Feds Seized Dozens Of Trump’s “Clothing/Gift Items,” Books, and Hundreds Of Magazine Clippings In Mar-a-Lago Raid, Per Updated Inventory
It does not appear the feds are willing to return these items. The Court or a Special Master should order them returned.

The search warrant in the Mar-a-Lago Raid was so overly broad that it allowed the feds to rummage through vast areas of the complex and to seize almost anything in sight.
That reading of the warrant is confirmed now that the Judge has unsealed the Investigative Team Status Review And Detailed Inventory that the Court had required under its prior Preliminary Order.
The investigative team status report as of August 30, reflects, among other things:
As of the date of this filing, the investigative team has completed a preliminary review of the materials seized pursuant to the search warrant executed on August 8, 2022, with the exception of any potentially attorney-client privileged materials that, pursuant to the filter protocols set forth in the search warrant affidavit, have not been provided to the investigative team. The documents bearing classification markings that were seized during the execution of the search warrant have been segregated from the remainder of the seized materials and are being separately stored in accordance with the appropriate procedures governing the security of classified material….
That said, the government can confirm for the Court that the investigative team has already examined every item seized (other than materials that remain subject to the filter protocols), even as its investigation and further review continues….
In other words, the feds reviewed everything seized, with potentially privileged documents reviewed by a Privilege Review Team.
Attached to the report was the detailed inventory required to be filed per court order. It’s not very detailed, it doesn’t tell us what any of it was about. For example, were the classified document pertaining the Crossfire Hurricane, the feds investigation of the Trump campaign, which Trump previously declassified just before leaving office.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:
Section 1. Declassification and Release. At my request, on December 30, 2020, the Department of Justice provided the White House with a binder of materials related to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Portions of the documents in the binder have remained classified and have not been released to the Congress or the public. I requested the documents so that a declassification review could be performed and so I could determine to what extent materials in the binder should be released in unclassified form.
I determined that the materials in that binder should be declassified to the maximum extent possible. In response, and as part of the iterative process of the declassification review, under a cover letter dated January 17, 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation noted its continuing objection to any further declassification of the materials in the binder and also, on the basis of a review that included Intelligence Community equities, identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure. I have determined to accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI in that January 17 submission.
I hereby declassify the remaining materials in the binder. This is my final determination under the declassification review and I have directed the Attorney General to implement the redactions proposed in the FBI’s January 17 submission and return to the White House an appropriately redacted copy….
Here are some of the non-classified items seized as described on the inventory sheet [repeat descriptions mean multiple such items were located in different boxes]:
• US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings [numerous similar entries throughout the inventory]
• 99 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between O 1/2017-
• Documents from Office
• Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2020-
• 68 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2015-
• 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Item
• 1 Book
• 91 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2019-
• 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Item
• 30 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 10/2008-
• 3 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items
• 1 Book
• 116 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 06/2019-
• 39 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between 01/2017-
• 62 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
09/2018 -08/2019
• 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
• 65 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
• 2 Books
• 76 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
• 67 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
7/2016 – 3/2017
• 5 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items
• 4 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
01/2018- 12/2019
• 1 Book
• 53 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
05/2016 – 01/2020
• 5 Articles of Clothing/Gift Items
• 121 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
• 2 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated 11/2020
• 109 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
06/2020 – 10/2020
• 67 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media’dated between
11/2016- 06/2018
• 1 Book
• 1 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated circa 2018
• 76 MagazinesMewspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
10/2016- 11/2017
• 8 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
12/2017 – 3/2020
• 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
• 1 Book
• 1 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
07/2016 – 9/2020
• 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
• 23 Books
• 2 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
2/2017 – 3/2017
• 1 Article of Clothing/Gift Items
• 1 Book
• 86 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
10/1995 – 05/2019
• 29 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
05/2020 – 09/2020
• 111 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
06/2015 – 04/2019
• 94 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
02/2008 – 04/2020
• 1 Book
• 88 US Government Documents/Photographs without Classification Markings
• 83 Magazines/Newspapers/Press Articles and Other Printed Media dated between
02/2017 – 02/2018
• 1 Book
Based on this and prior filings, it does not appear the feds are willing to return these items. The Court or a Special Master should order them returned.
We will have a new post when the Judge rules on the motion to appoint a special master.

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Bill Barr just approved of the feds in such an obnoxious way.
That’s because he’s one of them.
Barr is a Bushite. No one should be surprised and he is wrong on several matters on top of that. The Archivist negotiated with Nixon over documents for years. And the PRA has no enforcement clause.
