‘Tip of the Iceberg’: Rep. Porter Demoted Navy Veteran Staffer for Giving Her COVID as Another Describes ‘Culture of Fear’

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) is under fire for her treatment of a veteran and former staffer for allegedly giving her COVID.

Sasha Georgiades worked in Porter’s office as a Wounded Warrior program fellow.

The protocol is taking a COVID test as soon as one doesn’t feel well:

According to Georgiades, the “office protocol on testing” that Porter claimed she violated was failing to take a COVID-19 test the instant she felt even slightly unwell. Georgiades maintains an active lifestyle—she goes to the gym almost every day—and says that at first, she thought she was just sore from exercise.”At the time I felt okay, just sore as if had worked out too hard,” she says. “It was hard to differentiate until the next morning and as soon as I felt sick I took a test, told the district director I had it, and stayed home.”Nevertheless, Porter contracted COVID-19 around that same time, and blamed Georgiades. The representative, a single mother, was especially angry about arranging for someone to take care of her children while she was sick, and lamented in the text messages that “my children have nobody to care for them.” (According to Georgiades, Porter’s calendar said she was supposed to be in Washington, D.C., that week, anyway. Her three children live in her California district.)

Georgiades told Fox News Digital that Porter probably would have fired her if she didn’t have the “protection of the wounded warrior program.”

But then Georgiades said Porter’s attitude towards her “isn’t uncommon”:

“She has made multiple staffers cry and people are generally so anxious to even staff her because if ANYTHING goes wrong she flips out on whatever staffer is present,” Georgiades said. “She just talks to staffers however she wants.””At one point we had an office hike and she left her kids with the staffers in the back while she walked off with the chief of staff,” she continued. “There is no regard to us or feelings or even what we are going through. It is only about her and what she wants. I tried to pass on legislation for veterans and active duty members several times and was told no because she didn’t like who had written it.”The former Porter staffer said the congresswoman’s office will “overburden the staffer with work so it either comes to a point that they can’t juggle it all or they are fired for not keeping up” and noted this “happened shortly after I got there with another staffer.””He was so upset and hurt,” Georgiades said, adding the staffer was a staff assistant in the office — the entry-level paid role for congressional offices.

Another Porter staffer told the Twitter account Dear White Staffers:

Tags: California, Democrats, House of Representatives