On the 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 attack, my memory goes back to this video. It’s not the images, it’s the sound.
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On the 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 attack, my memory goes back to this video. It’s not the images, it’s the sound.

On the 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 attack, my memory goes back to this video. It’s not the images, it’s the sound.

“… the sound of the PASS (Personal Alert Safety System) alarms worn by firemen, which continued chirping after the buildings collapsed, each one representing a life lost.  I never have been able to erase that sound from my memory.”


On the 21st Anniversary of the 9/11 attack, my memory goes back to this video. It’s not the images, it’s the sound. I never have been able to erase that sound from my memory:

… the sound of the PASS (Personal Alert Safety System) alarms worn by firemen, which continued chirping after the buildings collapsed, each one representing a life lost.  I never have been able to erase that sound from my memory.

And to the stories we have told of those who fell that day:

IDF Veteran Danny Lewin, the first person killed on 9/11/2001

FDNY Squad 1 Memorial, Park Slope, Brooklyn


9/11 – Remembering Firefighter Danny Suhr, killed by a falling body


9/11: Remembering Thomas and Peter Langone, Roslyn, NY


9/11 – Melissa Harrington Hughes


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to the full extent allowed by law.


And soon after, the Bush administration “temporarily” seized our civil rights by passing the Patriot Act. Yep. As united as we were at that time, we allowed that to happen. And now here we are.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Pasadena Phil. | September 11, 2022 at 10:35 am

    That just shows it’s not just Democrats out to destroy freedom.

    henrybowman in reply to Pasadena Phil. | September 11, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    I clearly remember sitting in the audience of a panel discussion at which one of the panel members was Vin Suprynowicz, then opinion editor of the Las Vegas Sun, and probably the closest thing to a reincarnation of H. L. Mencken that we have today. He was constitutionally the most paranoid person in the room about giving our government extraordinary powers to address the emergency, but even he, at the time, admitted there might be no better alternative.

    It’s hard to understand how suavely swampies can exploit social pressure and “the madness of crowds,” but to realize they managed to shake the worldview of die-hard individualists like Suprynowicz, however temporarily, makes my bowels quake.

remember that video and that sound–chilling indeed

the one etched in my memory was filmed inside one of the towers, in the main lobby,
as the bodies of those who had jumped impacted the ceiling, the firefighters gathering to ascend to the upper floors–their faces, their quiet determination–bravery and courage in the flesh, in real time–lord

time will never diminish the efforts and sacrifices made by all those first-responders

may they rest in peace and honor

    Well said

    My BIL was running late that morning on his way to work on the 37th floor of Tower One

    Everybody in his office were able to get out safely, but from those he knew and talked to, they said they’d never be able to forget the faces of those firemen going up the stairs as they were coming down

my memories, its just a quick overview

I had just gone on my 2 days off and was buying wood to build stuff when I heard on radio 2 planes of my parent company “did some stuff” (I worked for AMR Eagle parent AA) I called in to see if I would be needed for anything. nothing I could do. shit changed pretty fast from then on though especially with hangar security. and anytime ANYTHING happened with an AC shit got looked at real close.
damn the parts and records stuff alone for sanitized (secure) cockpits got to be a real bitch really fast.
and it all could have been prevented by locking cockpit doors and not playing lawyer games on the day this all happened.

yup couple of passengers would have died before all 4 AC grounded but….no TSA created no loss of many lives in buildings.
course if you stated that as airline employee after that you got shit upon.

edit: oh yeah, for first few moments it was a cessna that hit WTC building….that changed REALLY fast

    dmacleo in reply to dmacleo. | September 11, 2022 at 10:48 am

    oh yeah, after this VA would not give me waiver to rejoin army. prob just as well
    my disabilities would have gotten my team killed

    henrybowman in reply to dmacleo. | September 11, 2022 at 4:52 pm

    “no TSA created no loss of many lives in buildings.”
    Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.
    Individual airlines ran their own security checkpoints at that time.
    All TSA did was give uniforms and federal paychecks to the same gang of incompetents.
    It’s still almost as easy to get through TSA with bad stuff as it is to walk over the border.

Biden and Harris used today’s commemoration of the murdered civilians by foreign nationals to warn of threats to democracy from inside our country. Yep, they want us to forget about muslim extremists and go after our own citizens who believe America is a republic instead of a one party democracy.

I can just feel the hate.

    Oracle in reply to Oracle. | September 11, 2022 at 11:40 am

    Hillary also hit the theme of the need for political unity and the change of perceived threats to our country. “We have also, I think, been reminded about how important it is to try to deal with extremism of any kind, especially when it uses violence to try to achieve political and ideological goals,”

The attackes have taught us about Islam, but the message was twisted to be about us Americans.by Leftists and Islamists

    End PC in reply to Skip. | September 11, 2022 at 12:38 pm

    Right. The lesson to learn from 9/11 is that Islam can inspire such attacks on us as it did then, as is evident from Bin Laden’s letters to the US. Indeed his Qur’an’s verse 9:111 practically gave the date:
    “Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties, for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed.” – Q 9:111

    Don’t expect Islam protecting democrats to talk about it but accuse you of Islamophobia if you do.

My reaction at the time was it’s time to go bomb somebody.

Please remember Christine Lee Hanson. She was the youngest victim.
Every year I think of her,, and her family. It is personal.

And now comes the news today, of all days, that the Biden Crime Family is considering plea deals for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and three others that will take the death penalty (!) off the table. I didn’t know it ever was ON the table, 21 years later.

    End PC in reply to txvet2. | September 14, 2022 at 11:12 am

    Could have dealt with these terrorists with just finality long ago but for our very liberal SCOTUS back then. Several enemy combatants filed petitions—writs of habeas corpus—with federal courts challenging the executive branch’s authority to detain them. These challenges made their way to the Supreme Court. In 2004, two such cases were decided: Rasul v. Bush12 and Hamdi v. Rumsfeld.

Watch, and learn, and do like the ones who responded on 9/11. Be skilled, and prepared. Try to live up to their example if it becomes your turn.

This is what I learned on 9/11/2001.

The one thing I vividly remember was driving into the parking garage at my place of work, and hearing NPR declaim that a plane hit the WTC. At first, I thought it was a small plane.

When I entered the office, only then I found out how wrong I was. Everybody was milling around, talking about it. We had a conference room overlooking Lake Pontchartrain and the TV was on, with live coverage and cutaways to the scene where President Bush was notified of what had happened.

The phones were logjammed, no one had a any real success in contacting others. I started to get concerned because one of my friends had a boyfriend who was a United pilot who had flown into the northeast that day, and she couldn’t reach him and was hysterical.

The one sight I will never forget was while the cameras were trained on the WTC, the second plane hit the other tower. My stomach bottomed out and I felt extremely sick. I turned numb.

They ended letting us go home before noon and closed the firm. I drove home and ended up painting WH40K miniatures, because I didn’t know what to do with myself. I never turned on the TV.

Eventually, I felt the need to be with other people, and went to the game store where I regularly hung out. And that’s where, thankfully, I don’t remember anything else. The only thing I do remember was my friend calling me saying he was in Boston and fine. She also told me it was the plane he flew into Boston was the plane that struck the second Tower.

They ended getting married not long after that.