Progressives Angry About DeSantis Sending Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard are Suddenly Experts on Jesus and Religion

One of the most amazing aspects of the story of Ron DeSantis sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard is the left’s sudden embrace of religion.

Over the last 48 hours, countless progressives and never-Trumpers have discovered Christianity in their outrage over this.

Here are a few examples:

These are the same people who regulary mock people of faith for believing in a ‘sky God’ when it suits them politically.

Conservative talk host Jesse Kelly has often said that people on the right must stop allowing the left to use their own values against them. It’s summed up in this meme:

Kelly mentions it here.

Tucker Carlson had a good time with this story last night. Watch:

Progressives are outraged about this because in sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, DeSantis has called their bluff. Their rush to religion in their anger is telling.

Tags: Biden Immigration, Massachusetts, Religion, Ron DeSantis