Cornell University “Apologizes” To Ann Coulter After Students Shouting “Your Words Are Violence” Shut Down Speech
“Cornell apologizes to Ms. Coulter and all members of the audience who hoped to hear her remarks.”

I leave campus for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose. And then pigs flew and Cornell University apologized for something.
Cornell has a long history of conservative speakers being heckled, disrupted and harassed: Rick Santorum, pro-Israel events, and Michael Johns come to mind. But it’s not just conservatives – a group of liberal students wrote a scathing letter in the student newspaper decrying the leftist activist intimidation on campus:
“We write as a group of liberals frustrated with the current campus hostility towards free speech and open dialogue. We believe that a repressive campus culture only isolates and radicalizes, but does not eliminate, those with dissenting views. The goal is to win hearts and minds — not to cancel them. While we find the left’s policy goals laudable, we question the tactics used by our fellow students to achieve those goals. It is important to approach others with goodwill and charity, yet oftentimes we struggle to extend these virtues to our peers and friends.”
Not surprisingly, Cornell ranks low in surveys of students as to campus free expression culture.
Add Ann Coulter to the list.
I knew she was speaking on November 9, because I’m the faculty advisor to the Cornell Chapter of the Network of Enlightened Women (NeW), the group which invited her and sponsored the event. The speech was in one of the larger lecture halls at the law school, but was not a law school or law student event. I was not in Ithaca, so I couldn’t attend.
In the run-up to the event, progressive students organized the obligatory petition to disinvite her, and engaged in self-parody in the Cornell Sun student newspaper:
On Nov. 9, the Cornell University chapter of the Network of Enlightened Women will welcome Ann Coulter ’84 as a guest speaker to a leadership event. Given Ann Coulter’s history of spreading white supremacist ideals and provocatory statements meant to instigate instead of foster productive conversations, Cornell should prevent such a spread of hateful rhetoric by canceling this event….
For those unfamiliar with Ann Coulter’s track record, we are not seeking to “cancel” her merely for identifying as a conservative. Rather, we want accountability for her extremist rhetoric that qualifies as hate speech. She has fomented alarmism over white genocide, declared that racism against people of color does not exist in America and claimed women should not have the right to vote “because women see the government as their husbands.” …
Unfortunately, we were informed by the Campus Activities Office that there were no intentions to cancel the event, although a petition created by the co-writer of this article, Troy Moslemi ’24, has been circulating with hundreds of students in favor of not having Coulter on campus. When prompted on what Cornell is doing to address the presence of an overtly white supremacist guest speaker on campus, we were only informed that Cornell offers resources to support those who may be concerned or affected. Yet, how can the University expect to adequately provide emotional support to students when the reputation of Cornell’s commitment to mental health is already abysmal. We have requested that the University improve their resources for the event, but we have not received any response back….
Free speech assumes that there are no inequalities, which allows everyone to have an equal voice. Therefore, Cornell University not preventing Ann Coulter from speaking on campus upholds the status quo whereby an oppressive class has the largest voice in an era where the Republican Party, despite being unpopular, can win the presidency through the biased Electoral College and win seats in the House with help by illicit gerrymandering. By allowing a powerful right-wing pundit who revels in hate and controversy onto campus, Cornell turns a blind eye to extremism that may pose a threat to vulnerable students. If Cornell University truly wishes to exemplify their motto of “To Do the Greatest Good,” they must put forth a greater effort in amplifying marginalized communities and curtailing harmful rhetoric.
And so it came to pass. The conservative student Cornell Review (to which I’m also the faculty advisor — sensing a pattern here?), reported:
Hecklers blasted music, blew whistles and shouted over Ann Coulter, ultimately derailing her speech in Myron Taylor Hall this evening.
Coulter is a controversial conservative pundit who graduated from Cornell in 1984. While at Cornell, she was a part of the Delta Gamma sorority and helped to found this very publication. She is a staunch advocate for immigration reform, and has recently focused on issues related to crime.
The Network of enlightened Women (NeW) hosted the event in Landis Auditorium. Anticipating mischief, seats were limited to those who had registered online and the event was packed with security officers.
