Nicole Wallace Suggests Our ‘Friends and Allies’ Monitor Elections, Rep. Jim Himes Groups GOP With Dictators

Remember, when the Democrats lose, it’s because of cheating and intimidation by the Republican Party and their dictator friends.

MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace spread the lie about all kinds of threats surrounding the 2020 election, including violence. She used the lie to suggest that we need to have our “friends and allies” to monitor the election.

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), Wallace’s guest, made it sound like Republicans and crazy people with their non-existent assault weapons are intimidating Democrats at election boxes across the country.

I found one case where people complained about two people in Arizona.

But Himes used the opportunity to group the Republican Party with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

Nicole Wallace: If you read through the papers this weekend the threats to our elections in two-and-a-half weeks are so pervasive and they’re so dire, they include violence — do you think it’s time to ask for friends and allies to come over and help us monitor our elections? We used to do that in other burgeoning and threatening democracies.

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT): Yeah Nicole I’m not there yet and I know why you’re asking what you’re asking and you’re not wrong. Right? I mean, you know, the kind of intimidation that is threatened around polling places. I mean, you’ve seen the pictures of the guys with assault weapons by the boxes. That stuff is intimidating. And again, that used to be the problem of, I hate to use the term, but third world countries that didn’t care about democracy. Um, But uh, no. Look, this is something for us to work out ourselves, and um, you know, some point the United States is going to need to collectively decide that not only are we going to oppose Russians and Chinese and North Koreans and Iranians messing around with our elections we’re not going to allow the Republican Party to do it either. One of the most effective things we can do to take an awful lot of the vulnerabilities off the table, of course, would be to pass the Electoral Count Act in the United States Congress ’cause that deals with a lot of the levers they tried to use after Donald Trump was defeated in November 2020.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Democrats, MSNBC