Teen at Ted Cruz’s Houston Home in Hospital After ‘Self-Inflicted Cutting’ Call
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Teen at Ted Cruz’s Houston Home in Hospital After ‘Self-Inflicted Cutting’ Call

Teen at Ted Cruz’s Houston Home in Hospital After ‘Self-Inflicted Cutting’ Call

No confirmation if the teen is a Cruz relative.

The Houston Police Department went to Sen. Ted Cruz’s Houston home after receiving a “self-inflicted cutting” call.

From ABC13:

HPD told Eyewitness News that officers responded to reports of a 14-year-old with self-inflicted stab wounds on the arms in the upscale neighborhood of River Oaks. Police were in the front yard of Cruz’s home when ABC13 arrived.

The teen was taken to the hospital.

Police could not say whether the call involved a member of Cruz’s family. The Texas Republican has two daughters.

Cruz has two daughters, ages 14 and 11.

We do not know if Cruz will leave D.C. and head back to Houston.


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I’m going to give this one the 48 hour rule. It will be entertaining to watch the same people who cried endlessly about Pelosi’s privacy and are currently fighting to keep any badgecams or surveillance footage hidden, turn around on a dime and demand ‘answers.’

smalltownoklahoman | December 7, 2022 at 9:33 am

Well I hope whatever is going one here (sounds like a typical teen dealing with depression) that this young girl gets the help she needs.

The Gentle Grizzly | December 7, 2022 at 9:50 am

I wish the young lady the very best. I also fully expect the Maddows and the Reids of the world to make some very nasty remarks.

Cutting is so sad. The cutters I have known were so profoundly depressed.

    NotCoach in reply to MattMusson. | December 7, 2022 at 11:37 am

    Let us wait and see. These initial reports are always so bad. Perhaps she cut herself cutting up some fruit.

    CommoChief in reply to MattMusson. | December 7, 2022 at 2:10 pm

    This is unfortunately all too common among teen girls. Boys tend to actually commit suicide while girls tend to use cutting/ hesitation marks as a way to get help and call for attention. In some rare but very twisted cases its used to manipulate their families.

    murkyv in reply to MattMusson. | December 7, 2022 at 8:11 pm

    My daughter was one of those

    Not as bad as some, but bad enough

Sounds pretty personal. I wish they would not publicize this. It is none of our business.

And somehow, the headlines n ledes manage to say “Cruz.”

The cutters of yesterday are the gender fluid borderlines of today with blue hair and hairy underarms.

Good luck she’s 14 and will be in crazy land for sometime…

“A Return to Modesty” is a good read for people who care about young girls.


May god bless the Cruz family and protect them from attacks from the media and the left.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gibbie. | December 7, 2022 at 3:51 pm

    Good luck on that! “Someone” will “come forward” with stories of this poor girl crying about abuse at home.

    Count on it.

      They’ve been working on that for a year. The Advocate, January 7, 2022:

      *** Ted Cruz’s Teenage Daughter Says She’s Bi, Disagrees With Him ***

      “On her now-private TikTok account, Caroline Cruz, 13, shared a video recently telling her viewers what it’s like being the daughter of U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, a homophobic Republican from Texas.

      “A lot of people judge me based upon him at first glance,” she said. “But I really disagree with most of his views.”

Connivin Caniff | December 7, 2022 at 7:50 pm

Why is this in “Legal Insurrection”?