A small protest outside Cornell’s law school preceded the event. Attendees were ushered inside by security officers. The event began with a message from the University Dean of Students, warning the audience that, while applause would be tolerated, attempts to interrupt the speech would lead to removal and referral to the Office of Student Conduct.
Sarah Clark, representing Leadership Institute, then introduced Coulter, who entered from the left-hand side. As she descended the stairs, an individual in the crowd began blaring circus music on a portable speaker. Security approached the individual and, after a warning, he was removed from the event.
Coulter had time for a handful of introductory remarks about the 2022 midterm election results before the hecklers began again. Two individuals on the front left side of the auditorium began making disrupting noises. When a female event organizer approached the students to give a warning, Coulter chimed in: “why is it always girls going and talking to disruptors?” The protestors were subsequently removed.
Coulter remarked that “usually it’s bush league schools where you get the protesters…You go to a place like Harvard and, you know, they’re smart, they want to challenge you, there’s questions and answers, they want to get you.” Having spoken three times at Cornell, Coulter reflected that she has always “been able to say ‘oh, whew, my alma mater is one of the smart schools. So, if you can leave me with that impression tonight that would be really really solid.’”
Almost immediately after, another heckler stood up and began shouting “your words are violence” and “We don’t want you to speak here.” Coulter attempted to continue her remarks, but the heckler continued, “We’re not gonna listen to you, to converse with you! We don’t want your ideas here! Leave! Leave! We don’t want you here!” As the heckler was escorted out, Coulter quipped “words aren’t violence, violence is violence.”
Several more protestors stood and began shouting down Coulter. They seemed to be employing a chain tactic, beginning just as soon as the last heckler was removed, so as to continuously speak over Coulter. One individual began blowing a whistle, prompting anger from other members of the crowd, one of whom yelled “go suck Fauci’s d*ck somewhere else” at the protester.
Coulter then left the room for a few minutes as organizers brought in added security. When she returned, protestors resumed immediately. Two individuals began yelling, “No KKK! No fascist USA!” When they were rushed out, another began yelling about immigration policy.
Finally Coulter waved to the crowd and left the room, saying, “so proud of my alma mater.” The event lasted just a little more than 30 minutes, of which Coulter spoke for less than 7. As students left one audience member shouted, “I love Cornell.”
The @AnnCoulter speaking event on Cornell campus (her alma mater) was successfully disrupted by protestor outbursts. Coulter became annoyed and left the venue in approximately twenty minutes. #twithaca
— Zach Winn (@WinnForMayor) November 10, 2022
NeW provided this statement:
“What happened last night speaks very poorly of the kinds of academic discourse we have at Cornell. We are grateful to the Cornell administration for giving us the support to hold this event, but we are immensely disappointed by the actions of our peers. Refusing to listen to others goes against what we as students should be striving for — honest debate in the marketplace of free ideas.”
Cornell media relations provided this statement from Joel M. Malina, Vice President for University Relations (emphasis added):
“Cornell is committed to academic excellence and a core belief that learning flourishes in an environment where diverse ideas are presented and debated without hindrance. We are deeply disappointed that attendees at a campus event rudely and repeatedly disrupted a talk Wednesday evening by conservative commentator Ann Coulter, ’84.
“Attendees were apprised at the beginning of the event that anyone preventing another’s ability to speak or be heard would be in violation of university policy and subject to removal and/or referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
“The event was interrupted by attendees playing loud music and sound effects, and shouting profanities. Eight college-age individuals were removed from the auditorium following Cornell protocols. All Cornell students among the disrupters will be referred for conduct violations.
“After the repeated disruption, Ms. Coulter chose not to continue her public remarks.
“Cornell apologizes to Ms. Coulter and all members of the audience who hoped to hear her remarks. The inappropriate behavior displayed by disrupters does not reflect the university’s values.”
That’s a pretty strong statement by the university. I think the administrators are feeling pressure from the years of bad publicity. Last year an alumni group (now joined by faculty and students), Cornell Free Speech Alliance (of which I am one of the founding members but not the driving force), launched and has expanded rapidly.
Cornell has a free expression problem. Maybe the administration finally is waking up to it.

