YouTube Removes Viral Video Of Incoming Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni “For Violating Terms Of Service”

See Update at bottom of post, YouTube restored the video, says it was removed in error.

Giorgia Meloni is the incoming Prime Minister of Italy after her center-right coalition won the recent elections. While some people in the U.S. were familiar with her prior to it becoming apparent her coalition would win, by far the bulk of the Americans expressing opinions about her, particularly from the left, really didn’t know anything about her.

As they always do to anyone deemed even an inch to the right, the media has labeled her “fascist” and focuses on the “roots” of her political party in Mussolini’s fascism last century.

Can we talk about the “roots” of the Democratic Party in slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow?

This media caricature is disputed by people who know her, including a political rival:

David Harsanyi has a rundown of her positions which focus on populist concerns over the demise of Italian society, and cautions:

… anyone familiar with the left’s perfunctory use of “ultra-conservative,” “far-right,” “hard-right,” or “semi-fascist” to describe those who take positions to the right of the Democratic Party’s latest platform, should be skeptical.

Dan McLaughlin does a similar rundown, and notes:

For her part, Meloni said recently that Italy had “handed fascism over to history for decades now” and “unambiguously condemns the suppression of democracy and the ignominious anti-Jewish laws” of the 1940s, and she told the international media that her party, Brothers of Italy, now resembles more “the British Tories, the US Republicans and the Israeli Likud.”

John Gabriel adds:

The left hates her because they reflexively denigrate family, faith, and patriotism. All of these are bulwarks against government power, transnational finance, and the NGO-driven international monoculture. That just won’t do. There is no world but one and Klaus Schwab is its prophet.

I see people now doing oppo-research on her, digging back into decades’ old tweets and speeches trying to find snippets to use against her. We have seen that movie before.

What I know about her is this speech that went ultra-viral. It’s from 2019, and it lit up the internet in the past day:

The full speech linked by most people was available when I started typing this post:

but as of this moment it has been removed by YouTube for violating terms of service:


It’s still up in another location, but probably not for long:

(It’s available on Rumble. You also can click here if it disappears).

Censoring the incoming Prime Minister of Italy because you don’t like her positions even though the people of Italy did?

The whole point of her speech was that being pro-family, pro-Christian, and pro-country instills in the political class and media a visceral fear. Seems that, at least for now, YouTube has proven her correct.

UPDATE 9-28-2022 10 P.M. Eastern

The Video has been restored by YouTube, which says it was removed in error. Via Reason:

After Reason asked YouTube to explain why it took down the video, the social media site reversed course and restored it.”Upon careful review, we determined this video is not violative of our Community Guidelines and have reinstated it,” says Ivy Choi, a spokesperson for YouTube. “We enforce our policies regardless of the speaker’s political views and when it’s brought to our attention that a video has been mistakenly removed, we review the content and take appropriate action, including restoring the relevant videos or channels—as we have done with this video.”It’s not clear why the video was flagged in the first place. It’s a recording of a speech made by Meloni at the 2019 World Congress of Families. In her remarks, she pushes back on the idea that her views are fringe or aligned with fascism.


Tags: Big Tech, Cancel Culture, Giorgia Meloni, Italy, Social Media