‘Basically Nuked a Town’: EPA Identifies Three More Dangerous Chemicals on Train That Derailed in Ohio
The chemicals are ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate, and isobutylene. The agency already identified vinyl chloride.

The EPA identified three more dangerous chemicals on the train that derailed in East Palestine, OH.
The chemicals are ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, ethylhexyl acrylate, and isobutylene.
The agency already identified vinyl chloride.
Almost 50 cars on the freight train derailed near the Pennsylvania line on February 3:
“The post-derailment fire spanned about the length of the derailed train cars,” Michael Graham, a member of the National Transportation Safety Board, told reporters Saturday evening. “The fire has since reduced in intensity, but remains active and the two main tracks are still blocked.”
Norfolk Southern said 20 of the more than 100 cars were classified as carrying hazardous materials — defined as cargo that could pose any kind of danger “including flammables, combustibles, or environmental risks.” Graham said 14 cars carrying vinyl chloride were involved in the derailment “and have been exposed to fire,” and at least one “is intermittently releasing the contents of the car through a pressure release device as designed.”
The residents evacuated but could return after the authorities burned the vinyl chloride in a controlled burn. Authorities tried to convince people the air was safe.
However, residents remained weary because they never released a full list of the chemicals on the train. They demanded more transparency.
“The biggest question remaining is what, if anything, is still being released from the site, first and foremost,” Johns Hopkins University environmental health professor Peter DeCarlo told The Washington Post. “If there are still residual chemical emissions, then that still presents a danger for people in the area.”
I wonder what they’re going to say about the new chemicals.
Hazardous material expert Sil Caggiano told WXBN, “We basically nuked a town with chemicals so we could get a railroad open.”
Caggiano also provided details about the chemicals:
Caggiano says ethylhexyl acrylate is especially worrisome. He says it’s a carcinogen and contact with it can cause burning and irritation in the skin and eyes. Breathing it in can irritate the nose and throat and cause coughing and shortness of breath.
Isobutylene is also known to cause dizziness and drowsiness when inhaled.
“I was surprised when they quickly told the people they can go back home, but then said if they feel like they want their homes tested they can have them tested. I would’ve far rather they did all the testing,” Caggiano said.
Caggiano says it’s possible some of these chemicals could still be present in homes and on objects until you clean them thoroughly.
“There’s a lot of what ifs, and we’re going to be looking at this thing 5, 10, 15, 20 years down the line and wondering, ‘Gee, cancer clusters could pop up, you know, well water could go bad,” Caggiano said.
West Virginia American Water started “enhancing its water treatment process” due to the explosion.
But where is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg? Making jokes about too many white people in construction.
Buttigieg made no mention of the Ohio train derailment while speaking at a conference this morning but did find the time to say that there are too many white people who work construction. pic.twitter.com/q4WNcq10h9
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 13, 2023
Here is an excellent thread with information about the crash and the chemicals that we know of so far that were on the train.
I wonder if the residents will get all the answers.
THREAD: Photos, videos, and news reports about the train derailment and toxic chemical release in East Palestine, Ohio.
This may be the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.
— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 13, 2023
#3 Phosgene is a highly toxic, colorless gas with a strong odor that causes vomiting & breathing trouble & it was used as a chemical weapon in World War I.
Hydrogen chloride is a colorless to yellowish gas with a strong odor, that causes skin, eye, nose, and throat irritation. pic.twitter.com/UPJiLmzPMY
— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 13, 2023
#5 The vinyl chloride burn occurred near the Ohio River which flows directly into the Mississippi River.
Thousands of farms may be affected by this. pic.twitter.com/mFhffyB0uH
— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 13, 2023
#7 Amanda Breshears found her chickens dead ten miles from East Palestine.
“As soon as they started the burn, my chickens slowed down and they died."
“If it can do this to chickens in one night, imagine what it’s going to do to us in 20 years.”https://t.co/aPEzNkPupW pic.twitter.com/hy5umayYXU
— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 13, 2023
#9 Dead fish in Leslie Run coming out of East Palestine, Ohio. pic.twitter.com/E7LdETovqJ
— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 13, 2023
#14 Three new dangerous chemicals were found on the train that derailed in East Palestine, Ohio:
•ethylene glycol mono butyl ether
•ethlyhexyl acrylate
•isobutylenehttps://t.co/5EcQbnAofC— kanekoa.substack.com (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 13, 2023

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“White Noise.”