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Hopefully, the punishment is expulsion, but I doubt it is. If it were, then this type of “protest” wouldn’t happen. Leftists are scumbags.
IMO, until the punishment is expulsion, Cornell is just paying lip service to the issue. Free speech IS that important.
Exactly. Cornell knows who these people are. Failure to take decisive action this time will be conclusive proof that Cornell’s words are empty, and that this kind of lawlessness is effectively sanctioned by the administration.
If the people involved are students, they must be expelled.
If they are staff, they must be fired.
If they are non-students, Cornell needs to get a court order prohibiting them from being on campus, such that they can be arrested if they ever come back.
Cornell was captured by the radical left years and years ago.
More than mere scumbags: they’re lazy, corrupted narcissistic brats. Their deal with their leftist overseers: “You can do any perverted thing, never work a day in your life and no one will judge you – in fact, we’ll pay you here and there. In exchange: you must always vote for us and scream like idiots when we tell you to.”
Quite a life they signed up for, but they’re trying to force us to go down with them.
I think that security should have a quantity of tennis and softballs on hand, they should be inserted in hecklers mouth, appropriately sized ball picked for a very tight fit. That fit should be so tight that it takes a scalpel and hollowing out the ball for removal.
Paintballs from several directions would be even more immediate and satisfying.
Expel the students and make sure the rest of the students know who they are. The problem is that the students have been getting away with this for so long that they know nothing will happen to them. They shut Coulter down and that is what they wanted to do
When an actor (a heckler here) has no skin in the game, irresponsible (sometimes to the point of criminal) behavior follows.
I propose a different punishment called dose of own medicine. Tell them to apologize to Ms Coulter and the student body or face the consequences. Then wait to see what happens. Let them work all semester and if they don’t comply the punishment is ghost their grades. All that work and money spent but give them an Incomplete for a grade. No expulsion, no F just no grade. They show up to class and they get cancelled in the end.
Universities are bound by the conduct they pledge to give towards a student. A punishment has to by law be transparent.
Otherwise I would fully and without hesitation back that (and I regret I could only upvote that once).
Unfortunately unlike expulsion for that behavior a secret punishment of never receiving grades and their courses being an incomplete would violate the universities promise that each student gets the grade they earned, but I really liked your thinking and it would be nice if that was possible.
Exactly. Expel the shit out of them.
anyone being disorderly should have been dragged out and marked for immediate expulsion – the way that students at Yale were immediately expelled if a girl was in their room when it was an all-male school.
They apologized because she has come out and dissed President Trump loud and clear. Not that they didn’t have their split up a few years ago, but she’s really banging that drum now.
That’s pretty much what it takes these days
This may come as a complete surprise to you, but not everything is about Trump.
I was gonna make a joke about there not being enough Trump/DeSantis in this post and it showed up for real within 2 comments!
Laughing here. I think some people type LOL and don’t really LOL. I really did LOL.
Anyway, forgive me.
(Gonzo, I do like your fire.)
We need a LI equivalent of Godwin’s Law: Just replace Nazi with Trump/DeSantis.
No, it’s not, BUT, if Trump is tossed aside, the left will have won, period: they’ll just do the same formula to our next hero.
We have to support Trump – maybe not as our predetermined candidate for 2024, but to buy into the swamp bullsh-t Rupert Murdock is pushing through Fox News and the NY Post to destroy Trump is evidence how much we need to support him.
Remember: the GOP are not our friends – they’re just neighbors we’re stuck with for a while.
Or instead of risking a loss DJT could step aside and retain his relevance and ride herd on the establishment shenanigans that are going to occur.
Y’all do realize if the man loses the primary or the general he’s not going to retain any power or influence except among the zealots. I don’t think he will lose the primary but the general is another thing entirely.
We don’t have to support him when he’s acting like a spoiled child. I will freely admit I am more than tired of him and it’s time for him to hang up his suit and bow out of politics. I’m damned sure not going to vote for a 78 year old man who exhibited poor political judgement by surrounding himself with ineffective people who don’t know how to play the game.
If Trump would stop attacking his own side and reign in that ego a bit it would help a lot.
