Joe Biden’s Philadelphia Speech Was Horrible and the Optics Were Even Worse

Joe Biden’s speech in Philadelphia on Thursday night was un-American and a disgrace to the office of the president.

The substance of the speech was divisive and hateful to American citizens. The optics of the event were even worse.

Professor Jacobson wrote an excellent response last night, but I want to include a few more reactions.

Charles Creitz writes at FOX News:

Biden slammed for ‘rancid’ Philadelphia speech attacking Americans while flanked by U.S. MarinesPresident Biden used the pretext of an official presidential address to deliver an “angry and rancid” campaign-style speech indicting the 73 million people who voted for Donald Trump as enemies of American democracy, Washington Times columnist Charlie Hurt told Fox News on Thursday.Biden declared – with U.S. Marines stationed behind him against a dark red-backlit Independence Hall – that American citizens who support Trump “do not respect the Constitution” and may support violence to achieve political ends.Hurt said he had never seen a president take aim at about half the American people in what was billed as a presidential address, and therefore the official position of the executive branch of the United States government.”I’ve never seen such an angry, rancid speech in which a president attacks the voters that he supposedly works for,” he said.

Here’s more from the Daily Wire:

Biden Slammed Across Political Spectrum For Optics Of Divisive Speech: ‘Satanic Ghoul’Democrat President Joe Biden faced backlash over the speech that he delivered Thursday evening for its dark and divisive tone, as well as its optics.Biden repeatedly demonized millions of Americans for their political views, calling them “extremists” who present a threat to the U.S., while simultaneously claiming that he wanted to unite the country.“The whiplash between Biden’s characterization of his political opponents and his calls for ‘unity’ aren’t hypocrisy,” political commentator Inez Stepman said. “He’s communicating that we – those who [dis]agree with his party – are outside the body politic and the bonds of citizenship. A scary speech for a scary time.”

The optics were horrific. It’s not an exaggeration to say that Biden looked like a fascist dictator. That’s what a lot of people saw:

Of course, the bootlickers of the liberal media just loved it.

The speech was a disgrace and the presentation was an insult. I don’t know how anyone who voted for Biden could not feel embarrassed by this.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Biden Speech, Democrats, Joe Biden, Trump Derangement Syndrome