Where is Transportation Secretary Pete Butthead? Is he still working on the airline problem?
No … Mayor Pete is still trying to master breastfeeding !!!
Tried to watch it. The main characters were all so horrible, I didn’t care what happened to them. I couldn’t even watch the whole movie. Did the dad die? Was the area cleaned up successfully?
Were those railway cars owned by Warren Buffett’s company… the company that replaces the XL pipeline and has had major derailments in the past?
The company is Norfolk Southern, I don’t know if that is owned by Buffett or not.
It looks to be a publicly traded company and this site lists the top investors: http://www.nscorp.com/content/nscorp/en/investor-relations/stock-information/ownership-top-holders.html
Buffett owns BNSF. It wouldn’t surprise me, given the size of Berkshire Hathaway, if he owned stock in other railroads as well. They own shares in pretty much everything else.
A thought: doesn’t allowing a major holding company to hold a bunch of stock in more than one company in any industry make it pretty much ripe for trust-busting?
I’ll defer to the local financial experts on that, but BNSF is private. I don’t see where owning a few thousand shares of the competition by something like BH would qualify as monopolistic – besides, Buffett is a big Dem donor. I don’t see anybody bothering him as long as the Dems run the government.
Our government is totally corrupt. Don’t expect any reason coming out of it, only the results of graft.
Yeah, that’s right. I made a boatload when Berkshire bought it and took it private. As for that Sal character, he is a “hazardous specialist”. Big deal, I haul HM all the time so I guess I am too. The news found a guy in Ohio who would make sensational claims to get more video hits.
residents remained weary
Though I’m sure they’re tired of dealing with this, I’m betting that should be “wary”.
I was thinking they should be “leery”.
This is what happens when you overload the rail system with the transportation of oil. Close the pipelines and oil had to be moved by rail, normal goods that go by rail got pushed to trucks, good that were on trucks had to find other methods of transportation and if they couldn’t find other ways they didn’t get moved. Cascading effect from FJB closing pipelines.
I think the problems here are things that generally do go by train all the time.
And the trains in my area have been long and full for quite a long time before Keystone XL went under.
Yes, but what about blacks???
All this and not one word as to what caused the derailment.
Sabotage? Mechanical failure?
so we could get a railroad open
And that sounds like a statement that needs some explanation. He’s making an accusation here.
there are too many white people who work construction
I was reliably informed by the race-mongers that construction jobs had too many blacks and other minorities in them because they were forced into those sorts of jobs due to racism.
Three new dangerous chemicals were found
Ummm, you should have known within minutes by looking at the train manifest, right? They’re required to put these things on the list of “What This Choo-Choo is Carrying Today” right?
Someoneseveral ones should be going to jail over this, or at least losing their jobs. [Tinfoil hat: is this maybe because of the union spat?]The delay on releasing the manifest of chemicals is a problem. Smells like old fashioned corruption.
Recently, changes were supposed to be made to at the fed level on revamping train standards that are still the same as the 1800’s but at the last moment the people who set the rules in the Federal Admin not only did not implememnt all the safety changes, they made it worse including not having to list all chemicals on the trains. They bowed to the pressure of big money.
HUH?! They don’t have to list everything on the train? I wouldn’t even think that was a new rule, but something that came about in, oh, the 70s, maybe.
Jumpin’ Jehoshaphat.
Oh, and “nuked a town”…
NO, they did not.
Slimed it with multiple simultaneous chemical attacks? Maybe (though still hyperbole). But, trust me, this was NOT “nuking a town.”
It’s a fairly standard freight accident except for catching fire, and unluckily in a town. Trackside detectors warn by radio of hot axles, high impact wheel, wide load (i.e. load dragging or shifted). The crew may or may not hear the warning, but the dispatcher will and will relay it to them in any case. Then they stop the train and walk back to see what’s up. If it’s driveable, they’ll slow-roll the train to the nearest siding where they can set out and abandon the out-of-order car.
