Ronna McDaniel Gets Endorsement of Major GOP Donors in Battle for RNC Chair

Now that the battle for Speaker of the House has finally been resolved, Republicans will turn their attention to the other party skirmish that’s unfolding, the fight over RNC chair.

Incumbent Ronna McDaniel is facing challengers but has the backing of some of the party’s major donors. This might not be the endorsement she wants in this race.

FOX News reports:

Ronna McDaniel lands endorsements from Republican mega-donors in bid for fourth term leading RNCMore than half a dozen major GOP donors have endorsed Ronna McDaniel in her bid for a fourth term as chair of the Republican National Committee, Fox News has learned.The major donors include Dave Kelsey, Melinda Hildebrand, Dr. James Reibel, Jeff Burns, Bobby Schostak, and Marianne and John Gibson.Those donors, collectively, have contributed at least $14 million to the Republican Party since 2017, when McDaniel began her tenure as chair of the RNC.”I would not be a max donor to the RNC without the confidence I have in Ronna McDaniel as chairwoman and outstanding fundraiser,” Kelsey told Fox News. “My own experience is exemplar, Ronna actively reached out to me to grow my contributions, convincing me with meaningful conversations, updates and insights into her and her team’s strategy and tactics.”Kelsey said he “deeply” believes McDaniel “has proven to be an excellent steward of the funds invested in the RNC, making the right decisions needed for allocating resources to efforts with the best prospects.”

Glenn Beck recently spoke with Harmeet Dhillon, the Republican lawyer and RNC member who presents the most serious challenge to McDaniel. Watch below:

When you look at Republican voters, instead of major donors, McDaniel’s numbers aren’t great.

Human Events reports:

Just Six Percent of Republicans Want Ronna McDaniel to Remain RNC Chair, Poll FindsJust six percent of Republicans want Ronna Romney McDaniel to remain as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), according to new polling data.The poll, which was carried out by the Convention of States Action in partnership with The Trafalgar Group, surveyed over 1,000 GOP and GOP primary voters from December 17th through December 21st as McDaniel’s position faces intense scrutiny following a disappointing performance in the midterm elections.The survey found that an overwhelming 73.5 percent of Republican voters believe the party should elect a new chairperson, while six percent think McDaniel should remain in situ. Around 20 percent said they did not know or had not made up their mind.In addition, around 68 percent of respondents said the RNC was ineffective in getting Republicans elected in 2022, compared to 28 percent who believe the opposite.

Get ready for the next conflict. Here we go.

Tags: Republicans, RNC