Biden Administration Preparing to Grant License to Chevron to Drill for Oil in Venezuela

Joe Biden is reportedly preparing to allow Chevron to drill for oil in Venezuela, even as energy prices are skyrocketing in the United States despite our wealth of natural resources.

Biden’s energy policies are driving inflation of pretty much everything. His dedication to the left’s obsession with climate change is hurting Americans across the country.

So how does his position on Venezuela make sense?

Just the News reports:

Amid still-elevated gas prices, Biden prepares to give Chevron license to pump oil in VenezuelaThe Biden administration is preparing to grant an oil-pumping license for Chevron to extract oil from Venezuelan fields, a move reportedly contingent upon the Venezuelan government’s adopting of a new humanitarian program.The White House “is poised to grant a license to Chevron Corp. to pump oil in Venezuela,” the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, echoing numerous other media reports.The move would allow Chevron “partial control of its oil-production and maintenance activities in dilapidated Venezuelan oil fields,” the outlet reported.The license is “contingent on the Venezuelan government and its political opponents’ announcement, expected Saturday, to implement a $3 billion humanitarian program,” the Journal noted. The $3 billion is set to come from funds unfrozen by the U.S. as part of a relaxation of sanctions against the country.

Reuters has more on this:

White House officials aim to “shift oil sales from illicit and non-transparent channels to transparent, legitimate channels,” the person said. The United States could revoke permissions if the Maduro administration fails to negotiate in good faith or uphold its commitments, that person said.”We have long made clear our willingness to provide targeted relief based on concrete steps that alleviate the suffering of the Venezuelan people and bring them closer to a restoration of democracy,” said a spokesperson for the U.S. State department.U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration has reason to grant Chevron a wider operating license with U.S. shale production gains slowing, Russia’s oil exports shrinking under sanctions and Saudi Arabia signaling possible OPEC output cuts.The United States this year has kept oil prices from soaring by releasing more than 200 million barrels of the nation’s emergency oil reserves. But those releases are due to end soon.

This is insanity.

None of this has to happen. The United States has enough natural gas and oil to last for decades, if not centuries.

The Biden administration is doing this on purpose.

Tags: Biden Administration, Biden Energy Policy, Economy, Jobs, Venezuela