Biden Admin Sending Troops From 25 States to the Southern Border, But Not To Stop Migrant Crossings

Weird how this news isn’t splattered across the media.

The Washington Examiner reported that President Joe Biden’s administration would send troops from 25 states and other territories to the border.

The states and territory: Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Texas.

Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and the Virgin Islands “have sent in pilots and aircraft.”

The troops already at the border will remain in place:

The decision by Washington to continue troop deployments, even at lower levels than during the Trump administration, indicates the White House is aware of the crisis at hand. Still, a show of force at the border with 2,500 troops is unlikely to satisfy Republicans who believe President Joe Biden is himself the cause of the surge.Troops deployed over the past several weeks will remain in the four southern border states for 400 days, returning home around Thanksgiving next year. On the border, they will see firsthand what federal agents have experienced — more illegal immigrants arrested in Biden’s first 20 months in office than in former President Barack Obama’s entire two terms.

Only Congress can give the troops permission to enforce domestic laws via the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878:

The Department of Defense has developed directives to provide types of direct and indirect assistance to civilian law enforcement agencies. Currently, the military collects information and uses military equipment in tracking violators of the drug laws. Demands for greater military involvement in the war on drugs are being made. Military cooperation with civil law enforcement agencies can be expected to increase.

The National Guard usually does not have to follow that law. They have to in this situation since “they are deployed under Title 10 active-duty orders.”

The border is a catastrophe. A Fox News article revealed a record number of migrants have died while crossing the border during the fiscal year 2022:

The total number of migrant deaths at the U.S. southern border fiscal year 2022 total 856 – the highest and deadliest ever on record.CBP data also shows that there have already been 25 migrant deaths recorded in fiscal year 2023 thus far. Fiscal year 2023 began on Oct. 1.

Tags: Biden Administration, Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, Military