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Nicole Solas Speaks Out Against Book That Advises Young Girls About Getting Puberty Blockers Without Parental Consent

Nicole Solas Speaks Out Against Book That Advises Young Girls About Getting Puberty Blockers Without Parental Consent

“You don’t want your kid, who is in a very vulnerable state, to be reading in a book that they should be seeing strangers at organizations.”

We have written about the efforts of Nicole Solas before now. She is a Rhode Island teacher and mom who has been fighting the woke agenda.

WJAR News reports:

Local mom, pediatrician divided on American Girl guidebook on gender identity

A Rhode Island mom is calling for a boycott on an American Girl book about body image and gender identity.

The book in question is a “Smart Girls Guide: Body Image Book.”

“This book is telling girls, at 10 years old, to seek out organizations to obtain puberty blockers,” says Nicole Solas from Wakefield. “That is really scary that a book that most parents trust, because this is American Girl, can tell kids to do that.”

The book was released earlier this year and it’s the first time an American Girl book addressed issues surrounding gender identity and expression.

The 96-page book is advertised to children ages 10 and older as a guide “to love yourself, live life to the fullest, and celebrate all kinds of bodies.”

One sentence on page 38 of the guide directs children who question their gender identity to go outside their home if they don’t have an adult around to support them.

“If you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you,” the book reads.

It then directs them to a page of resources for more information.

“If you have a child that’s suffering from gender dysphoria, that’s a serious concern and they need compassion,” says Solas. “You don’t want your kid, who is in a very vulnerable state, to be reading in a book that they should be seeing strangers at organizations.”


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smalltownoklahoman | December 11, 2022 at 12:16 pm

“One sentence on page 38 of the guide directs children who question their gender identity to go outside their home if they don’t have an adult around to support them.”

If a kid is in such a bad situation that they don’t have an adult they can trust in their life then they most likely have other more important concerns that need to be taken care of first.

I just sent an email to join hopefully a local

Pay attention to your children’s school, teachers, peer group.