Florida’s Surgeon General Warns Young Men that Covid Vaccines Pose ‘Increased Risk’ of Death
Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo: The “Anti-Fauci’. Meanwhile, Twitter activists deleted his announcement Tweet… then put it back up.

Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo recently issued a warning to young men receiving covid vaccines, based on an analysis by the state’s health department that indicated they pose an “increased risk” of cardiac-related death.
“Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth,” Ladapo tweeted.
The state’s health department released a statement on Friday stating that it carried out an analysis using a self-controlled case series technique to evaluate vaccine safety.
The department said that the analysis showed that there is an 84 percent increase in “relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days” after vaccination that contains messenger RNA (mRNA), which is used in the PfizerBioNTech and the Moderna vaccines.
Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth.
Guidance: https://t.co/DcWZLoMU5E
Press Release: https://t.co/Y0r9yepi7F— Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD (@FLSurgeonGen) October 7, 2022
Based on the information, the Sunshine State’s Surgeon General is now formally recommending against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old, as noted in the official press release.
The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety. This studied mortality risk following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. This analysis found there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. Individuals with preexisting cardiac conditions, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, should take particular caution when considering vaccination and discuss with their health care provider.
As such, the Florida Department of Health has issued the following guidance:
Based on currently available data, patients should be informed of the possible cardiac complications that can arise after receiving a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group.
The Florida Department of Health evaluation also indicated that males over 60 had a 10% increased risk of cardiac-related death within 28 days of mRNA vaccination. However, non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks among any population.
It must be noted that the agency acknowledges that these “data are preliminary and based on surveillance and death certificate data, not medical records.”
Still, the correlation was strong enough that Ladapo issued new guidelines calling on healthcare providers to make young men aware of the vaccines’ increased risk of heart failure. The department also reiterated its stance to recommend against vaccines for children.
“The risk associated with mRNA vaccination should be weighed against the risk associated with COVID-19 infection,” the guidelines stated. “ With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group.”
Several countries are beginning to recommend against covid vaccinations in children, deciding that after two years of the pandemic, the risk to healthy kids from the virus does not warrant using these vaccines.
Even in Australia, which is known for its extreme covid control measures, there is a push to reconsider the blanket vaccination recommendations by one of its top doctors.
Dr Nick Coatsworth has demanded a review of the Covid vaccine for children amid concerns they barely benefit from getting the jab, and are more likely to suffer rare side effects.
Australia’s former deputy chief medical officer said the country should reconsider its stance on giving the dose to children above the age of five.
The UK has stopped offering the vaccine to healthy children who turned five after August, while Sweden no longer recommends it to teenagers aged 12 to 17.In Denmark, since July no one under the age of 18 can get vaccinated against Covid, with health officials saying very small numbers of children get severely ill from the disease, and therefore vaccination isn’t necessary.
It comes after recent studies showed younger people, and particularly adult males between 18 and 25, and are at higher risk of myocarditis – the inflammation of the heart, a rare side effect linked to some mRNA jabs such as Pfizer and Moderna.
Florida may once again be on the cutting edge of sensible covid policy. This makes sense, given that Ladapo has the reputation of being the “anti-Fauci.”
The media dub Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s surgeon general awaiting confirmation, a “firebrand” who’s “controversial.” He opposes mask and vaccine mandates — and so is erroneously called “anti-vax” by his foes.
But Ladapo came off as none of these things when I spoke to him for an exclusive interview last week. Calm and poised, Ladapo became a national figure after a clip of him saying the obvious — “The data do not support any clinical benefit for children in schools with mask mandates” — went viral.
In so many ways, the Nigerian-born Ladapo is the anti-Fauci. While the oft-criticized Ladapo has stayed consistent, frequent television guest Fauci has reversed himself many times on many details of pandemic policy without showing any data to support those reversals.
First fun fact about Lapado: Florida Democrats walked out of his confirmation hearing.