The Establishment Repubs as shown by the Lt. Govs of Virginia and Georgia are doing a credible job of dissing ….. Not wanting Trump and Walker respectively. Sort of following a version of “Build Back Better”. Trump may fade but he was the trail breaker out of the morass Seizing defeat from the jaws of recent victory has come too soon. The GOPe didn’t win ascendancy in the election either. For the Left…winning is all that counts …
I did cringe when I first saw the attack. But what has been the effect of him “dissing” RDS? A bunch of RINOs and GOPe have exposed & identified themselves. I don’t know if that was his intention, but it certainly did some good.
As a PSA, the proper term is rein in, as in reining in a horse. Reign is what royalty does.
Not targeted at you, I see this particular misuse maybe three times every day now.
Respectfully, Mr. Fine, we don’t have to support DJT, just his policies with which we agree. Aren’t there others out there with policies and track records also warranting critical attention?
Funny – and who else has the initiative, creativity and courage to do what Trump has done?
I agree, Fuzzy. But, some people need a Revered Jim in their lives.
Dang I
Meant to
Downvote , big thumbs
Just to make sure you saw her upvote I gave you another!
Awww… you shouldn’t have…
and some people are soggy cardboard inside
It seems
It is lately on this blog
Only because you insist on it.
Nah, just telling the truth
That would be a nice upgrade to your usual commentary….
I wondered how long a Trump remark would take. The Trump supporters are getting as bad as those with TDS. I’m getting to the point that I hate to admit I voted for him twice.
I see Trump as a liability to the Republican Party; his candidates got massacred on Tuesday. I think anybody other than Dr. Oz would have beaten Fetterman in PA, and any R other than Mastriano would have beaten Shapiro. The swing voters have had their fill of 2020 election conspiracy theories. We need to do better in 2024.
I see people who say what you’re saying as the liability
Prof. J.’s closing: ‘ which I am one of the founding members but not the driving force), launched and has expanded rapidly. Cornell has a free expression problem. Maybe the administration finally is waking up to it.’
Cornell President and those who lead the standing and direction of Cornell U. cannot be oblivious to it’s national exposure via Legal Insurrection, Prof. J. and it’s editorial staff. As so much of what is covered here is both news worthy across a broad spectrum of news but has a deliberate focus on academia at all levels as a result of their insightfulness and specifically to Prof. J’s tenure with Cornell U.. I’m sure with this type of exposure to a national audience of Cornell alumni that it has assisted in decisions by leadership they are beginning to “hear” the message which Ms. Coulter left with them as she exited the stage.
actually to the left, it is, because Trump is the symbol of successful opposition to the left.
Leftists can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas because they have nothing to offer that hasn’t already been tried and failed. Defecating in the marketplace to prevent its use by others is the only thing they have left.
You’re giving them far too much credit: they know EXACTLY what they’re doing, and they know EXACTLY what kind of pathetic sell-out they each are. That’s why they keep doubling down, like raging alcholics in denial.
I don’t think he is, actually. Defecating in the marketplace to prevent it’s use by others is very much a premeditated sort of activity that he attributes to him. He very much acknowledges that they know what they’re doing.
These students should have been arrested for disturbing the peace
Cornell is run by them. They took over that college years ago.
And yet we have this story. How do you explain that, if they run the place?
Democracy rests on four boxes:
Soap box
Ballot box
Jury Box
Ammo box
Just how many boxes do you leftist clowns want to remove?
They have already removed three and are working on the fourth.
Thank you for the excellent write up. It is very significant that Cornell has apologized and is prosecuting the disruptors within its on-campus judicial system.
If you read the Sun op-ed, they were asking the University President (who apparently is the arbiter of Cornell orthodoxy) to banish Ann Coulter and declare her ideas heresy. Cornell refused to do that, so they took it one step further and disrupted the talk claiming that the protesters (rather than the President) is the arbiter of what Cornell students must believe and can be allowed to hear. Students are to “vulnerable” and subject to mental health challenges to withstand being in Coulter’s audience.
By publicly apologizing and starting disciplinary proceedings against the students, the record is set clear that Ann Coulter is not a heretic in the eyes of Cornell.
