DeSantis Flying Illegal Immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard Won’t Cost Him Latino Votes

The Democrats think Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will lose Latino votes in November after he flew illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.

The Hill is the latest mainstream media outlet making it appear that Florida Latino voters will bolt away from DeSantis: DeSantis’s migrant flights could cost him Latino support at home

The publication argues DeSantis will lose support because most of the illegal immigrants on the plane came from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

It’s weird because The Hill spoke to a few Democrats from Florida but, for some reason, also interviewed ones from California and New York:

“These folks primarily coming from Venezuela are fleeing the Maduro regime. There’s a significant number of Venezuelans as well as the Cubans in Florida that fled similar dictatorships. And yet he’s turning his back on the victims of that regime. I think that will bite him,” Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.), who immigrated from the Dominican Republic as a boy, told The Hill.“I believe that the Latino community there will recognize that he’s turning his back on people that are refugees or seeking political asylum, and they will not be happy about that.”—“That’s what makes it even worse, I think, is that the people of Florida and the Venezuelans and the Nicaraguans and the Cubans down there should know that he’s doing this basically to their communities,” said Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-Calif.).—“Mr. DeSantis will probably ride this — his anti-immigrant thing, his border thing — to victory as governor. But what are the implications short and long term for the Republican Party in Florida? That’s what you got to ask yourself,” Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.) said.

The mainstream media and Democrats immediately jumped on the hysteria wagon after DeSantis flew the planes to Martha’s Vineyard. They are so confident DeSantis will lose Latina voters.

Let’s start with Florida Latino voters. Florida has more registered Republicans than Democrats for the first time in the state’s history.

Hispanics are one of the main reasons for the shift:

The number of Hispanic voters registered as Republicans increased by about 15% from August 2020 to August 2022, outpacing the overall increase in GOP voter registration of 5% as well as the growth of total Hispanic voters of 7.8% during that same two-year period, state records show.The Florida GOP cited DeSantis’s strong policies in support of individual freedom as the reason for its success at the state level as Hispanic voters across the country begin to shift from blue to red.

Why? The Florida Latino voters appreciate DeSantis’s backbone:

DeSantis emerged as a popular governor during the coronavirus pandemic for his refusal to shutter businesses or implement stringent lockdowns. This boosted his approval among his base and independents and has helped sway Hispanic voters further to his side.”Hispanics really like leadership with a backbone,” Helen Aguirre Ferre, executive director of the Republican Party of Florida, told the Washington Examiner. “They really do recognize that it’s important to have a strong leader, and the governor has a way where he can use the same language and demeanor whether he’s speaking to Wall Street and to Main Street in the same way. That authentic voice makes a big difference.”Aguirre Ferre, who previously was director of communications for DeSantis and director of media affairs for the Trump White House, said the governor’s message of “what’s good for one group is good for all” has helped him to connect with the Puerto Rican, Cuban, Venezuelan, and other Latino immigrants who call Florida home.”Hispanics really appreciate his strong leadership, his fearlessness, his not backing down,” she said. “He’s fighting for everyone, but he has a soft spot in particular for the man on the street, for the blue-collar guy, the person who’s working really hard and sacrificing so much to pull their family ahead. And Hispanics, we’re all about family. We’re all about community. We’re all about faith. And when you look at all of that, that only really thrives if you have freedom.”

The support tightens on a national level. Morning Consult/Politico asked Hispanic voters about Republican governors flying or busing illegal immigrants to liberal cities. But overall, the support is positive:

According to polling from the Morning Consult and Politico released Tuesday, 41 percent of Hispanic voters said they considered Republican governors sending migrants to liberal U.S. states and cities an “appropriate” way to handle illegal immigration, while just 35 percent called it “inappropriate,” with roughly one-quarter of Hispanic voters undecided.However, 40 percent called the move an ineffective method to reform the country’s immigration system, with a similar number describing the move as “immoral” on a topic that polling shows has divide the U.S. electorate. Overall, 40 percent of voters called the move to send migrants to liberal states “moral,” while 39 percent called it “immoral.”

It’s funny because even Morning Consult and Politico tried to twist the results negatively, probably because the margin is small.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Democrats, DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, Florida, Immigration, Republicans, Ron DeSantis