When Bill Barr realized that he would have to take apart the FBI and go up against the “intelligence community” he couldn’t bear the prospects. He got back in touch with his Inner Bushie and started working against Trump.
he also approved Lon Horuichi’s committing murder
Those must have been the contents of the 14 (or 26 or 478) boxes of items that President Trump refused to turn over to the National Archives a few month ago.
This reminds me of the photos police release after a gun buyback operation where the place everything they bought on a display to make it look like they took a lot of dangerous looking weapons away from the public. Of course among the weapons in the picture will include airsoft guns, paintball guns, BB guns and real guns in such bad shape that the only real danger they pose is blowing up in the hand of the shooter when fired. Smoke and mirrors is all it is.
There sure were quite a few clothing articles in that list.
Were the National Archives planning a “Melania Trump commemorative lingerie” collection?
Probably gathering materials for the great FBI drag queen festival.
Best answer of the day so far!
That had been a Babylon Bee headline. Once again such a headline gets moved over to Not the Bee.
The J Edgar Hoover Commemorative Fashion Show.
Oh ho ho hee hee ha ha wah ha ha aaaaaaahhh!
(Burt Reynolds style laugh)
Have they admitted to taking Melania’s underwear yet? Or, are they standing by the story that they just sniffed them and returned them to her dresser?
They were working under an EO issued by the Sniffer-in-Chief.
Yes. But, they wanted used underwear to make it more authentic.
No. Souvenir sales on eBay.
So, basically, they confiscated a bunch of magazines.
Banana banana banana banana republic.
But were they “high capacity” magazines?
Unbelievable. That fact that is is believable, is unbelievable.
So, because the dems have to have the facade of votes from voters, we have a senile man and his puppetmaster wife, as “leaders,” because he doesn’t appear threatening to voters, he can get them.
If I’m going to live in a totalitarian country, just dispense with the damn vote requirement so we can at least have a dictator that isn’t an insipid idiot.
Enough with this already.
Or, as Joseph McCarthy was heard to say, “That’s the most unheard-of thing I ever heard of!”
In my head, I hear that in a definite Brooklyn accent == “hoyd of.”
Who said that? Marx Brothers? Lou Costello? Popeye?
Groucho. Definitely Groucho.
It was said at the coah-nah uv toydy-toyd stweet and toyd eahvenoo.
“Unbelievable. That fact that is is believable, is unbelievable.”
Say we vote in such so overwhelming numbers that the Republicans take both chambers of Congress. They impeach Tapioca Brain. And his handlers just tell Congress to f*** off. He stays.
Austin and Milley who were so, so worried about threats to the Constitution that they apparently never read when Trump was in office all of a sudden go silent.
Then what?
There is no possibility of Republicans getting two thirds of the senate. It’s just not possible under even the biggest conceivable red wave. So if Biden is impeached he is guaranteed an acquittal.
If a president were convicted by the senate and refused to go, it’d be the same as if an outgoing president refused to leave. The military and secret service would stop taking his orders and start taking the new president’s orders. Harris would be in there in five minutes flat.
With China Mitch in charge there is a very valid question of Repubs gaining a majority even with several leading in the polls. As for what happens if Brandon were sent on his way by the 25th, which it is clear to me at least he should, and refused to leave who knows how it would go down? It’s never been tested before but Kamala, who no one like would step in, the question is who is going to listen to her?
To be clear, Brandon is not in charge and Dr. Jill who is the best Dr. since Dr J, Dr Pepper and Dr Saulk would get out of the way is a actually a good question
For any lawyer still thinking that the rule of law and the ultimate integrity of the law is still intact…. that all of this will be successfully adjudicated… it must give pause.
Tell me again what is the difference between the warrant the judge issued and a general warrant prohibited in the constitution? Go ahead. I dare you.
They wouldn’t have to hide the details of the general warrant.
They are totally out of control. No more needs said.
Even with the very vanilla descriptions provided it is obvious that the records seized were outside the scope of the warrant, the warrant was only for documents during the Trump’s term in office, there are documents going back as far as 1995 listed in box #29, there were other boxes with documents dated earlier as well.
My doctor prescribed rose-colored glasses to go with my anxiety medication, so I try to start from the idea there are innocent explanations for these things. I’m often wrong…. There is, however, a possible legitimate reason for seizure of documents dated prior to Pres Trump’s term in office. They could have been provided to the president for historical context or background on issues originating prior to his taking office.
I can imagine the briefing: “Mr. President, we’re seeking authorization to conduct Operation SCALDED CAT to investigate Elvis sightings vicinity Mogadishu, Somalia. This operation follows up on information uncovered through Operation FAT CAT, authorized by Pres Clinton. I’ve attached the 1995 summary of the operation at Appendix A.”