By the way, thank you for serving as a faculty advisor to so many groups. You are doing God’s work!
Nothing in the article above says they are being starting disciplinary proceedings. It only reiterates what the students were warned might happen. “removal and/or disciplinary hearings”. They were removed. Case closed.
Not quite true…
“Eight college-age individuals were removed from the auditorium following Cornell protocols. All Cornell students among the disrupters will be referred for conduct violations.”
Now, that doesn’t mean they were punished for their conduct violations, but it did go beyond getting removed.
It does seem they will be which is a massive mega step in the right direction.
again – she’s getting consideration from the administration because she has turned on Trump
At an Ivy League University a speaker is shouted down; prevented from speaking despite promises by the University. The University actually admits this is wrong, and your outrage isn’t with the hecklers and your focus is on trying to create a Trump angle?
Knock it off. Trump isn’t a principle issues like freedom of speech are.
I LOVE Ron De Santis. But what Trump knows – and most here are ignoring – is that De Santis is on board with the GOP swamp. Now, whether he is just using them is another question. But Trump is the gold standard. He proved it.
You jump on board with Rupert Murdock/Fox News/NY Post ‘dump Trump’ movement at ALL our perils. And if you do jump aboard, you’re no more of an adult than the leftist adult children useful idiots.
So….. you claim to be in love with someone who is “on board with the GOP swamp”. Right. You know that I believe you’re not just gaslighting to make your subsequent insults and smears more palatable, right?
Meanwhile, back at Cornell…
The problem is that Ann Coulter only got to talk for 7 minutes total. Ms. Coulter has spent much more time thinking about the mid-term elections than have I. If we could have heard her analysis, we would have insights into Trump, DeSantis, and the Congress. Instead, this discussion board marches onward with her views.
I hope that all of the people removed were Cornell students, but I suspect that they were (as was said in the 1970’s) “outside agitators.” It is horrible that a group of 100 protestors and petition signers can claim the moral right to censor debate on a college campus, but it is incomprehensible that a group with no current ties to Cornell can claim that right.
Respectfully- Nope. Nope. Nope.
Explain in your own words in what way this is a story that justifies any discussion of Trump or DeSantis?
Did I miss when Cornell moved to Florida?
You left out Fox Board Member Paul Ryan again.
Apology not accepted.
Since these Ivy League clowns are supported by me, their infantile wards subsidized by me, they work for me. They own me an apology for using their standing and resources this way in general, and for wasting time, attention and money this way in the particular event.
A proper apology has a structure. The Cornell admin’s drivel does not suffice. It’s also semi-coherent, and spineless, though we call such things strong and scathing these days. Sad.
They owe me an apology. Now they owe me another for trying to con me with that non-apology pablum, then they can apologize for the first thing. I won’t believe either apology is sincere, but at least they should show they can fake it when forced to. If they’re too dumb, rigid, or both to do even that, shut it down.
Really?! In what way are they supported by you, let alone do they work for you?
They should be fined.
If the consequences for the disrupters is anything more than a strongly worded letter, there will be additional disruptions, increasing in size, until Cornell administrators have to relent in order to avoid violence.
That’s how the left works.
That said, I can think of a lot of better choices than Ann Coulter. Perhaps she was the only one who was willing to face the potential abuse.
I used to be a big Ann fan. We parted ways some years ago over a couple of philosophical differences (that I don’t even remember anymore), although I followed her until she/they terminated the comments section many years ago over the incessant in-fighting that turned off most of the members- just as later happened to the Malkin board and, apparently, is the intent among a small group to do here. Don’t let them win. I know it’s not your way, but please, just get rid of the disruptors and keep the discourse alive among those willing to disagree without all of the flames.
Campus security still did nothing to stop the disruption. Until these colleges start standing up to their hecklers instead of enabling them I won’t believe any of their apologies.
What do you mean, they did nothing? They removed each disruptor as soon as that person started disrupting. What else could they have done?
The Cornell University administration has attempted a faux apology;
their alumni receipts have fallen like a lead balloon and this false humility will not help change that.
I am going to be heavily censured (and I might deserve it), but Cornell University never had problems like this until the admission criteria were loosened.
