The Equal Protection Project – From Strength to Strength (Year-End Fundraiser)

The message below was sent to our almost 30,000 newsletter subscribers earlier today:

As the founder of Legal Insurrection website in 2008, Legal Insurrection Foundation (LIF) in 2019, and in 2021, I’ve come to realize that no one person or group can do everything needed in the battle for freedom. We each need to focus on our strengths.

I write today to tell you how we are moving from strength to strength, and to ask you to join us.

At the Legal Insurrection family of websites, all under the umbrella of LIF, our strength is identifying the next big issue before anyone else. We have done that repeatedly over the years, with the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College dispute and litigation serving as a prime example. We spotted the potential in that story, stuck with it for several years before anyone else paid attention, and invested the resources to cover the trial as the first project of the newly launched LIF in spring 2019. And it paid off, with massive accolades for our coverage.

This sort of deep research and investigation, staying with stories, and never letting go is what we do best.

You can see that at our website. We were ahead of the wave and shined a light on CRT before others knew what was happening. We started researching for the website and rolled it out with a huge impact (announced on the Tucker Carlson show) before many of the groups engaging on the topic even existed.

Now our CRT website has grown to cover higher education, K-12 elite private schools, medical schools, and military service academies. Over 100 media articles and media cite and link to our databases, and over 600,000 unique users performed over 7 million actions on the website.

While others go for a quick media hit and then move on, that’s not our approach. As I discussed in a recent speech to national education activists, we cannot move on from the destructive racialization of education just because the media focus has shifted.

We are in the fight for equality and equal treatment of all people without regard to race or ethnicity, and we will not waver.

“Equality” is now rejected in education and increasingly in government and corporations, in favor of discrimination based on race and ethnicity in the name of “equity.” We will not stand for it, and we are not going to stop shining a light on the problem. We are going to investigate, educate, and even litigate when necessary. We are going to do something about it. We are uniquely positioned to fight this battle because of the widespread attention and public contacts (including tips) we receive at our CRT website.

We already have begun to fight back as part of our normal work at LIF. Some highlights include filing an amicus brief in the Supreme Court in support of the Asian students claiming discrimination from affirmative action, and filing a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Education over a Providence, RI, school district’s new teacher loan forgiveness program open only to non-whites. Racial discrimination is always wrong, and the answer to past racial discrimination is not more racial discrimination.

So early next year we are taking our efforts to fight racial discrimination in the name of equity to a new and more impactful level – the launch of The Equal Protection Project. We currently have a holding page ( and have hired a website designer to roll out a full website early next year. We are also increasing staffing and building out the operational aspects of this new project.

But importantly, we are also starting to scale our impact. What does this mean? At the beginning of this email. I mentioned our competitive advantage–we’ve clearly defined what makes LIF unique and seek to do more. In 2023, LIF plans to invest in the Equal Protection Project which will take our impact to the next level on what is the “next big issue.”

The EPP is very important and plays to our strengths, but it can’t happen without funding and support. We need you to partner with us, to continue to make a difference in the battle for freedom.

So as 2022 comes to a close and we look forward to 2023, please join us in going from strength to strength, with a donation to Legal Insurrection Foundation to fund our efforts, including the Equal Protection Project.

All the best,

William A. Jacobson


LIF is a tax-exempt non-profit. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

You can DONATE using a credit card, PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay at our donation platform.

Checks can be mailed and payable to “Legal Insurrection Foundation”:

Legal Insurrection Foundation
18 Maple Ave #280
Barrington, RI 02806

To donate securities, email us.

Tags: Equal Protection Project, Legal Insurrection Foundation, Legal Insurrection Fundraiser