‘It’s Not a Bluff’: Putin Threatens the West With Nuclear Weapons, Announces Partial Mobilization in Ukraine

Russian “President” Vladimir Putin threatened the west in his latest speech as Russia suffers setbacks in an attempt to take over Ukraine.

I cannot stress this enough: Russian-backed separatists (and Russia because common sense) have occupied the Donbas region since 2014. This is NOT new. Please remember that when other news organizations say Russia has only occupied the region since February.

Putin spouted his condemnation against the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine (President Volodymyr Zelenski is Jewish) and conspiracy theories that the west wants to break apart Russia:

The purpose of this West is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country. They are already directly saying that in 1991 they were able to split the Soviet Union, and now the time has come for Russia itself, that it should break up into many mortally hostile regions and regions.And they’ve had plans like this for a long time. They encouraged gangs of international terrorists in the Caucasus, promoted the offensive infrastructure of NATO close to our borders. They made total Russophobia their weapon, including for decades they deliberately nurtured hatred for Russia, primarily in Ukraine, for which they were preparing the fate of an anti-Russian foothold, and the Ukrainian people themselves were turned into cannon fodder and pushed to war with our country, unleashing it – this war – back in 2014, using armed forces against the civilian population, organizing genocide, blockade, terror against people who refused to recognize the power that arose in Ukraine as a result of a coup.

Putin also came as close as he could to declaring his use of nuclear weapons without being blunt:

To those who allow themselves to make such statements about Russia, I would like to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction, and for some components – even more modern than those of the NATO countries. And when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will certainly use all the means at our disposal to protect Russia and our people. It’s not a bluff.The citizens of Russia can be sure that the territorial integrity of our Motherland, our independence and freedom will be ensured – I emphasize this again – with all the means at our disposal. And those who are trying to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the wind rose can also turn in their direction.

Putin also announced a decree on partial mobilization, which will begin today. He called up an unknown amount of reservists “to protect our Motherland.” Here are a few points from the decree:

4. Contracts for military service entered into by military personnel continue to be valid until the end of the period of partial mobilization, with the exception of cases of dismissal of military personnel from military service on the grounds established by this Decree.5. Establish during the period of partial mobilization the following grounds for the dismissal from military service of servicemen undergoing military service under a contract, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service for mobilization in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:a) by age — upon reaching the age limit for military service;b) for health reasons — in connection with their recognition by the military medical commission as unfit for military service, with the exception of military personnel who have expressed a desire to continue military service in military positions that can be fulfilled by the specified military personnel;c) in connection with the entry into force of a court verdict on the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment.

Vijeta Uniyal blogged that Ukrainian soldiers broke through a “Russian front line along the Oskil River in the eastern Kharkiv region.” Putin is panicking and will stop at nothing to get his way.

Tags: Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin