Wyoming State Legislators File to Phase-Out Sales of New EVs by 2035

Legal Insurrection readers will recall that California legislators voted to phase out gasoline-powered car sales by 2035.

The rule will also set interim targets to help phase out the sale of internal combustion engine models: By 2026, it states, 35% of new cars sold must be zero-emissions vehicles — an amount that climbs to 68% in 2030. Currently, just 12% of new cars sold in the state are electric vehicles.

Well, turnabout is fair play. Wyoming legislators filed to phase out the sales of electric vehicles.

Wyoming’s legislature is considering a resolution that calls for a phaseout of new electric vehicle sales by 2035. Introduced on Friday, Senate Joint Resolution 4 has support from members of the state’s House of Representatives and Senate.In the proposed resolution, a group of lawmakers led by Senator Jim Anderson says Wyoming’s “proud and valued” oil and gas industry has created “countless” jobs and contributed revenue to the state’s coffers.They add that a lack of charging infrastructure within Wyoming would make the widespread use of EVs “impracticable” and that the state would need to build “massive amounts of new power generation” to “sustain the misadventure of electric vehicles.”SJ4 calls for residents and businesses to limit the sale and purchase of EVs voluntarily, with the goal of phasing them out entirely by 2035. If passed, the resolution would be entirely symbolic. In fact, it’s more about sending a message to EV advocates than banning the vehicles altogether. To that point, the final section of SJ4 calls for Wyoming’s Secretary of State to send President Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom copies of the resolution.

While this is a symbolic move, Wyoming offered more rational reasons for this bill than the California rule. It is also heartening to see another state challenge the socialist behemoth that the Golden State has become.

The move is also designed to force a more robust debate and reasoned consideration about fossil fuels, the economy, and civilization-essential products.

“I’m interested in making sure that the solutions that some folks want to the so-called climate crisis are actually practical in real life,” GOP co-sponsor Sen. Brian Boner said, according to Cowboy State Daily. “I just don’t appreciate when other states try to force technology that isn’t ready.”Boner even acknowledged the resolution’s trolling nature. “One might even say tongue-in-cheek,” Boner said of the resolution, adding, “But obviously it’s a very serious issue that deserves some public discussion.”

Personally, I am hoping Twitter CEO Elon Musk has someone review the Twitter Files related to the discussion of green energy versus fossil fuels. It would be informative to see how fair points about EVs, as brought up in the Wyoming legislation, were throttled…and who throttled them.

Tags: Energy, Wyoming