Second fun fact: Lapado’s announcement panicked the Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Government triumvirate, so they pulled his tweet.
NEW: Twitter has REMOVED @FLSurgeonGen Joseph Ladapo’s tweet announcing how a study into the covid mRNA vaccine found an 84% increase in cardiac-related deaths for men ages 18-39 pic.twitter.com/8nSXXOZfFk
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 9, 2022
Third fun fact: It seems Twitter decided to play electronic ping-pong with the announcement . . . Florida’s Surgeon General’s tweet is back up.
For a time today, @TwitterSafety decided they knew health guidance better than the Surgeon General of the third largest state in the country, and had removed this tweet warning 18-39 year old males of potential dangers to mRNA vaccines being seen in data.
The tweet is back. https://t.co/YmQ0knEGax
— Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) October 9, 2022
There may be more fun facts to follow.

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Healthy skeptic – has lots of great analysis and study links to covid . All rational based analysis.
Lots of reason for the young and healthy not to get vaxed. However, this vaccine safety issue is not a valid reason.
If the risk of cardic issue is 0.01 % then 0.0184 is not statistically significant.
Sorry you are incorrect. We now know absolutely that the Spike Proteins migrate and collect in internal organs. And, of course, Spike Proteins collect in the fetuses of pregnant women and some evidence suggesting it accumulates in semen. We also know that the mRNA modifies the host DNA. That is indisputable. We just don’t know what the long-term impact of the DNA modifications are.
Since the mRNA vaccines do not prevent transmission, there is no good reason for young people to take them.
No reason for anyone to take them. Once they insisted if you took the vaccine you could not get Covid… lie
Then as they all took the vaccine amd got Covid it was because somehoww the unvaccinated were the cause and the virus was mutating.. But they insisted you can protect your grandma if you take it…. Lies
Next they were down to it will keep you out of the hospital amd your symptoms will be lessened…. Lie
The majority of hospitalized are in fact Covid vaccinated because it causes an immune suppression and not only do you get Covid but heart disease, cancer, cancer rates in 18-39 are sky rocketing. The Insurance Company data has been off the wall. Real data. Forty percent increase in cancer in the younger age groups and it’s extremely aggressive.
As soon as the propaganda, coercion, cancellation and free speech suppression campaign started, I knew I wanted nothing to due with these supposed ‘vaccines.’
If you think you have to lie to me and suppress free speech to make me take your ‘miracle cure’ then something is surely very wrong with it.
In computer science, “order of operations” is a basic, crucial concept.
Invent a vaccine, force it on people, persecute the objectors, run the safety tests, admit the objectors were right… is not a viable order of operations.
the entire global covid response ‘does not compute’
They’ll never do that last step.
Well, it depends who “they” is. Apparently “they’ve” been unable to keep Ladapo from speaking up, and by rank, he is “one of them” now.
An individual Human’s DNA cant be altered by any method. Try to explain how a vax can possibly alter an individual’s DNA. Stick to actual science.
that being said, I think benefit of a young person getting vaxed is extremely small – almost non-existent benefit.
The rate of cardiac issues in young adult males is almost identical among the vaxed and unvaxed. Again, the 84% increase is going from 0.01% to 0.0184%. That rate is vastly too small to have any statistically significance.
Pfizer’s BioNTech vaccine causes intracellular reverse transcription of BNT162b2 mRNA into human DNA in vitro, renewing concerns that vaccines may introduce spike protein into the nuclei of cells.
Matt – the article is very misleading along with your misinterpreting the article
A) Nothing in the article claims that the DNA can be altered
B) the article implies that vax can integrate with the DNA, though that is not altering
c) Even integrate is a poor description, the article states that the vax can attach to the spike protein, though even that is not “integrating.
Careful with the misinterpretation of the science.
Go to healthy skeptic to get a better balance of the science.
Let’s pretend like I have a pretty extensive background in genetics and molecular biology. Just pretend.
Can you please explain to me how a section of mRNA from a shot can integrate into your DNA without risk of harm?
