Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tiny Song’ About COVID Subvariant is Ultimate Cringe
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Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tiny Song’ About COVID Subvariant is Ultimate Cringe

Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tiny Song’ About COVID Subvariant is Ultimate Cringe

Just stop.

Jimmy Fallon wrote a terrible song about the new COVID variant. Usually, late-night show songs are cringe and stupid, but this is…cringe.

It sounds like he wanted to use the music from the B-52s’ hit Love Shack and wanted to sound like frontman Fred Schneider.

I transcribed it for you, so your ears don’t bleed.

There was Alpha, then Delta, then Omicron next, but this latest variant might be the best.

It’s XBB.1.5. Another brand of COVID-19 has arrived. It’s a new strain but it isn’t the same. Sounds more like Elon Musk’s kid’s name.

It’s XBB.1.5. Not UB40, who sings ‘Red Red Wine.’

Put on your mask when you’re inside a facility.

It could be a robot from a Star Wars trilogy.

It’s XBB.1.5. Not OMG or MP3 or TCBY or an eye chart made by a really high guy. Sounds like the password of your parents’ Wi-Fi.

It’s XBB.1.5. XBB.1.5

You’ll notice that Fallon and his band aren’t wearing masks but tell you to wear one in a facility.

Also, the variant is an Omicron subvariant.

The line about Musk’s kid is funny or a Star Wars robot. But not in this…whatever you want to call it.

BONUS FLASHBACK! Stephen Colbert had a song about the vaccine.



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2smartforlibs | January 9, 2023 at 6:02 pm

They admit he’s over paid

Colonel Travis | January 9, 2023 at 6:04 pm

If they had any shame or self-respect, they’d be embarrassed. But they love to be tools of the state. No way the show came up with this dumbass thing on their own instinct.

Fame and a paycheck. Obviously worth it to them.

I remember when comedy was funny

God I miss Johnny Carson

Songwriting by committee is a very frustrating experience. And doing so on a deadline – most songwriters are wordsmithing right up to the recording session. Still, that’s an awful song.

I read this today. I think this is known as the nail in the coffin for Trump’s base of support .

An actual quote from Donald Trump: “The Fake News Media was, believe it or not, very gracious in their reporting that I greatly helped Kevin McCarthy attain the position of Speaker of the House,”

“Thank you, I did our Country a big favor!”

“Jimmy Fallon’s Tiny Song”

He’s singing the right tune. It matches him perfectly.

Jimmy usually likes doing these little songs. But just phoned this one in. Yikes.

He should be made to wear a bag over his head any time he’s in public until the shame of this passes.

Sometime in the year 3054 he *might* be safe to show his face again.