School District Settles With Coach Who Lost His Job After Objecting to Critical Race Training

In 2021, a popular high school football coach in Dedham, Massachusetts lost his job after objecting to Critical Race Theory being taught in his daughter’s seventh-grade class.

Judicial Watch sued the school district on his behalf.

Now they have reached a settlement.

From Judicial Watch:

School District Settles with Coach Fired for Objecting to Critical Race TheoryDavid Flynn has been a devotee of Dedham Massachusetts High School his whole life. As a student, he led the football team to a championship, then became the assistant football coach for four years, and eventually took the role of head coach in 2011.However, he was abruptly fired in 2021 after exercising his right as a parent-citizen to raise concerns about critical race theory and Black Lives Matter propaganda in his daughter’s seventh-grade history class.We took his case, and we’re pleased to announce that he settled his civil rights lawsuit against his former employers at Dedham Public Schools.“The past two years have been difficult for me and my family. I thank my family, friends, and everyone else who reached out for their continued support,” said Coach Flynn. “With Judicial Watch’s help, I can move on from this challenging situation knowing that by raising my concerns through the appropriate channels I made a difference for the students and families of Dedham Public Schools. I hope other parents can learn from this and not back down from fighting for what is best for their families.”As part of the settlement, the Superintendent of Dedham Public Schools, Michael Welch, acknowledged “the important and valid issues” raised by Flynn and specific changes in school policies because of Flynn’s complaint, including banning teachers from promoting Black Lives Matter to students online.

Here’s part of a letter the school superintendent sent to Coach Flynn:

I regret that these initial justifiable concerns ultimately led to where we are today. As you have indicated, I appreciate your recognition of the opportunity to have improved the trajectory of this sequence. With this settlement, I hope we are able to put any divisions behind us and begin the important work of healing through better conversations and listening.I recognize the school district’s opportunity to improve based upon the issues you have identified, and I thank you for raising them. As educators, I believe we can always learn from our experiences. Thank you for your many years of dedicated commitment to the development of student-athletes in Dedham.

Jim Lyons, chairman of the Massachusetts Republican Party, released a statement supporting Flynn.

From the MassGOP:

MassGOP Chairman Jim Lyons on Dedham Public Schools’ settlement with fired football coach David Flynn: “It shouldn’t have taken a federal lawsuit for school officials to realize how wrong they were.”Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman Jim Lyons praised the Washington D.C.-based legal organization Judicial Watch after the group announced that a popular Dedham High School football coach dismissed by administrators in January 2021 after questioning his then-seventh grade daughter’s class curriculum reached a settlement with the district.Part of the settlement specifically requires that Dedham teachers cannot indoctrinate students with radical Black Lives Matter online material.Coach David Flynn lost his job after voicing concerns about his daughter’s education. Lyons reserved special praise for Flynn for his refusal to stand down.“No parent should ever have to fear the type of retaliation Coach Flynn lived through for simply questioning the curriculum being taught in his child’s classroom,” Lyons said after the settlement was announced. “This outcome proves Coach Flynn was absolutely within his rights to get involved, and thanks to his bravery and willingness to speak up, it should finally be clear for all to see that parental concerns with respect to radical indoctrination should be taken seriously.”“Coach Flynn set an example for all parents and all like-minded individuals that you can in fact stand up to the woke mob and put a stop to this nonsense.”

Former FOX News host Megyn Kelly once said the way to battle this ideology is in the courts.

So far, she has been right.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education, Massachusetts