Better question: can you offer a reasonable mechanism by which that reliably happens using just the cellular machinery?
Listen Linda, the imminent Dr Peter McCullough, he of impeccable credentials, disagrees with you GREATLY.
Science has known that outside actors can change DNA. This is from a freshman Biology Textbook:
“Environmental exposure to certain chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, or other external factors can also cause DNA to change. These external agents of genetic change are called mutagens.”
And then from a science web article:
“…Gene editing rewrites DNA, the biological code that makes up the instruction manuals of living organisms. With gene editing, researchers can disable target genes, correct harmful mutations, and change the activity of specific genes in plants and animals, including humans.”
So who is the science denier here???
Um, An individual Human’s DNA cant be altered by any method is a false statement. Remember the little virus called HIV? It’s a retrovirus, incorporates itself into and alters human dna. Catch up with actual science. A vaccine is called primary prevention, it does not take hardly any worsening to disqualify it’s use. The science is called epidemiology and biostatistics
Really? You don’t think that the fake vaccines couldn’t replicate the behavior or retroviruses that transcribe parts of themselves into DNA?
What? DNA is altered all the time. Mutation, coding errors, viruses, all of these alter DNA.
BS. Any other “vaccine” would have been pulled after the first 50 deaths. No “vaccine” has been allowed to kill as this one does, and not be pulled
Hong Kong vaccine was pulled after 50 deaths. No other”vaccine” has been lifted bled to so many deaths, all the vaccines prior, ALL combined don’t hold a candle to this one in number of related deaths
And this is not a vaccine, we all know that. It’s a money making drug, period. Doesn’t protect anyone, in fact, does the opposite.
Vaccines kill people. That’s why nobody will manufacture them unless they’re exempted from lawsuits on the matter. They also save people, and the public choice is about which number if bigger.
Otherwise damages and punitive damages in each case would wipe out the companies.
“They also save people, and the public choice is about which number if bigger.”
The government simply makes an unfounded claim that zillions of people will be saved, forces the issue, and removes public choice entirely.
You’re not wrong, but that’s exactly why the public AT AN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL should be allowed to take that risk by choice, not by force.
I can’t believe how many on the left just stood by and let forced vaccination happen, but then again, I’m not surprised by the fact that they continue to surprise with how many long-held norms they will simply ignore and dismiss to achieve their final goals.
A netherlands based virologist said in an interview that every time they did 10,000 new vaccines, within two or three weeks there were 125 excess deaths or 1.25%. That’s 1 in 80.
The numbers simply do no lie. If you are fit and healthy you do not need the Chinese Flu shot.
The simply fact is the vast majority of deaths WITH the Chinese Flu have been the elderly with multiple several underlying health issues.
Secondly it does seem quite strange that we have seen an uptick in healthy people suddenly dropping dead from heart attacks. I know several of my friends have died suddenly where they should have had plenty of years left in them.
Again, the numbers just do not lie. The Chinese fly vaccine is a vaccine in name only.
And that name is a “trans name” to boot —
(the very definition had to changed to shoehorn it).
Lots of reasons? Name two or three other reasons than vaccine safety why the young and healthy should not be vaccinated.
Totally unnecessary expenditure of tax funds.
Violation of human rights.
Feeds the growing megalomania of public officials.
The simple fact that children are practically immune to the Chinese flu.
Also the vast majority of deaths WITH the Chinese flu have been 50+ and of those only 2 or 3% of those deaths have been people with 1 or less severe health issues.
As I said earlier, the numbers simply do not lie.
If you’re fit and healthy you are safe.
You are only partially right. It’s true that it’s not a big increase, but effect size doesn’t determine statistical significance..it’s only one factor. The incidence of SCD is small in both groups (vaxxed and unvaxxed), so if the data are tight it may become significant and is certainly worth monitoring.
