El Paso Border Patrol Facility Over Capacity as Agents Feel ‘Completely Defeated’ Days Before Title 42 Expires

Title 42 expires on Wednesday.

But viewing Texas State Rep. Tony Gonzalez’s video of the Border Patrol Centra; Processing Center and hearing comments from the Border patrol union president, you’d think Title 42 went away weeks ago.

Title 42 allowed officials to send migrants back because of the pandemic. However, we continue to see monthly record numbers concerning encounters, gotaways, etc.

Without Title 42, authorities fear a flood of migrants, who have already lined up at the border, will crash through and strain resources even more.

Gonzalez’s video showed a processing center with a capacity of 1,040 people with around 4,600 migrants.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told Fox News Digital the agents “feel completely and totally defeated” ahead of Title 42’s expiration:

“We were supposed to be involved in enforcement, and we’re stuck doing both enforcement and asylum. We’re stuck taking people into custody, we’re not patrolling the border. We’re doing administrative duties — and that was never what we were supposed to do,” Judd said.He also highlighted some of the abuse and stress that faces agents in doing their job on the front lines of the crisis every day.”We get spit at, we get cussed at, we get told by people we take into custody, they’re going to rape our wives, kill our children, and you have to put up with all of that,” he said. “And then also knowing that you’re just not accomplishing anything, it just makes it really, really hard.”As for what will happen this week, Judd predicted an “immediate explosion” of people coming through on the 21st and 22nd, given the number of people already camped out on the other side of the border.”There are people that are leery of coming until the end of Title 42. So, I think that you’re going to see a huge ramp-up starting probably the end of December, the beginning of January. But there is going to be a huge explosion because there are all kinds of people that are camped out right now just waiting for it to end.”

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, DHS, Texas