It’s everywhere, affirmative action may have had a place for a short time, ie it’s just a disaster and actually reverse racism
I accept your point, but I really dislike the term “reverse racism.”
It is just good old fashioned racism. White on black, black on white,.. it makes no difference. It is racism and it is wrong.
“Cornell University never had problems like this until the admission criteria were loosened.”
Correct. Read “Cornell ’69”. I was there.
In order to prevent this chain protest crap in the future, simply escalate the punishments for each student from 1 to 8 with the obvious message being sent that you can feign ignorance after seeing the first ones thrown out. Make sure the 8th is expelled to dot the i of this strategy.
Unless the students are expelled and their names published, Cornell’s statements are meaningless. Unfortunately in today’s campus environment examples must be made.
txvet2 in reply to txvet2. | November 11, 2022 at 12:44 am
That would be a nice upgrade to your usual commentary
Your real special I see
Your commentary I find lacking too
Just telling the truth’
“Free speech assumes that there are no inequalities.” Presuming to speak for free speech. How arrogant. How dumb!
That point was refuted a few hours later in a Letter to the Editor of the Sun: This is a very important point and the key to their argument.
If a world without “inequalities” is a prerequisite to havng free speech, then
We will never remove “inequaltieis” to the satisfaction of the far left, then
The far left will never need to honor the free speech rights of the people who disagree with them.
How very Marcusian of them
Indeed. The freedom of speech doesn’t assume anything. It is an inherent right, that applies in all circumstances, regardless of anything else that has happened.
Expelled? They might be expelled from the Office of Whatever after a stern verbal warning.
I expect the process will take time. The colleges joined in with the students and their protests. Then the alumni started withholding $$ and some colleges figured it out but they already hired professors that encouraged this behavior so it will take time and effort to change course.
I’m thinking about mostly liberal UNC, withholding tenure from Ms Jones, author of the 1619 Project. Board voted on this. Probably considered how many donations they would lose if they offered her tenure. More of this please. I’ll have to defer to others regarding Cornell and what actions they may take in the future.
Nicole Hannah Jones received tenure.
“That’s a pretty strong statement by the university.”
No its not. A strong statement by the university would be to expel every student that disrupted the proceedings. If you’re going to stop this nonsense, that’s the only way to do it.
Given the ideological make up of University Administration it was a strong statement.
I don’t think it’s ideological. It’s more likely cowardice. They know that campus leftists (students and faculty) can radicalize and mobilize enough young fools to disrupt the whole university. This is a “follow the money” issue.
More of the new western Red Guard.
In a university, this should be grounds for summary expulsion with prejudice.
The students are just imitating Maxine Waters’s directions to attack all those who refuse to drink their Kool Aid.
The students are like those who supported Lenin and Hitler, who silenced all opposition.
Oooh, they will be referred for a conduct violation.
Reminds me of the car car parked in a no parking zone with dozens of tickets under the wiper. THEY DON’T CARE! They won’t be expelled.
In fact, they get extra credit in wokeville for every “conduct violation”. It could make them more competitive in the woke job market after they graduate cum laude. Their ESG score goes up with every “conduct violation”.
As an alum, I am ashamed of what Cornell has become. I believe that when my son attended (14) that Coulter and other conservative speakers were able to speak. I would hope that alums make it clear that they will not support a university that is so contrary to academic freedom. I will not send one cent as long as the woke Red Brigades are in charge.
Maybe alum Randi Weingarten should be disrupted when she spews at ILR.
As another alum, I 1`00% agree and have already so expressed myself. Please join the Cornell Free Speech Alliance if you haven’t already done so. Alums Kieth Olbermann and Randi Weingarten have no problems speaking on campus, as it should be.
I am certain these hoodlums will get only a slap on the wrist, even though they will go through some sham “disciplinary proceeding”. I agree that the only thing that will stop this behavior is certain expulsion.
The more expensive the tuition, the dumber the faculty is. Mr. Jacobsen excepted.
Although I agree with Coulter on most issues and find her intelligent, she is more an entertainer than an intellectual. Her books are silly cut and paste jobs, and her analyses rest heavily on style. I find her an excellent stand up comic offering some respite from the woke culture.
