Legal Insurrection Authors Predict the 2022 Elections

What will happen tomorrow? According to Press Secretary Karine Jeab-Pierre and Cobb County in Georgia, we won’t know for days.

Politico thinks we can question the election, so will it ever end?

Who knows! But the Legal Insurrection authors have their predictions! No endorsements, though.

Professor Jacobson

Logic tells me it will be a Republican sweep, picking up about 30 seats in the House, and 2-3 seats (net) in the Senate. But that’s my head speaking, my gut tells me there will be some negative surprises, particularly in Pennsylvania (because of the inevitable late reporting big city precincts and mail ballots). It’s also unfathomable that a Republican could win in NY, but I think Zeldin has a shot.

Mary Chastain

I don’t know. I honestly do not know. The Democrats are desperate, deranged, and broken.

I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican. But I would not mind seeing Democrats lose control of Congress because they’re obsessed with social issues, especially abortion and allowing kids to chop off their body parts.

Lee Zeldin winning New York… that’d be hilarious! Also, any of the so-called “MAGA” candidates that the Democrats backed in the primaries.

I’d laugh hard if General Don Bolduc beats New Hampshire Democratic incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan.

Let’s return to the Constitution. Small and limited government.

Fuzzy Slippers

I’m terrible at predictions (I thought Trump was going to win in a landslide in 2020), but this sounds good to me: “GOP gets 246 in House, 54 in Senate, and a long-term resurgence.”

Mike LaChance

I think the GOP will take the House and the Senate. Also, a few surprises in governor races, like Lee Zeldin.

Leslie Eastman

My response to you is in the form of this Tweet.

Kristen Faiola


DEM Party 190
GOP Party 245
GOP: 55

TOTAL: GOP:54 DEM:44 IN: 2

Arizona – GOP – FLIP
California – DEM
Colorado – DEM
Connecticut – DEM
Georgia – GOP – FLIP
Hawaii – DEM
Illinois – DEM
Maryland – DEM
Nevada – GOP – FLIP
New Hampshire – GOP – FLIP
New York – DEM
Oregon – DEM
Vermont – DEM
Washington – DEM (Possibly a flip to GOP so that they get this instead of a different close one. OR we get 55)
Alabama – GOP
Alaska – GOP
Arkansas – GOP
Florida – GOP
Idaho – GOP
Indiana – GOP
Iowa – GOP
Kansas – GOP
Kentucky – GOP
Louisiana – GOP
Missouri – GOP
North Carolina – GOP
North Dakota – GOP
Ohio – GOP
Oklahoma – GOP
Pennsylvania – GOP
South Carolina – GOP
South Dakota – GOP
Utah – GOP
Wisconsin – GOP

Tags: 2022 Elections, LI Author Reaction