Focus Group Shocks MSNBC When Asked if Biden Should Run Again in 2024

Elise Jordan of MSNBC recently spoke to two focus groups about the prospect of another run for Joe Biden in 2024. The first group consisted of female swing voters in Pittsburgh, PA.

This group did not need a few minutes to consider the question. They almost all immediately said “no” to a stunned Jordan.

Brian Flood of FOX News has details:

Focus group rejects Biden running in 2024, stuns MSNBC analyst: ‘That was quick, wow’MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan was “jarred” Thursday to find a focus group of swing voters don’t think President Biden should seek re-election in 2024.”They just do not see it as viable for President Biden to run for a second term, they simply think he’s too old, and they’re not sure about is ability to do the job,” Jordan said on “Morning Joe.”Jordan held two focus groups, one with female swing voters in Pittsburgh and another with Black Democrats in Philadelphia. She asked the Pittsburgh-based swing voters if Biden should run again and the women quickly answered with a resounding, “No.”In a clip flagged by Mediaite, Jordan responded, “That was quick, wow. Why shouldn’t Joe Biden run again?”One of the swing voters answered, “Because too many people will not vote for him,” and many of the other members of the focus group agreed.”I don’t think he should run again, no. I don’t think he could beat anybody,” another woman said.

African American voters from the Philadelphia area made up the second focus group. They were a little more forgiving of Biden, but not much.

Watch the segment below:

Democrats know this sentiment is out there and that 2024 could be up for grabs.

Hanna Trudo reports at The Hill:

Democrats flock to New Hampshire in 2024 shadow primaryPotential Democratic presidential hopefuls are traveling to New Hampshire with striking frequency, campaigning for midterm candidates while introducing themselves to voters in the first-in-the-nation primary state.It’s a sign that just weeks before Election Day, the 2024 campaign cycle is already underway.While most Democrats are there as surrogates, the roster includes some of the same names who ran for president in 2020, jumpstarting the conversation about what the next few years could look like if President Biden doesn’t seek a second White House term.“There are three categories of visitors to New Hampshire right now on the Democratic side,” said Jim Demers, veteran Democratic operative in the state who worked on former President Obama’s and Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-N.J.) national campaigns.“There are those who are just the good friends who are coming here because they’ve got relationships with our candidates and relationships with people,” he said. “There’s another group that maybe are of the generation where they feel like, ‘Even if I don’t do something in 2024, it’s a great investment in the future in 2028.’ … And there’s a group that are like, ‘I’m not going to run against Joe Biden,’ but if for some reason Joe Biden actually says, ‘I’ve decided not to run,’ they don’t want to be completely caught flatfooted.”

In the 2020 Democratic primary, there were over 20 candidates.

Can you imagine a similar stampede of candidates if Biden doesn’t run in 2024?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, Joe Biden, MSNBC