I used to like her – don’t anymore – not the point. Any invited speakers should be allowed to speak without disruption.
Maoism is alive and well.
Any yet, the more radical campuses get, the richer the schools become. Until there is a financial penalty, it seems futile to me to expect change. Donors continue to fatten endowments. Students continue to apply, some in record numbers, federal subsidies continue to follow poor and wealthy students alike into the halls. Even corporate America continues to endow and especially to fund research.
Now, should any institution take a position on something such as voter ID, that would change. In particular corporate America would run as fast as possible for fear of seeing angry tweets. (only partly sarcastic).
Violence, huh. Cornell students are pro-life or are they playing with a double-edged scalpel?
Professors should ask their poli sci and English classes for those who attended to raise their hands. Assign them a paper. The topic: what did Ann Coulter say in her presentation and what was her message.
Grade it accordingly. More than likely, the protestors didn’t listen to a word. They will bomb the paper. Oh make it 25% of their final grade.
That would probably be ineffectual, since I understand that Coulter barely got to say a word.
That wouldn’t be fair to students who weren’t there at all, or who showed up and showed respect/didn’t participate.
Ultimately rule infractions (unless they actually involve the professor like a student disturbing the class) are not handled by the professors and there is very good reason.
I was on campus in the mid-1970s when Cornell’s brown-shirted progressives shouted down former Vietnamese vice president, Ky. Not content with that sort of cancellation, they physically assaulted him. He had to be shuffled out the back door for his own safety. The mindset is the same as what we see in those films from Germany in the 1930s where books were gleefully tossed into a bonfire. What was far worse, there were some of Cornell’s more light-weighted faculty who justified this censorship of Ky as the exercise of free speech rights by the cancellers. The more things change….
he heckler continued, “We’re not gonna listen to you, to converse with you! We don’t want your ideas here! Leave! Leave! We don’t want you here!”
He never will be missed, no he never will be missed.
It was like this when I was in college in the early ‘70s
Apparently the Marxism they teach these days is taking hold
What a cowardly, insincere action. The”apology” is the salve today’s cowardly “leaders” apply to themselves. It’s insincere and everyone knows it. First, berate the student body. You selected and created it, you nourish it. Everyone knows that, too. Own it.
“Cornell has a free expression problem. Maybe the administration finally is waking up to it.” No.
It doesn’t matter. It should be replaced. Where are, and who are. the trustees? Just as with corporate America and its boards of directors, this starts at the top. Waking up is not an option, the administration has failed; it was hired to do a job and was not up to the task – get rid of it and those who created and protect it. Nothing will change until these things happen.
I am an engineering alum – class of 1975. Reminds me of an incident during my freshman year where engineering students were forcibly removed from Carpenter Library by “liberal protestors” protesting on-campus recruiters from Dow Chemical [manufactured napalm used in Viet Nam war]. The engineering library occupation lasted almost a week … and the punishment for the “liberal protestors”? Absolutely nothing. Talk is cheap.
I’m going to remove Cornell from my will. I encourage all other pissed off alum to vote with their wallets. I’m tired of this bullshit. Cornell’s new motto really is “I Would Found an Institution Where Any Student Can Be Heckled Off Stage”.
I truly hope President Pollack reads these posts.
I hope that the eight escorted out are expelled, or at least told they have to leave for this semester and not return until fall of 2023. Do that, and/or remove scholarships, and this sort of thing will stop. So many schools have refused to take this drastic but simple step–I would love it if Cornell were the first.
Then again, this is a school where grown adults agreed to create a women’s center and call it “Wymyn’s Center.” When I saw that in 2006, I was embarrassed, and haven’t been back for a reunion since. Maybe the apology is as much as we can expect–but I can always hope they’ll do better.
I wish–in vain, I know–that we could stop all taxpayer money from going to these shitholes. (Yes, I know Cornell is private. This is about more than Cornell.)
These “students” don’t appear to be studying anything. They can’t debate the simplest subjects without having emotional meltdowns. They believe the most incredible nonsense. After they “graduate” they can’t pay off the loans they agreed to. They’re the most expensive parasites in history.
Our speech is violence. Their violence is speech.