Sen. Tom Cotton Wishes ‘Woke’ CEO ‘Best of Luck’ When Seeking Help From GOP

Tom Cotton Kroger

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas just gave Republicans a lesson in how to deal with woke corporations. Kroger is trying to merge with another grocery store chain, and the Democrats aren’t playing ball, so Kroger wants the usually business-supporting GOP to help them out.

However, Kroger has embraced the left’s social justice agenda and was even sued by employees who objected to wearing pride rainbows.

The Daily Caller reported:

Kroger fired two former employees from an Arkansas location in 2019 after they refused to wear logos they believed represented the rainbow Pride Flag. While Kroger said the aprons with the rainbow-colored heart were not indicative of support for the LGBTQ community, and that the two employees were not fired for their religious belief, the mega-chain was ordered to pay $180,000 to settle the suit.

Now they want help from Republicans. Cotton gave the Kroger CEO some tough love.

The FOX Business Network reports:

Sen. Tom Cotton on ‘woke’ CEOs who run to GOP to escape Dem regulation: ‘Best of luck’Sen. Tom Cotton scolded “woke” CEOs last week who expect Republicans to come to their defense when Democrats want to regulate their industries, telling them, “Best of luck.”Cotton, R-Ark., was discussing the merger between the Kroger and Albertsons grocery chains when he railed against companies inserting themselves in cultural issues. He likened it to tech companies asking for GOP protection from overregulation by Democrats.”I’ve cautioned them for years that if they silence conservatives and center-right voters… if they discriminate against them in their company, they probably shouldn’t come and ask Republican senators to carry the water for them whenever our Democratic friends want to regulate them or block their mergers,” he said during a Nov. 29 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the proposed merger between the grocery giants.”I’ll say this: ‘I’m sorry that’s happening to you. Best of luck,” he added.

Here’s the video:

Ace of Spades has more background on what happened to employees at Kroger and says, of Cotton’s comments, that every Republican should memorize this answer.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Republicans, Social Justice, Tom Cotton