WH Defends Biden, Says a Border Visit Would be a ‘Political Stunt’

President Joe Biden said he couldn’t visit the border while in Arizona because “there are more important things going on.”

Instead of clarifying Biden’s remarks, the White House made it worse:

“The President was clear that his top priority is investing in the American economy and in American communities, out-competing China, and bringing back American jobs from overseas. In fact, as Fox News’ own analysis showed, the economy is the top issue for most Americans. If anyone believes that shouldn’t be the President’s top priority too, they should say that out loud,” a White House spokesman told Fox News Digital.”Of course, the President is also taking action to secure our border and build a fair, orderly, and humane immigration system,” the statement continued, adding that Biden has secured increased funding for the Department of Homeland Security. “President Biden is focused on real solutions, not political stunts. And if border security is such a top priority for Republican officials, voting against President Biden’s request for record funding for the Department of Homeland Security, as Representative Roy did, is an odd way to show it.”

Holy moly.

I’m trying to think how it could possibly be worded so the WH could “clarify” as they always do, but I’m coming up empty.

Tags: Arizona, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, White House