Gavin Newsom Blames Trump for People Leaving California

While speaking at a recent event, California Governor Gavin Newsom blamed the historic number of people leaving his state on Trump’s visa policies.

California has been steadily losing its population for two years.

It might have something to do with California’s high taxes, high crime, restrictive COVID policies, out-of-control homelessness, and other issues.

It’s hard to believe even hardcore Democrats would buy this line from Newsom.

FOX News reports:

Gavin Newsom says people left California because of Trump’s visa policiesCalifornia Gov. Gavin Newsom recently blamed a mass exodus of people leaving the Golden State on former President Trump’s visa policies.The comments came during a talk Newsom gave earlier this month at the Code 2022 conference, videos of which were posted on YouTube Friday.The Democratic governor touted California’s achievements, which included outperforming other states in terms of GDP growth and a more than $100 billion-dollar operating surplus.Host Preet Barara then asked the governor how he reconciled those statistics with the fact that thousands of people have left California in recent years.Newsom conceded that the state had lost around 182,000 people in 2020. He said many factors contributed to this trend, but the number one was former President Trump’s visa policies.”Our formula for success is getting first-round draft choices from around the world. I mean, we’re as dumb as we want to be,” Newsom said. “This whole border debate is made up.”

The border debate is made up? Really? Here’s the clip:

So why are people leaving California? Just two days ago, E.J. Antoni of the Washington Times opined:

Why are so many residents fleeing California?Why is everyone leaving? In short, California’s misguided leadership has turned the state’s finances into a complete basket case.Because California’s lockdowns during the pandemic were so strict and lasted so long, its economy went into a tailspin and then only grew anemically compared to the national average. Unemployment and subsequent unemployment claims were abnormally high, and the state did not have the funds to pay unemployment benefits. The result is that the state owes the Treasury’s unemployment trust find almost $18 billion, which will have to be financed by increasing taxes on state businesses.The Golden State is already home to some of the highest tax rates in the country. The top marginal income tax rate is 13.3% and the state sales tax rate is 7.25%, both the highest in the nation. It has the fifth highest overall state and local tax burden in America…Compounding the burden on residents, California’s elected officials have relentlessly pushed the state towards unreliable and expensive “green” energy, leaving Californians with the sixth highest cost of electricity in the country, about 80% higher than the national average. So, after being taxed to death, residents are faced with a higher cost of living. No wonder people are leaving California at a record rate.

Is there anything Democrats won’t try to blame on Trump?

Featured image via Twitter video.

Tags: California, Democrats, Gavin Newsom, Trump Derangement Syndrome