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University of Pittsburgh Students Demand More Security Following Campus Sexual Assaults

University of Pittsburgh Students Demand More Security Following Campus Sexual Assaults

“What are we to do if we can’t feel safe in our spaces where we are meant to be learning?”

These students want more security? What about defunding the police? What about getting the cops off campus?

WTAE News reports:

Pitt students demand change after three sexual assaults on and near campus

Within an hour of organizing a protest, dozens of University of Pittsburgh students were standing together on the lawn outside the Cathedral of Learning, asking for change after three students were sexually assaulted on or near campus.

The most recent assault was reported in the stairwell of the Cathedral of Learning.

“I’ve been the victim of assault on campus, I’ve been harassed repeatedly and for this to happen in a school building, not the dormitory, not the street, in the Cathedral of Learning — that’s the centerpiece of Pitt, the Cathedral of Learning,” said Sharon Bennett. “What are we to do if we can’t feel safe in our spaces where we are meant to be learning?”

Bennett, a junior at the University of Pittsburgh, organized the gathering and is asking everyone to read and sign the petition for change, listing their demands, which includes cameras inside the cathedral and increased security.

“The university does not and will not tolerate sexual assault and misconduct on our campuses, and we will continue to prioritize the important work of fostering a learning environment where every member of our university community feels safe, respected and supported,” said Carrie Benson, senior manager for prevention and education in the universities Title IX office.


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She sounds like someone whose parents never really explained how things work in the real world. She would be better served by demanding prosecutions and incarcerations. Cameras without consequences are meaningless.

BierceAmbrose | October 9, 2022 at 10:24 pm

If they can organize a protest, how about they organize some security? Lab work for credit, perhaps?

I’m not a great fan of “organizing” to demand that someone else fix something. Organize to fix the thing. If you can’t address the problem, that’s a hell of an admission about your competence, agency, knowledge, and will.

Protesting is something else. Protesting lets people feel good about themselves on the cheap. So smart they notice. So righteous they care. The fake feeling of doing something: “I’m an activist!” And enlightening those underlings not wise, brilliant, or caring enough to get it. And you can’t fail. If it doesn’t work, it’s because they did it wrong.

It’s good to be the vanguard.

In the end, if *those people* can’t be made to care enough to fix it, the righteous ones get to demand harder: Fix it or we’ll hurt you, adding the nectar of righteous violence to their moral superiority cocktail.

It’s a hell of a drug.

Call the Sociology Department to send mediators to defuse the harassment.

It’s what they want the LEOs to do.

The consequences of defunding police departments….

I doubt Sharon Bennett was learning much anyway. What is a “sexual assault”, a catcall? Or it could be pretty serious. It can be almost anything.

If it were an actual crime, I bet the cops would have been involved. Since they’re not, I conclude it probably wasn’t.