Republican Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon Running for Republican National Committee Chair

As we mentioned recently, the GOP is forming a new board to examine the underwhelming results of the 2022 midterms. Additionally, some Republican voters are looking for new leadership in the party.

Some first suggested Lee Zeldin, then MyPillow creator Mike Lindell floated himself as a candidate. Now, Republican lawyer Harmeet Dhillon is throwing her hat into the ring.

The Daily Caller reports:

‘Stepping Up’: Harmeet Dhillon Announces Bid To Replace McDaniel As RNC ChairLawyer Harmeet Dhillon announced a challenge to Ronna McDaniel to chair the Republican National Committee on Fox News Monday night.“I am going to announce tonight that actually I am going to run for RNC chair and the reason is that, to play off a famous catch phrase, Republicans are tired of losing and I think that we need to radically reshape our leadership in order to win,” Dhillon told host Tucker Carlson. “We can’t keep running elections like we did in the 90s and 2000s.”“We really have to modernize to compete with the Democrats, dollar for dollar in the ways they fundraise, the ways they deliver their ballots to the ballot boxes, our messaging needs to be fresh and positive and not just reactive to news cycles and what the Democrats are doing,” Dhillon continued. “And I think that the party needs to realize that the party has become a populist party, the base of the party demands populist messages that speak to them.”

Watch her announcement below:

Lee Zeldin might still be running as well. He is set to announce his decision in a couple of days.

Breitbart News reported:

Lee Zeldin ‘Seriously Considering’ Run for RNC Chair, Will Announce Decision December 7Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) announced over the weekend that he has “seriously” considered the pleas to run for Republican National Committee (RNC) chair and will announce his decision on December 7, after the Georgia runoff election.“I’ve been seriously considering your requests to run for RNC Chair. I will announce my decision at 8am EST on December 7th, waiting until Wednesday to keep the focus on the Georgia runoff,” the former New York gubernatorial candidate said, urging those in the Peach State to get out and vote for Republican Herschel Walker:

This is an important role and the person who fills it should be chosen carefully. If you doubt me, just watch below. Would you believe this man was once RNC chairman?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Republicans, RNC