“Save the Tomboys”: Gays Against Groomers Takes A Stand Against The Lie That Tomboys Are Inherently Transgender

Save the Tomboys

Now that Elon Musk has taken official ownership of Twitter, the floodgates have opened. Everyone who was cancelled, banned, or otherwise wrongfully silenced on Twitter is speaking out. And one thing that has people completely outraged is the push by the radical left to groom children for sexual and political purpose in public (and private) schools.

For some reason, the left has decided that reading, writing, and basic maths are racist and white supremacist and that all children should be learning in school is that they are either an oppressor or the oppressed (depending on their skin color) and that there is no such thing as men and women.

Bizarrely, this claim comes with the caveat that the bestest winner in the intersectional Olympics—”transexuals”—are, somehow, biological males who believe they are women or vice versa. But men and women don’t exist except as social constructs that must be torn down, so I’m not sure how that works.  Can you be a “woman” trapped in a man’s body if you can’t even define what a woman is . . . unless you’re a biologist?

The worst part about all of this “gender-affirming” child mutilation is that it is happening at all. Parents are reportedly bullied into approving double-mastectomies or castration of their children on the threat that their child will commit suicide if not allowed to deform and mutilate their healthy bodies. This comes from “health care professionals,” not Stompy Suzie swearing she hates you because you won’t let her backpack in North Korea for Spring Break.

The whole thing is tragic. But people are pushing back, and one of the more effective voices in the culture war surrounding grooming children in K-12 classrooms is the organization Gays Against Groomers.  We know they are effective because PayPal, Venmo, and Google kicked them off their services in an effort to demonetize, and therefore silence, them.

One of the bigger problems with this whole trans/child mutilation craze is that its adherents are coming for tomboys.  Gays Against Groomers is having none of that.

There were a lot of great responses to this message, as you can imagine.

There was, of course, a lot of women “me tooing” the sentiment.

Tags: LGBT, Progressives, Transgender