‘Remove the Pregnancy Tissue’: California has a Taxpayer-Funded Website Detailing Abortion Services and Resources

California Gov. Gavin Newsom bragged about a new website from the government promoting the state’s abortion services and resources.

Bragging about using taxpayer money for a website to promote the murder of unborn human beings. Classy. Spending millions on a website because California has no other problems, right?

The state budget includes over “$200 million in additional funding for” abortions, including $1 million for the website.

Will California put this much effort into women who want to keep their baby or put the baby up for adoption? Or is it all about helping women kill their unborn babies?

Thank you, Gov. Newsom, for proving you are pro-abortion, not pro-choice.

Abortion.ca.gov informs you that children “have the right to independently consent to their own abortion care.”

Yes, California will allow anyone under 18 from the state or any other state to get an abortion. A 10-year-old can walk into a clinic and get an abortion. No questions asked.

I wonder if a nurse at a school can give a child a Tylenol without a parent or guardian’s permission. Probably not.

Abortion.ca.gov lists all 166 abortion clinics in California. You can view the whole list or search in a specific city.

Officials warn you of those awful Crisis Pregnancy Centers, too:

Someone, please inform the officials that a lot of those clinics offer information about abortions along with adoption and keeping the baby.

The website also tells you what types of abortions you have. The disregard for human life makes me so sick to my stomach.

“Aspiration” abortion up 16 weeks: “Your provider uses gentle suction and sometimes a small medical tool to remove the pregnancy tissue from your uterus. The procedure usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes.”

Pregnancy tissue? You mean baby. They suck and dig out your BABY. Women can feel their baby move between 14-16 weeks.

Dilation and evacuation (usually after 16 weeks): “Your provider will dilate your cervix and use small medical tools to remove the pregnancy tissue from your uterus. The procedure usually takes 10 to 20 minutes.”

To remove the BABY.

I forgot that they call his wife “First Partner.” Leslie, I don’t know how you survive in this state:

“Abortion is legal, safe and accessible here in California – whether or not you live here, know that we have your back. As Republican states continue rolling back fundamental civil rights and even try to prevent people from accessing information online or crossing state lines for care, you’re welcome here in California and we’ll continue to fight like hell for you,” said Governor Newsom.Abortion.ca.gov is available in Spanish and will be translated into several additional languages. The website includes an interactive Find a Provider tool for users to search for health care providers throughout California, as well as information if you live outside of California about the legal right to an abortion in California and traveling here to get services.“In California we’ve made it clear that we trust women and respect every woman’s right to make decisions about their reproductive health and future,” said First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom. “We know that when those rights are taken, it can have grave consequences on women’s health, safety, economic security, and ability to live and thrive. So as other states seek to limit and fully strip their residents of these basic rights, we’re taking real steps to make it easier for those here – and out of state – to access care.”

Disgusting. Appalling. It’s like putting a sign outside announcing you’re a gun-free zone.

A resource for the Epsteins of the world to get abortions for their victims, especially since a parent or guardian doesn’t need to consent to their child getting an abortion.

Again, so much for being pro-choice. It’s all about hyping and promoting abortion.

Tags: Abortion, California, Gavin Newsom