when the time is right, I do plan to visit East Palestine. I don’t have a date for you right now.”

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

Residents are scared. The EPA and other officials said the water and air are safe but the citizens are skeptical.

The Biden Administration deployed FEMA two weeks after the disaster. EPA Administrator Michael Regan made another trip to Ohio.

Regan and Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine drank a glass of tap water to demonstrate it’s safe to drink.


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Let’s see those clowns drink a glass of water from a creek, which might be a better indicator of what people with well water might be dealing with.

“I dealt with a lot of disasters (that I created)” . The “Peter Principle” in action.

I am torn.

Is it worse if he sincerely believes “calling on” people to do things — take that that “nice rail road you have there…” letter he sent — is doing some good, or if that’s just opportunistic posturing?

Old Buttplug there couldn’t even deal with potholes in South Bend, much less a disaster.

Aww shucks…I was mayor and we came togethers for the feelz!

This guy isn’t qualified to manage Punxsutawney Phil

Stolen elections have consequences. Buttgieg’s job is to troll the nation with his vile perversion and wanton incompetence.

With that job description, he’s doing his job quite well.

This whole administration is in over their heads. It’s as if Biden’s cabinet room is Ground Zero for incompetance.

I was mayor of my hometown for eight years. We dealt with a lot of disasters, natural and human.

Gary In is in a constant state of disaster. I think the oil refinery gases have rotted his brain.

    MarkSmith in reply to MarkSmith. | February 21, 2023 at 2:28 pm

    It is up wind from South Bend. BTW – South Bend has a population of 103,453 residents.
    Top employers that. Don’t see transportation anywhere in there.
    1 Beacon Health System (Memorial) 7,088
    2 University of Notre Dame 6,086
    3 South Bend Community School Corporation 3,432
    4 Indiana University South Bend 1,401
    5 St. Joseph County 1,377
    6 City of South Bend 1,285
    7 Four Winds Casino 1,200
    8 AM General 1,200
    9 The South Bend Clinic 854


    South Bend’s main action is the Norfolk Southern mainline, formerly the New York Central, coming through E/W, and splitting WB to go to either Michigan City or Chicago via Valparaiso.

I was mayor of my hometown for eight years. We dealt with a lot of disasters.
Yes. And they were solved when you got promoted to Secretary of Transportation.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | February 21, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    Yeah. My thought was, “What did your town do with the disasters they couldn’t just ship to Washington?”

“Regan and Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine drank a glass of tap water to demonstrate it’s safe to drink”

What is this Jaws 5?

The waters safe, throws his family in…

Maybe Pete could bring his “wife and kids” and they could all drink the water!

DeWine was elected by a larger percent than DeSantis… bet that would t happen today

He’s a disaster and NOT fighting for his citizens

Such an insufferable, incompetent hack. Of course he’ll be running for President and there are people that will actually vote for this mediocrity.

The 2 kinds of people, I think he’s wrongly trying to set up President Trumps visit. This city is hurting and rightly so, they need leadership to help and support them and they are not getting it from their water drinking governor, who should have thrown down the gauntlet when FEMA denied funds, but didn’t, and Biden is galavanting in Ukraine on Presidents’ Day, not in East Palestine, when he belonged…

Clearly one of the dumbest, most self-unaware people on the planet.

Ya just can’t make this stuff up; it makes Monty Python look normal.

Petey here is one of the emptiest empty suits around.

I’m detecting a pattern.

At this point he’s probably better off going on unannounced paternity leave again.

Will Petey be inspecting the clean up crews to ensure an adequate number of “dark faces”?

    gonzotx in reply to MAJack. | February 21, 2023 at 4:46 pm

    The clean up crew will be all white supervised by the dark faces

    henrybowman in reply to MAJack. | February 21, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    Yeah I saw that meme in a national editorial cartoon…
    …but wait! Pete’s original complaint was that “the people doing those high-paid jobs don’t look like the people in the neighborhood.
    East Palestine is white Deplorables, right?
    He’d better deploy someone to make sure no black companies get the job.

“Look, I was mayor of my hometown for eight years. We dealt with a lot of disasters, natural and human.”

The biggest of the human disasters being that you were mayor for eight years.

Here’s Pete’s problem: racist homophobic roads.

Another derailment. This time in Nebraska,


If its like with UFOs, I should expect two more of these soon. Obviously Trump’s fault.

    henrybowman in reply to Pasadena Phil. | February 21, 2023 at 5:41 pm

    Well, as someone else posted on another thread, lots of derailments occur all the time. We just don’t hear about them, because we somehow avoid escalating them into domestic chemical warfare terrorism events.

Subotai Bahadur | February 21, 2023 at 6:06 pm

I note that the graphic accompanying this statement of Buttigieg’s is from ABC News. I further note that absent external confirmation, anything shown on ABC News is probably false.

Subotai Bahadur

Give him a break, he probably can’t find day care for this kids on short notice / sarc

… National Safety Transportation Board …

Did the doofus really say that?

It’s National Transportation Safety Board.

Talk is cheap

Headed4TheHills | February 22, 2023 at 10:39 am

Take a look around, people. There are a lot of things happening right now. Call me a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy nut, but the US is under a concerted, organized attack. Not sure if the attackers are external or internal, but there are way too many disasters happening.

“When I go, it will be about action on rail safety”

so it won’t be about helping this specific area (and those downstream and downwind) clean up and making them whole as a result of this disaster.

That was all covered by saying “Union Pacific has to pay”. But how does Pete Buttigieg make sure UP pays for all the damage? Won’t people have to go to court? Will Buttigieg make sure the judges rule in the people’s favor?

He’s very evasive.

The biggest disaster his hometown ever suffered was having him as Mayor.

He did nothing on East Palestine either before the derailment – to ensure the railroad was following safety regulations, and it was very clear they were a serial offender for years, or after – until being shamed into it by President Trump’s announced visit.

And now, empty platitudes, transparent lies, and fraudulent attempts to blame Trump for his own failures.