The Martha’s Vineyard Story Made the Left Look Bad, and the Hits Keep on Coming

Yesterday, I noted how the Martha’s Vineyard incident brought out a lot of moral superiority on the left. What they don’t seem to get is that the optics of this entire affair have made them look bad. Really bad.

There are so many examples, but here are a few big ones.

The very people who claim to support sanctuary policies didn’t last more than 24 hours before having a mere 50 migrants removed.

A supposed advocate for the homeless on Martha’s Vineyard was one of the first people to say that the migrants had to be moved somewhere else.

FOX News reported:

Martha’s Vineyard homeless advocate says migrants there will eventually have to move ‘somewhere else’A homeless coordinator in Martha’s Vineyard, the latest destination where migrants are being sent by Republican governors in an effort to bring attention to the southern border, said that the island doesn’t have the resources to help them long-term and that they will eventually have to move ‘somewhere else.”Lisa Belcastro was speaking to reporters Thursday about the community response to the newly arrived migrants.”We don’t have the services to take care of 50 immigrants, and we certainly don’t have housing,” she said. “We can’t house everyone here that lives here and works here.”

Here’s the video:

They don’t have the resources? This is one of the wealthiest communities in the country.

It’s like they couldn’t wait to get rid of them.

NBC News tweeted and then deleted a comparison of the migrants and taking out the trash.

Yes, really.

Someone started a GoFundMe and raised over 40K. Is there not enough private wealth on Martha’s Vineyard?

The White House can no longer claim the border is secure.

Remember when the idea of bringing in the national guard was racist? Not anymore.

Here’s another great sign from the island.

If you’re still wondering why this brought out so much anger from the left, this is it.

Their bluff was called. Big time.

Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Liberals, Massachusetts, Ron DeSantis