This is fine. I mean, it’s not like they can put me in jail indefinitely for questioning an election result?
How are you boys and girls (note the gender binary) spending your time? I was getting caught up on a little reading. Focusing on Soviet bloc refuseniks.
“The Power of the Powerless (Václav Havel)”
Also recommended reading:
“It Can’t Happen Here (Readers Circle Series) [Large Print]
by Sinclair Lewis”
(I’m sufficiently ancient that I need the large print edition)
Remember boys and girls (and there are only boys and girls) never question elections unless the wrong people win.
Just more information that the entire federal government is corrupt to the core. Lawless.
Garland is probably at the full-length mirror with Melania’s undies as we speak.
Completely outrageous. Unconstitutional 4th Amendment violation. Unbelievable.
Undoubtedly those magazine clippings are a mortal threat to our national security.
I am convinced it’s all a show, see no one can stop the Deep State. Oh they will be charging DJT with some show us the man and we will show you the crime.
What is the deal with the magazines and newspapers? How can it be claimed that there was “sensitive data” in a published periodical?
This is what Sen. Schumer meant when he said: “The intelligence community was very angry at the President, and has six ways from Sunday to get back at him.”
At least there weren’t a lot of women’s magazines with Melania on the cover (one of the few First Ladies worthy of a magazine cover. Instead, we get “fishnet Jill.” Oh, excuse me; Dr. fishnet Jill…
What’s the excuse or rationale for remaining redactions? Sources and methods? Given what they’re willing to proclaim, what’s so heinous they don’t want it out there?
All I can think of is that the redactions name moles, agents provocateur, or active measures still in use in place? Maybe we’d find out who said there were secrets in Melania’s underwear drawer. One wonders how they would have known.
If that’s the best they can do, henceforth any item from this raid shall be known as “some magazine clipping from Melania’s underwear drawer.”
One wonders about the probative value if items so vaguely identified.
In the 1980s I developed an affinity for cocaine, and being a crafty kid I decided to stake out my dealer one night. He left and I got in the house and made a beeline for the place where he hid his stash. It was kept in a Tupperware container under the stairs and when I opened it there was a note in it.
“You Are Dead” is what it read.
I left scared enough to seek help.
Something tells me the Donald has set the mother of all traps.
History book level.
Ok, if I squint just right, I can see a reason for including some books and magazines in the list. If I declassify a report on Operation Sleepy Weasel (Hot Shots!) and I have a Newsweek/Time article on it, and a book, and a couple of memos, they’re all going in the same box so I don’t have to go looking for bits and pieces when reviewing it.
Clothes, however… I’m fairly sure the FBI agents aren’t even his or her size.
“I’m fairly sure the FBI agents aren’t even his or her size.”
I’m thinking Trump stuffed some midget underwear in the drawers, knowing the FIB would eventually raid the place.
Fauci Frillies?
I wonder if it would be possible for the Bureau to understand how disheartening it is for a citizen to learn how devoid of respect and common decency they are towards a former President. Could they possibly comprehend the embarrassment of that citizen to learn that FBI staff not only invaded the home of that President but treated his home and his possessions as concurred territory and property, and to think of themselves as concurring heroes possessing the right to take souvenirs to mark their act of treachery.
It will be my utmost pleasure to one day hear that those responsible for the planning, the execution and the authorizing of this act have been rundown in whatever back-alley den of thieves they may be hiding in, and that they have been arrested and will be prosecuted. Hopefully, as they await trial, they will be incarcerated in the very same cells that have held the 6JAN political prisoners and that the very same judicial system will be so backlogged it may take until the end-of-time for them to stand before a jury of their peers . . . if it is possible to find such lowlifes to form a jury pool.
The big scare is now… “empty folders”… lolz
But they were . . . labeled! /s
If they had not taken all the stuff it sure would not have seemed like much. Maybe just 1 box is revelant.
“Relevance” is relevant.
The use of general warrants are instruments of oppression. Therefore, blanket search warrants are unconstitutional, and all evidence obtained under the blanket warrant must be excluded from the trial of the defendant.
I just checked. I don’t see “passports” on the list. How did they return something they didn’t take?
Snark aside, I’m unclear on discretion in the execution of search warrants. How do you stretch the stuff named in the warrants to cover personal passports? How much reach is over-reach?
Can someone answer whether it is normal to post up the items seized in an investigation like this considering the hubbub over “classified documents”? Looks more like another FBI political hitjob. Unfortunately, most of America has paid attention and seen this before so it’s not working. I’m on the Bongino train in that every FBI Agent that participated in that raid should be fired and the entire agency should be shut down. The rot is everywhere.