All-Trimester Abortion Clinic Opening in Maryland After Labor Day

Partners in Abortion Care will open in College Park, MD, sometime after Labor Day. The co-owners hope to expand across the country.

The clinic will provide abortions in all trimesters.

The clinic will kill a baby when the baby can survive outside of the womb.

This is beyond disgusting and horrific:

When it opens sometime after Labor Day, Partners in Abortion Care will be one of only a handful of clinics in the United States that offer abortions into the third trimester — in this case, up to 34 weeks’ gestation. A full-term pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks.The clinic expects to treat an influx of patients coming north from states with abortion bans enacted after the Supreme Court decision in June that overturned Roe v. Wade.All-trimester abortion care “is a really politicized topic,” Horvath says, “and it shouldn’t be. Every time we draw a line and we say ‘no more abortions after this point,’ someone’s going to fall on the other side of that line, and they’re going to be harmed.”

Murdering a human being shouldn’t be a politicized topic? And this woman is a doctor.

22 weeks. A baby born at 22 weeks can survive outside of the womb. There have been cases of babies born at 18 or 19 weeks who survived.

Horvath and her business partner Morgan Nuzzo got so happy seeing equipment from a closed Georgia clinic brought into the office building:

As they watch volunteers move the equipment into their office space, Horvath tears up and embraces her business partner, Morgan Nuzzo, a certified nurse-midwife.”Whooh,” Horvath says with a sigh. “I was thinking about how Georgia lost access to abortion, like, this week. And we’re getting this equipment from them. So — it feels very heavy.””We’re going to take good care of the equipment,” adds Nuzzo. “We keep talking about it as ‘rehoming.’ “

The majority of abortions are elective. It has nothing to do with abuse. 1% in one poll I found. One-freaking-percent.

The health of the mother? 3%

Nuzzo said they’re “not monsters” because they’re “trying to help people.”

If you want to help these women, you show them they don’t have to murder their children to have a wonderful life. States and cities across the nation have pregnancy centers, which the left tries to demonize since it conflicts with their abortion religion.

Instead of worshipping abortion, how about we embrace the culture of life? A simple Google search will give you the names of emergency pregnancy centers. As much as the left hates them, many non-religious ones include abortion information.

But most importantly, all of the emergency pregnancy centers provide help and support for women instead of directing them straight to abortion.

Personal story: A close friend of mine had gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. Her kidneys started to fail as her blood pressure hit deadly levels during the last two months. The doctor told her they had to take out the baby for her to survive.

They planned to induce her. But her water broke a few days before the appointment, and she had an emergency C-section due to labor complications.

But I guess none of that matters because she could have just gone to a clinic like this and killed her child. The thought never crossed her mind. In fact, she told the doctor she would only induce if he could guarantee her baby would be okay outside of the womb.

Doctor – You need to get her out of you.
My friend – I don’t care unless my baby will be okay.

Tags: Abortion, Maryland