Chinese Scientists Manipulate Zika Virus and Mosquitoes to Create Vaccinator Insects

Legal Insurrection readers know of the many articles we have published featuring EcoHealth Alliance’s U.S.-funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The experiments were funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

The institute, at this point, is likely to be the point source of the covid pandemic that is now morphing into an endemic disease.

Therefore, research involving biological manipulation involving generic manipulation of viruses, especially those known to cause disease in man, from Chinese researchers should raise a few eyebrows. There is a new study that should raise a few eyebrows and draw the attention of concerned scientists and serious-minded public health professionals.

In a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications, Chinese researchers said they had developed a new technology to turn a mosquito into a flying vaccine carrier to immunize animals in the wild.

“Our study provides a future avenue for developing a mosquito-delivered vaccine to eliminate zoonotic viruses,” said Professor Zheng Aihau, with the Institute of Zoology’s State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who led the research.The finding could not only lead to a reduced spread of viruses within populations of hard-to-access wildlife hosts, but also protect endangered species from viral diseases, the researchers said in the paper.The researchers found that bites in wildlife from genetically modified mosquitoes triggered a strong, long-lasting immune response. Once immunised, the animals resisted infections, thus helping to prevent the early spread of many viruses, including the once widespread Zika virus (ZIKV).

The Nature Communications paper can be found by clicking HERE.

Arguably, mosquito-borne diseases are a bane of humanity. We covered the Zika outbreak extensively in 2016 and 2017.

However, there are reasonable concerns. Mosquitos bite humans and animals, and what might happen because of those bitten?

The research itself is rather disturbing in light of the covid pandemic. In the experiments, the Chinese researchers essentially blended Zika with another virus (Chaoyang or CYV) that thrives in mosquitoes but not other lifeforms.

They assert that this is a harmless hybrid virus that tricks the immune systems of animals into thinking they have been infected with Zika and triggers the development of immunity to Zika.

This may be true. However, I would want a great deal of confirmation by other scientists of all these claims before the technique, and the hybrid was used.

As a reminder, covid appears to have really started to spread in the wake of 20220’s Chinese New Year celebrations in Wuhan. Chinese New Year is January 21, and covid in that nation is rampant.

The mood in Wuhan this year is “relaxed.”

Three years after it recorded the world’s first cases of the coronavirus, the central Chinese city of Wuhan is once again besieged by Covid-19.The Chinese government’s abrupt lifting of its “zero-Covid” measures following mass protests has unleashed the virus on the world’s most populous nation, which experts say is undervaccinated and has little immunity after three years of global isolation.The sudden shift has overwhelmed hospitals and funeral homes in major cities and led countries including the United States to impose new restrictions on travelers from China amid worries that the outbreak could give rise to new variants of concern.But in contrast to early 2020, when a 76-day lockdown emptied Wuhan’s streets and the virus was deadlier, residents of the city of 11 million say the mood is more relaxed — even as they and almost everyone they know are infected with the highly transmissible omicron variant.“People are no longer afraid of the virus,” said Jasmine Li, a 25-year-old who works at a property company. “Everyone feels that they are all going to experience a viral infection, and everyone has accepted it quite openly. People are just desperate to move in a good direction now.”

My mood is anything but relaxed in light of this news. The scientists associated with the very likely laboratory creation of the novel coronavirus were arrogant, and I worry that other genetic researchers have not learned any humility in the wake of the global pandemic.

Tags: China, Medicine, Science