Biden “on a war footing” to dehumanize “roughly half the population who voted against him”

Biden Speech Soul of America 3

Joe Biden is still on the warpath against MAGA. First it was dehumanizing MAGA Republicans, in a September 1 speech that was widely panned as “one of the most menacing, bitter, angry and divisive speeches in modern US political history”:

Then Biden walked it back a bit, and said he wasn’t referring to “all” MAGA voters.

Now Biden has modified the message, perhaps in the realization that calling for a civil war was not the best strategy, so now Biden’s social media team is putting out tweets that what Biden is really criticizing is MAGA policies. Using the official presidential account (@Potus) instead of his personal account, Biden tweeted:

“MAGA proposals are a threat to the very soul of this country.”

Ah yes, like energy independence and securing the southern border, such a threat to the soul of Joe Biden’s America.

It would be easy to blame Biden’s Team Obama handlers for this, but I think Jesse Kelly had it right:

A lot has been made about Biden and how he’s a feeble old man and how it’s all his handlers. And a lot of that is true. Do keep this in mind though: Biden is a prick. A nasty, vindictive prick. This is well known in DC. And that speech, that was HIS idea. Little birdie told me.

That the campaign of demonizaton was Joe’s idea and obsession was confirmed in a Politico report. That’s not surprising, he’s a nasty piece of work and has been his entire career, as I previously pointed out:

“Biden has been a corrupt sleaze his entire career, he’s a malicious flame thrower who hides behind the facade of being ‘regular Joe’ and now kind elderly Joes. He’s the worst of our political system.”

I had a chance to pick up on this theme when I appeared on Wake Up America on Newsmax this morning to talk about the Biden strategy, with discussion of the Mar-a-Lago raid towards the end:

Well, I think they have developed a campaign strategy, which is to turn the country upside down. They don’t want to talk about inflation. They don’t want to talk about all the economic problems. They don’t want to talk about the border. What they want to talk about is Donald Trump and bad Republicans. So this is a deliberate campaign strategy. This is not by chance. And so that’s really what you’re seeing play out is the Democrats have decided the way they limit their losses in 2022, or maybe even hold the house or maybe even hold the Senate is to make the campaign about evil Republicans as opposed to the problems of the Biden administration….What we’re seeing come out is the real Joe Biden. Anybody who has followed his career knows that the 2020 portrayal of him by the media as kind grandfatherly Joe Biden is a fabrication. He was deemed the father of Borking, the vicious attacks on judicial nominees dating back many decades ago. His entire career has been one of viciously attacking people.We now know from the Hunter Biden laptop that he sold his office to enrich his family, and his campaign worked with the media to suppress that story. So what we’re seeing is the real Joe Biden, who you saw on that stage the other night is the real Joe Biden. It is not an anomaly. And that’s very dangerous when you have a leader who has a career of attacking people, who embraced segregationists when it was convenient for him politically, who now is attacking people who love the country and support the country as if they are somehow the problem. It’s a really nasty vicious sort of thing he’s doing. And he needs to be called out on it….I think he’s basically on a war footing and you’ve heard other Democrats say that, you’ve heard other TV commenters say that, that he’s on a war footing against roughly half the population who voted against him….

Tags: 2022 Elections, Biden Speech, Media Appearance, Trump Derangement Syndrome