Hulu Cuts Maternity and Paternity Leave as Parent Company Disney Pays for Abortion Travel Costs

How did I miss this? I need to update my Google alerts.

We saw many companies decide to pay for abortions and travel costs after SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade and states put restrictions on abortion.

I remember telling friends it’s cheaper than paying for pregnancy, labor, and maternity costs.

It’s funny. The Wall Street Journal first reported the news, and yet I see nothing about abortion in the article. It’s all about inflation, recession, and going back to the times before COVID:

Devon Richey, a Texas-based viewer-experience agent with Hulu, the streaming service owned by Walt Disney Co., said parental leave has been on his mind as he and his wife weigh the costs of having a child. Hulu recently trimmed its fully paid parental-leave policy to eight weeks, down from 20. Depending on an employee’s individual circumstances, including the state in which they live and their eligibility for short-term disability benefits, workers can still get up to 24 weeks of leave to care for the arrival of a child in a 12-month period, according to company policy.With less paid paternity leave offered now, Mr. Richey said the couple would need to begin paying for full-time child care sooner.“If my job is cutting back on my parental leave, how am I going to afford child care if I don’t get paid more?” he said.

Weird. It’s been over two years since COVID, and we’ve been in a crap economy since Biden took office.

I don’t believe in coincidences. It is not a coincidence the cuts in maternity and paternity leave started right after Roe v. Wade went bye-bye.

Jezebel framed its story around the evil SCOTUS because this would not have happened if the court had abided by the Church of Abortion. It allowed states to pass forced birthing laws! So evil.

I don’t think Jezebel realizes it strengthened the argument to not pay for abortions and travel costs.

I’m trying to determine if this trend started before the June ruling. I see “2022” in the articles but no start date.

Again, I don’t believe in coincidences. Amazon is offering $4,000 in abortion and travel costs. Netflix will give $10,000.

It’s possible and realistic to believe inflation and the recession has something to do with it.

But it’s idiotic to think companies offering to pay for abortions and travel costs have nothing to do with the cut in maternity and paternity leave.

Tags: Abortion, Disney, Economy, US Supreme Court