Israel: IDF Raid Kills Chief of Lion’s Den Terrorist Group, Destroys Bomb Factory

Following Sunday’s mysterious roadside bombing that killed a senior member of the Palestinian terror group Lion’s Den, the Israel Defense Forces have raided the terrorist organization’s main hideout and bomb-making factory in the West Bank town of Nablus.

The counter-terrorism raid on Monday night killed several members of the Lion’s Den terror group, including its leader and founder, Wadia Alhuh.

The Lion’s Den is a relatively new Palestinian terror outfit comprising former members of the PLO-Fatah-affiliated Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and other terrorist groups.

The terror outfit was behind “a series of shooting attacks against Israelis in recent weeks,” the Jerusalem Post reported Tuesday.

The IDF detailed the terrorist activities of the Lion’s Den in a press release obtained by Legal Insurrection:

“The “Lion’s Den” terrorist group is in responsible for carrying out the shooting attack that killed the IDF soldier Staff-Sargent Ido Baruch, as well as attempting to carry out a terrorist attack in Tel Aviv (an attack that was thwarted by the Israel Police) and the planting of an explosive device in the “Kedumim” gas station.They also attempted to carry out a shooting attack in “Har Bracha” and hurled a grenade towards IDF soldiers who were adjacent to “Havat Gila’d”.The terrorist group is also in charge of multiple shooting attacks throughout the City of Nablus. Over the last period of time the terrorist group continued to recruit, plan, and carry out attacks aimed against innocent Israeli civilians.

The Israeli TV channel i24News reported Monday night’s IDF raid:

Israeli security forces conducted an overnight raid in the West Bank city of Nablus, destroying an explosives manufacturing site belonging to the Lion’s Den terrorist group.The military’s spokesperson said that Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Israel Security Agency (ISA) and the Special Police Unit took part in the joint operation. They raided a hideout apartment that served as a headquarters and bomb lab for the Nablus-based terrorist organization.“The site was used by the main operatives of the “Lion’s Den” terrorist group. The forces detonated the explosive manufacturing site,” the army’s statement said.Clashes broke out between the troops and armed Palestinians, leaving five members of the terrorist group dead and at least twenty wounded, according to Palestinian reports. Videos show heavy gunfire exchange between Israeli forces and armed Palestinians, who also threw stones at the military and burned tires.“The troops responded with live fire toward the armed suspects who were shooting at them,” the statement said, pointing out that the Lion’s Den is responsible for carrying out several shooting attacks in Nablus and outside of the city in recent weeks, including the one that killed 20-year-old Israeli First Sergeant Ido Baruch.

The Israeli strike on the bomb factory and terrorist base in their neighborhood enraged the residents of Nablus. “During the operation, dozens of Palestinians burned tires and hurled rocks at the troops,” the IDF statement concluded.

The slain Lion’s Den chief, Wadia Alhuh, also appears to have a huge fan following among the local terror sympathizers. “Thousands of Palestinians on Tuesday, attended the funeral of Wadia Alhuh, the founder and leader of the militant Lion’s Den group in Nablus who was killed with five others in an Israeli security operation overnight,” the Israeli news outlet Ynet News reported.

Staying true to its character, CNN reported the successful IDF raid, which killed armed terrorists, with the headline: “Six killed by Israeli forces in the deadliest day for Palestinians this year.”

Tags: IDF, islamic jihad, Israel, Palestinian Incitement, Palestinian Terror, Terrorism