#Twitterfiles Part 2: “Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics”

I appeared this morning on Chicago’s Morning Answer with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson (no relation).

The main focus of my segment was the Supreme Court oral argument in the Elections Clause case, but the discussion also turned to my post #Twitterfiles Are About Biden Family Corruption and Media Coverup. I made the point in that post, and in the interview, that claims of First Amendment violations created a distraction, allowing the coverup media to argue over whether there was sufficient government involvement to invoke the First Amendment. The important point was that leftists at Twitter (and across social media and the mainstream media) killed the story. The story was not a laptop, is was that the laptop provided evidence that Joe Biden sold his vice presidency and subsequent access to enrich his family.

I talked about that during the radio interview (video marked to start at that point):

Tonight more files were released, this time through Bari Weiss on her Twitter account. The additional files show that anti-conservative censorship was systemic and deliberate. Here’s a selection of the tweets from Weiss’ thread:

1. A new #TwitterFiles investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users.3. Take, for example, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) who argued that Covid lockdowns would harm children. Twitter secretly placed him on a “Trends Blacklist,” which prevented his tweets from trending.4. Or consider the popular right-wing talk show host, Dan Bongino (@dbongino), who at one point was slapped with a “Search Blacklist.”5. Twitter set the account of conservative activist Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) to “Do Not Amplify.”6. Twitter denied that it does such things. In 2018, Twitter’s Vijaya Gadde (then Head of Legal Policy and Trust) and Kayvon Beykpour (Head of Product) said: “We do not shadow ban.” They added: “And we certainly don’t shadow ban based on political viewpoints or ideology.”7. What many people call “shadow banning,” Twitter executives and employees call “Visibility Filtering” or “VF.” Multiple high-level sources confirmed its meaning.8. “Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels. It’s a very powerful tool,” one senior Twitter employee told us.9. “VF” refers to Twitter’s control over user visibility. It used VF to block searches of individual users; to limit the scope of a particular tweet’s discoverability; to block select users’ posts from ever appearing on the “trending” page; and from inclusion in hashtag searches.11. “We control visibility quite a bit. And we control the amplification of your content quite a bit. And normal people do not know how much we do,” one Twitter engineer told us. Two additional Twitter employees confirmed.12. The group that decided whether to limit the reach of certain users was the Strategic Response Team – Global Escalation Team, or SRT-GET. It often handled up to 200 “cases” a day.13. But there existed a level beyond official ticketing, beyond the rank-and-file moderators following the company’s policy on paper. That is the “Site Integrity Policy, Policy Escalation Support,” known as “SIP-PES.”14. This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy, and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust & Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others.15. This is where the biggest, most politically sensitive decisions got made. “Think high follower account, controversial,” another Twitter employee told us. For these “there would be no ticket or anything.”16. One of the accounts that rose to this level of scrutiny was @libsoftiktok—an account that was on the “Trends Blacklist” and was designated as “Do Not Take Action on User Without Consulting With SIP-PES.”21. Compare this to what happened when Raichik herself was doxxed on November 21, 2022. A photo of her home with her address was posted in a tweet that has garnered more than 10,000 likes.22. When Raichik told Twitter that her address had been disseminated she says Twitter Support responded with this message: “We reviewed the reported content, and didn’t find it to be in violation of the Twitter rules.” No action was taken. The doxxing tweet is still up.23. In internal Slack messages, Twitter employees spoke of using technicalities to restrict the visibility of tweets and subjects….28. The authors have broad and expanding access to Twitter’s files. The only condition we agreed to was that the material would first be published on Twitter.

Here’s a good point. Your Twitter Direct Messages were visible to Twitter employees (it’s why I tell people not to DM me anything private on Twitter DM).

There is no way this is just going on at Twitter. Our own Facebook page has over 560,000 [correction – 360,000] followers, but we are so throttled that we’re lucky if Facebook shows our posts to 1000 people. And that’s a good day.

The Twitterfiles prove what we all knew. Big Tech manipulates the public debate, and manipulated the 2020 election, including by killing the Biden family corruption story.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Elon Musk, Media Appearance, Twitter, Twitterfiles