It also HEAVILY underscores the importance of making the vaccines voluntary and up to personal choice. These punitive, forced vaccine measures are draconian and totalitarian just like the left’s Communist heroes of old.
The only mistake I think they made is not going far enough. The true “clot shot” is JnJ vaccine. The mRNA vaccines have a low but measurable and acute risk of SCD due to myocarditis (and the associated risk of fatal arrhythmia therein). JnJ can also cause SCD due to a coronary thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or stroke.
Per Dr. Robert Malone:
Your move. How about backing up your opinions with actual research studies?
I am old and overweight, and never got vaccinated. Shouldn’t I be dead?
That you are still alive means you are doing things wrong.
Fur shure Big Bear.
Don’t die now, we may need you to repopulate the earth for our benevolent masters.
Yes. Turn yourself in.
Increased from what to what. If you don’t say the levels it’s just promoting an agenda.
Anthony Fauci and every other big pharma stooge that gaslit Americans to death should be in prison
If food manufacturers leave out ingredients on the package they can be sanctioned for hiding information from the public;
If investment firms leave out information on financial reports they can be sanctioned for hiding information from the public;
If Twitter removes information that will inform the public of a potential harm, well it’s their rules and there can be no civil or criminal action taken against them? In sane world a US Congress would criminalize such an information blackout to protect the public.
COVID shot or no COVID shot—don’t visit a Blue City or you will find out what increased risk of death really looks like.
I drove myself to deep downtown Phoenix yesterday for the first time in over a decade, to attend a “happy wake” for a pal, Eric The Fun, truly one of the nicest guys I have known in my life and lost to us way too early. I was honored to pay him tribute and meet many of the other people in his life, but it will be a snowy day in Phoenix before I make another trip to that area, at least without backup.
Only stupid people took the messenger RNA vaccine. I was forced to get a vaccination so I made damn sure I got the J and J before it was pulled. No boosters
UK is making vaccine injury payments. You’d think this would have garnered a little publicity, considering the implications/admissions of such compensation.
https://www.bmj.com › content › 377 › bmj.o1565
Covid-19: UK makes first payments to compensate injury or … – The BMJ
Jun 24, 2022
The first compensation payments in the UK have been made to families who have been bereaved, or to people who have been injured, as a result of a covid-19 vaccine. Vikki Spit from Cumbria is believed to be the first person to receive compensation, after her 48 year old partner, Zion, became ill eight days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Zion, a former rock singer, died …
Oh yay… compensation is being paid out of a government fund….eg. by the taxpayers.
So the proggies running the government give big-pharma immunity, big-pharma kicks back billions to the proggie pols, the proggie pols also enrich themselves with insider trading, then the taxpayers get to pay for the damages.
Sound pretty typical.
Well, Fauci’s never gonna fund that guy again.
My immune system works very well even for the Faucl Flu. I trust it far more than I do the mRNA shot especially since they were working on mRNA for over a decade and couldn’t figure it out. But suddenly it works for this use. Sorry Charlie I don’t buy it.
Vaccines double your risk of death, if you are a man. Period. No “young” qualifier needed.
Plenty of women have died from it also. Increased risk of death not as high as for men.
CDC was finally forced to reveal some of data by a law suit.
Well, we’d all better get used to this kind of thing as I’ve read/heard that Pfizer and the other pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines are going to convert all vaccines over to the new, unproven, experimental mRNA technology that was used in the SARS-CoV-2 Covid vaccines so there will be no possible way to avoid it if you want vaccination against any preventable disease.
Both in today’s Headlines…..with the emphasis that Newsom has tipped his hat for the 2024 open seat in D.C.
“Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo recently issued a warning to young men receiving covid vaccines, based on an analysis by the state’s health department that indicated they pose an “increased risk” of cardiac-related death.”
“California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 2098 by Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell), which will punish physicians and surgeons for “unprofessional conduct” for advocating for the potential benefits of early treatment with off-label drugs, or those who dare to ask questions about COVID vaccine safety.”