Tucker Carlson Sounds the Alarm About Republicans Blowing the Midterms

This year’s midterm elections should be blowout wins for the Republicans. Joe Biden is historically unpopular, and nearly everyone is unhappy about the country’s direction.

Could the GOP somehow manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

Tucker Carlson seems to think so, and he makes a very good point.

Here are some excerpts from his opening monologue last night via FOX News:

For all the bad things going on, there are, on the other side, Joe Biden’s approval ratings, which are a nonstop source of joy for us. And if you’ve seen them recently, you know in your heart exactly how the November elections are going to turn out. Biden’s obviously been a disaster for the country, but not only has he made the U.S. poorer, weaker and much more ridiculous, people know that he has, and they tell pollsters about it all the time. Biden is the single least popular president in modern American history…In fact, all the indications we have right now suggest that despite Joe Biden’s well-earned unpopularity, the Democratic Party still, again, as of tonight, has a strong chance of holding Congress in November.The prediction markets, which many believe are more accurate than the polls, overwhelmingly point to the Democrats keeping at least one chamber and maybe strangest of all, as of this week, Democrats are leading Republicans nationally in the so-called generic ballot by about four points. So, if you ask people, “Which party do you like more?” they say Democrats. And maybe that’s why Democrats are raising a lot more money, too and not just money from their patrons in big tech, but from small-dollar donors. That’s bad.In June, Democrats raised $64 million online from 4 million people. That same month, this June, Republicans raised only $26 million online from just over a million donors. From the first quarter to the second quarter of this year, donations to the Republican Party dropped by more than 12%. By contrast, donations to the Democratic Party are up more than 20%. That is not good at all, not simply because you need money to run a political campaign, but because money is, to some extent, a measure of commitment and intensity and you see the same dynamic playing out in individual races across the country.

Republicans are refusing to run on the most important issues, Tucker argued:

So, let’s say again, just for the sake of argument that you ran a campaign on illegal immigration and crime. Now, these are two issues that didn’t just arise out of nowhere. They’re the product of policies the Democratic Party put in. They were intentional outcomes. We have millions of people coming in illegally and we have a lot more murders than we had two years ago. These two issues, immigration and crime, don’t simply annoy voters, though they very much do. These two issues threaten the existence of our society. So, maybe you should run on them….So, if every Republican candidate just repeated, repeat after me, “law enforcement, law and order is not racist. Law and order is a prerequisite for civilization, and if it goes away, so does the country,” you would win the votes not simply of your own voters, but of a lot of other voters and people who have never voted before and any normal Democrat would agree with that because it’s inherently true, but is the opposite of what we have.

One of the problems, according to Tucker, is Mitch McConnell:

What is going on here, and why is no one mentioning it? Well, a couple of things are going on, but first, let’s hear from Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell is the head Republican in the Senate. He’s not there because everyone likes him. McConnell has no close friends. He’s loved by no one, but he’s considered very smart. He’s a master tactician as the dummies who cover politics for Politico and The Washington Post are always telling us. In Washington, people are very much afraid of Mitch McConnell. Cross him and he will hurt you and they listen carefully to his political analysis because that’s what he’s spent his life doing. That’s the only thing he spent his life doing. So, here’s what Mitch McConnell says the problem is. Watch.MITCH MCCONNELL: There’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different. They’re statewide. Candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome.

Here’s the clip:

You can watch Tucker’s full monologue here:

It really does feel like Mitch McConnell would rather be in the minority than have Trump supporting senators give him the majority.

I’m reminded of the famous Donald Rumsfeld quote: “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

Sean Davis of the Federalist gets it:

There is no shortage of strong Republican voices in the Senate. There are people like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, John Barrasso and many others.

If McConnell doesn’t want to be a war time leader, then maybe someone else needs to step forward.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Mitch McConnell, Republicans, Tucker Carlson, US Senate