UN Official Says Quiet Part Out Loud: ‘We Own the Science and We Think That the World Should Know It’

LI 161 Melissa Fleming

I would like to introduce you to Melissa Fleming, the Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications.

She recently made a disturbing yet revealing remark at a World Economic Forum panel about science.

Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary for Global Communications at the United Nations at WEF ‘Disinformation’ event: “We partnered with Google,” said Fleming, adding, “for example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources. We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top. So we’re becoming much more proactive. We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.”During the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Sustainable Development Impact Meetings last week, the unelected globalists held a panel on “Tackling Disinformation” where participants from the UN, CNN, and Brown University discussed how to best control narratives.Fleming also highlighted that the UN worked with TikTok on a project called “Team Halo” to boost COVID messaging coming from medical and scientific communities on the Chinese-owned video sharing platform. “We had another trusted messenger project, which was called ‘Team Halo’ where we trained scientists around the world and some doctors on TikTok, and we had TikTok working with us,” she said.

Clearly, Fleming takes Dr. Anthony Fauci’s “I am Science” approach to communication. Unfortunately, as I noted in my post on the ideological capture of science, those reporting on highly technical and complex topics do not have a solid educational background or experience in the subjects.

A look at Fleming’s background clearly shows she is in no position to discern what is really true disinformation…..or simply competing theories that can reasonably explain the same set of data as would be required in the correct application of scientific theory. In fact, the schools where she obtained her non-science degrees are not known for allowing robust variety in viewpoints.

Fleming holds a bachelor’s degree in German studies from Oberlin College, Ohio and a masters’ degree in broadcast journalism from Boston University, Massachusetts.

There are many reasonable arguments against the assumptions about Earth’s climate. Furthermore, many aspects of covid that were deemed “misinformation” have now proven to be true…and many of the facts touted by experts are patently false. There are two of many highly technical and complex subjects where robust debate, experimentation, analysis, and hypothesis revising need to occur.

If the scientific approach is short-circuited by people such as Fleming, we will lose many of the gains made by scientists who can offer competing hypotheses. The magnitude of the problem and potential for disaster cannot be overstated.

Germ Theory” was developed in the mid-19th century. The premise, which turned out to be fact, was that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms. The French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur, the English surgeon Joseph Lister, and the German physician Robert Koch are given much credit for the development and acceptance of the theory.

However, “experts” in the mid-to-late 19th century dismissed the idea. The result was more death, including that tragic, painful end of President James Garfield. Garfield was shot on July 2, 1881, by Charles Guiteau; the president died in September.

Two days after the shooting, experts, including Frank Hamilton, a surgeon in his late 60s from Bellevue, examined the president, “without pausing to wash their hands or clean their instruments,” Oshinsky notes. Hamilton’s age was a factor, with the old guard less receptive to newfangled ideas about handwashing and instrument cleaning.As fellow Bellevue veteran Alfred Loomis put it at the time, according to Oshinsky, “The [germ] theory, which so recently has occupied medical men, especially in Germany, is rapidly being disproved, and consequently is rapidly being abandoned.” Loomis, respected enough to also serve as president of the New York Academy of Medicine, mockingly told an audience of his fellow physicians, “People say there are bacteria in the air, but I cannot see them.”Of course, bacteria don’t care if you believe in them. Infections caused Garfield to lose almost 100 pounds between the shooting and his death, and his autopsy showed that a good part of what was left of him was pus.

Fleming owns no portion of natural science. Americans need to make sure our elected representatives enact policies and enable protections that allow scientists to do real science and ensure competing theories are given proper platforms.

Tags: Progressives, Science, United Nations