Here it derailed before they got the train stopped. There’s lots of momentum if not speed with that weight and it’s easily capable of jackknifing 50 cars op top of each other before the rest of the train behind it stops. They “slow roll” so it won’t do that if a car derails, to set a car out.
It would be interesting to hear where the previous detector was before the one that warned them, and what it said. A burning axle is pretty far advanced as a problem.
Typically the mess is cleaned up and new tracks laid in two or three days. They work incredibly fast at that. Here it was delayed by putting the fire out.
Actually, they decided to do a controlled release and burn of the vinyl chloride, which sounds like something someone would do in the stupid ages (19th, early 20th century). What kills me is that they decided not to do a full inventory to determine if there were any other chemicals that might be a problem.
Government at its finest. This ranks up there with blowing up the beached whale carcass with dynamite.
Why would they? When was the last time a government employee paid any price whatsoever for such incompetence?
The silence is deafening. What motivation does the party of climate consciousness have to stay quiet about an unfolding disaster within our borders?
Perhaps ensuring the safety of Ohioans and addressing the damage this will do to our already strained food supply takes a backseat to other, more “global” concerns? Maybe bugs are more resistant to these chemicals? Ask Klaus Schwab.
Typical speed involved with that sort of train is 40mph, or lower if there’s some sort of track restriction in that segment.
Norfolk Southern might be the victim (not the legal victim of course) in that it’s the car in question that’s the problem, and they may have just gotten it from another carrier. People maintain the cars in sort of a ritual way – check this that and that and if it all checks, it’s good to go. I’m not sure who’s responsible for that, if it’s just casual checks in freight yards or what.
The wheels that freight cars ride on come right off. just held on by gravity and the weight of the car, so aren’t even strictly part of the car. If a truck looks damaged they just lift up the car and slip another one under it. Curious level liability problem.
Calm down, guys. None of the chemicals are especially hazardous unless your either in the scare monger class trying to get on TV or California where everything causes cancer.
First food plants start burning down across the world.
Then chicken feed causing sterility in chickens.
Now a series of strange railway catastrophes:
Ask Herr Schwab:
‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ by Klaus Schwab
The claim is that phosgine gas was produced by the burning; ask all those who died or were permanently blinded or crippled by this gas in WW2 whether its “especially hazardous”.
It is the reactions of chemicals which are heated and combined that is most concerning.
“Unstoppable” (2010) was based on a runaway freight in Ohio, heading south to Columbus with nobody on board. The news reported it as carrying flammable materials, which later turned out to be wood. They stopped it on a hill by boarding it there, in any case. The movie added hazardous materials and marriage difficulties and more speed.
“White Noise” came out on Netflix Fall 2022.
Too many what’re people working construction?
Clearly mr butt hasn’t been to Texas
I don’t understand why the train cars aren’t more disaster proof hauling this stuff
When you drag a locked axle TWENTY MILES (as happened here), you get catastrophe.
There’s more to this story!
Note Western Washington pushed to ban coal trains because the dust might get in the air.
Some bio hazards are more bio-hazardy than others.
Could the derailment have gotten a little “help”?
“Federal authorities in Seattle on Monday charged two women with a terrorist attack on train tracks, suggesting they were working with an anarchist community to stand in solidarity with a Native American tribe to oppose the construction of a natural gas pipeline across the Canadian province of British Columbia by trying to derail trains in Washington state.”
Why were these toxic chemicals on this train and where were they being taken?
“Why were these toxic chemicals on this train?”
Well, where should the chemicals have been other than on a train?
There is a white person running DOT, poorly.
There is a liberal running DOT, as poorly as can be.
DEFUND THE EPA! It’s a worthless, bloated bureaucracy that does nothing to help the common people! I remember being in DC and you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting an EPA lawyer or employee. Ridiculous at how many there are. And they were the biggest a-holes. Pretentious, self-absorbed, and always wanting to bully. Just terrible people.
Buttiggeg is always missing in action on transportation related issues
It’s Black History month, he’s bowing and scraping to Saint Floyd.
Why the radio silence and zero aid from Biden and Pete over what may be the biggest eco disaster in our history? with life – animal, plant, and human – sickening and dying? And who knows how much area the chemical clouds will eventually affect? Who cares? These people are deplorable bitter clingers. Serves them right for voting wrong. And yes, I do believe them capable of thinking this way.